Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 1, 2023 8:43 pm
Early in the night, just after the soldiers depart up the spur trail…

The group reconvenes to assess their situation.

Xenophon and Gennadius are still recovering from injuries. Damanandros seems to be in better health, though still reduced in mobility.

Xenophon no longer suffers from -1 to Attack throws from yesterday's beetle poison.
Damanandros: Movement Rate(s) 75% to Normal
I've lost track of HPs unless I go back to look up, so injured players report in if desired.
Even with their challenges, the party members know that they must be ready for anything this night, here in Skausen Spen.

The full moon manifests high as a glowing yellowy white, looming large and surrounded by an ethereal vapor. All the stars remain hidden behind a ghost-grey veil of fog that hangs here on the mountains' edge.

Required Action, PC Party: Decide what to do for the night.
May 1, 2023 9:43 pm
"I have doubt that those men last night were as they claimed." Syrena speaks up. "More likely they are bandits than legionnaires. My experience with those under the command of our patron would never appear so unlike the legion."

"A trap is likely what will face us at the tower of Saromen Fro. Our contact is to meet us here at midday if he is yet able."

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 2, 2023 1:57 am
Robago says:

Gundus is conflicted. After the dangers braved on the road, the safety of Saromen Fro beckons eagerly. He longs to embrace it. And he might learn valuable news at the legion camp. But Gennadius and Syrena appear openly reluctant - perhaps even outright suspicious - of the centurion's invitation. After the encounter at the Saromen Gen, he can't blame them. He is unwilling to leave them, especially with the night so charged; he can feel the power of the rising full moon. Inside his pack, the icon of Tuweigh seems to thrum with energy. The stag - the divine messenger - had appeared in the forest, and lead away rather than to the watchtower. Was it an omen? A warning?

He trusts his companions with his life. He would trust their judgment, too, and stand by them.

Gundus holds the small token icon of Tuweigh, who is Turas to the Kryseans, in the palm of his hand as he seeks the wisdom to know what is best to do. This strange moment feels like a heavy weight upon him.

Revealed: previously exclusive Note to Robago...

Gundus feels restless. His soul is stirring, as it has been since he encountered the Great Stag.

It is unclear what exactly to do, but Gundus knows that he cannot do nothing. This moment is not meant to be squandered camping, waiting idle until a possible meeting midday with Eramus tomorrow.

Now a worry sets in. If the suspicion is true, if there is foul play at the tower, then Eramus could be in danger. Or worse.

Today before the setting of the sun, Gundus was called to take risk, to seek honor, to challenge the Night.

He was given powers during this darkness, not forever but now - in this time.

The Full Moon reigns. Whether for ill or good, Gundus is not sure. The light of night is part of the Natural Order, even though it is steeped in mystery and esoteric influence.

The Moon will have its way, but so shall the Stag.

And that Great Champion called Gundus to take action - to evoke a Will to Power, to compete and win.

The future of this night is as obscure as the fog that hides the starry sky above, yet Gundus knows that he must not let the moment pass him by.

The Eternal Dawn will come, and it must be ushered in with glory.

May 2, 2023 4:08 am
Xenophon agrees with Syrena.

"Eramus did say not to trust Legionaries, although that group hardly counts. But, if we avoid the tower, they will surely think we are bandits. If we take a different path, we will need to push hard to stay ahead of them. Do you know of a path we might take to circumvent the tower, Syrena?"
HP is holding steady at 5/10.
May 2, 2023 5:27 am
The soldiers' departure fails to ease Gundus' tension. Instead, the knot in his stomach tightens unbearably. He stalks restlessly about the camp, fists clenched. "You may well be right," he answers Syrena. "I don't know what to make of anything in this strange land. But I have a sense of foreboding. And I am tired of being on the back foot!" he cries.

"Tonight the gods cast their eye closely upon this place. It is not a time to sit idle. They grant power to those in their favour – power to be to used, to act! Witness the proof!"

The icon gleams in the glow of the full moon. Gundus presses it to Xenophon, chanting softly in High Auran. A nimbus of pale silver light emanates from the icon and envelops the Nicean, suffusing him with healing energy.

He then springs upon Gennadius, holding the icon high in one hand and seizing the bard's wounded leg with the other. There is a flash of the same light as Gundus channels the restorative power through himself.

"I will have some answers tonight," he says. "It is those who stand against us that should talk of avoidance! I mean to see Saromen Fro with my own eyes. It may be that we find Eramus there in peril. Who will come with me?"
Gundus is using the icon to cast Cure Light Wounds on Xenophon, and using Lay on Hands on Gennadius for 2hp.


Cure light wounds - Xenophon - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

May 2, 2023 6:29 am
Gennadius is concerned that the soldiers want us to report in at noon, which happens to be at the same time as our boss should be showing up. He is betting that the soldiers will send a scout or two to make sure our group is indeed doing what we say we will and that we are heading toward the fort at the proper time. They might even have observed our boss coming out here every day and are highly suspicious about the activity.
Also, sorry for the trash ooc exposition!

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 2, 2023 12:24 pm
Len says:
Xenophon agrees with Syrena.

"Eramus did say not to trust Legionaries, although that group hardly counts. But, if we avoid the tower, they will surely think we are bandits. If we take a different path, we will need to push hard to stay ahead of them. Do you know of a path we might take to circumvent the tower, Syrena?"
HP is holding steady at 5/10.
Providing some content of what Syrena would know ...
DMJ sent a note to RageRed
May 2, 2023 3:30 pm
Gundus's gifts have proved immeasurably useful so far in this journey, Xenophon reflects. His body is almost healed thanks to his faith and magic, and the strength of his conviction wipes away his doubts. He pledges to join him in his journey to Saromen Fro.
May 2, 2023 7:56 pm
"My experience on this trail does not extend beyond this point." Syrena says to the others. "The Lusetem ends somewhere in this vicinity and no maps of the region beyond have I seen. Circumventing the trail to Saromen Fro would be slow and could bring us to impassible terrain, especially should this attempt be in the dark of night beneath the canopy of the forest."
Last edited May 2, 2023 7:58 pm

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 3, 2023 1:35 am
My general understanding is that the party will move up the spur trail to investigate Tower 4 and fortifications.

Goals to scope it out, not be seen if possible, pull some reconnaissance. Avoid confrontation or detection or interaction until/unless it's unavoidable.

Divert me if I'm off course on that assumption. Or clarify with any details.

A question: would this be the whole group moving up together? Or possibly move up part of the way together, then make a rally point off to the side and let Syrena do the SCOUT job? She moves quietly, better on surprise, slides through bad terrain, can disappear into the forest if necessary. Not trying to assume anything just asking - b/c it seems up her alley, but also there is the risk of being alone.

I had hoped to post game tonight, but cannot. Will have to shift to early morning 2maro.
May 3, 2023 4:30 am
Damanandros is in with the others but is concerned about being a liability.
"I may lag behind if the pace requires swiftness, but I do my best work from the back of the line anyway."

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 3, 2023 10:24 am
The group stalks up the spur trail for a ways. After the initial slight slump into open low ground, the path takes a sharp climb and through old growth hardwoods and conifers.

Syrena is out ahead a short ways on point lead. Damanandros' limitations and the concern for stealth make for a slower pace than normal.

At distance estimate of a one-third mile, Syrena senses something ahead. The group moves to the side of the trail and takes cover.

In a quick investigation a short way's further, Syrena scouts to see that the fort wall is ahead. A little over 300 meters forward, the tall timber palisades stand tall on a flat platform clearing.

It is deathly quiet. There are no torches, lanterns, nor fires to be seen - only the wooden wall. From this vantage she cannot see the tower itself, but it must be behind the palisade wall. It would take more investigation around the perimeter to know more.

Syrena drops back the short distance towards the others. She makes it without issue, but notices some movement out in the woods nearby.

It could have been an animal in the night, but Syrena's instincts tell her that it is something - or someone - else that is stalking about.

The group reconvenes this short distance away from the fortifications. From here forward they will have to use stealth if they wish to know more and remain undetected. Everyone is on guard and at the ready.

Required Action, PCs: Describe next effort and method on close approach to the fortifications.
So far, fort location is identified. All that can be seen is one stretch of a palisade wall. Gate entrance is unclear. Size of area unclear. No lighting detected anywhere yet. Give any general strategy - I'll be back on end of day to incorporate any input and update.
May 3, 2023 2:23 pm
It's midnight here (we live in the future down in Aus) and I just got home from band practise. Won't be able to check in until late afternoon/evening tomorrow (my time), so I'll just drop Gundus' two cents here:
Gundus finds the darkened, quiet watchtower (so far as they can see) very strange. It validates his companions' suspicion of the soldiers they encountered earlier. It also heightens his concern for his friend Eramus, whom he expected to find stationed here. He is keen to find out more, even if that means approaching the tower openly – though perhaps his companions will think of something else to try. Perhaps they could catch who-/what-ever is skulking around and plumb them for information.
May 3, 2023 3:21 pm
Xenophon nods at the idea of taking a captive, or at least identifying what is stalking about in the dark. The group of five of them would struggle to out-stealth a single sentry. The cover of dark was a two-edged sword - it blinded observers, but it also made it very hard to avoid snapping twigs or knocking loose stones along the way. And in armour, they were not particularly stealthy as a group.

But something he learned on campaign with Damanandros - sometimes it doesn’t matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.

He proposes that Gennadius, Gundus, and Xenophon can continue on, acting as bait to draw out the stalker in the night. In armour, they will pitiful at stealth anyway. Damanandros and Syrena can hang back to find the sneaker, with Damanandros using his excellent Sleep spell to down the target, avoiding a chase through the dark woods and guaranteeing taking the target alive.
Now at 9/10 hp, thanks Robago!
May 3, 2023 4:31 pm
Gennadius agrees with Xenophon's plan.
Again, sorry for the short post, just trying to make use of the little time I have today.
May 3, 2023 6:21 pm
Len says:
Xenophon nods at the idea of taking a captive, or at least identifying what is stalking about in the dark. The group of five of them would struggle to out-stealth a single sentry. The cover of dark was a two-edged sword - it blinded observers, but it also made it very hard to avoid snapping twigs or knocking loose stones along the way. And in armour, they were not particularly stealthy as a group.

But something he learned on campaign with Damanandros - sometimes it doesn’t matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.

He proposes that Gennadius, Gundus, and Xenophon can continue on, acting as bait to draw out the stalker in the night. In armour, they will pitiful at stealth anyway. Damanandros and Syrena can hang back to find the sneaker, with Damanandros using his excellent Sleep spell to down the target, avoiding a chase through the dark woods and guaranteeing taking the target alive.
Now at 9/10 hp, thanks Robago!
Damanandros nods to Xenophon, indicating that he understands. He trusts his tactical decisions, having learned their importance during the last campaign.

He turns to Syrena and watches her closely, looking for any reaction to the news that she will be paired with the least mobile member of the group. The corners of his lips turn down, signaling his seriousness about the plan.
Last edited May 3, 2023 6:21 pm
May 3, 2023 7:26 pm
Syrena nods her agreement with the plan, as she remains quiet. She gives Damanandros a brief glance and places one hand on his shoulder, before turning off into the shadows to hide and conceal her own presence while the three decoys continue on. The experienced scout listens carefully to every sound in their surroundings. Finding the sizable bole of a large tree, she stands against it to hide her silhouette against the view of their stalker.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 3, 2023 8:27 pm
Xenophon leads the way, with Gundus and Gennadius joining for the explicit approach up the spur trail. Damanandros waits back, with Syrena under concealment nearby the mage.

Slowly the bait team steps forward, listening and watching intently. Damanandros begins his trailing walk to remain in a reasonable range, with Syrena moving along quietly under cover.

After about 100 meters of the cat and mouse ruse, Xenophon feels certain that his plan has revealed the lurker. He hears the ever so slight sound of twigs snap, to the left of the trail - soft and surely not noticeable in normal observance, yet in his heightened senses he is convinced. Whoever it is is very close.

Not letting on, he nods to Gennadius discreetly to support him. The young bard confirms with eye contact and a slight nod in response.

The Xenophon makes his move...

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 3, 2023 8:42 pm
Xenophon surges forward in a burst, up the slight rising edge of the trail and through the mass of brush!

The sentry is already on the move, but Xenophon crashes in with his shield, charging forward to knock his sneaky opponent off balance.

Gennadius quickly loops forward and around, cutting off access to the forward path of the trail that leads to the fort. He presses in close, swiftly tightening the flank.

On the move to avoid capture, the lurker has no choice except to spring out onto the trail where Gundus is waiting...

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

May 3, 2023 8:49 pm
Seeing the commotion ahead, Damanadros steps into action - picking up the pace to close the distance and support with his spell.

... his spell...

A sudden moment of panic... Damanandros feels that he may not be prepared!
Ok - let me know if I'm off here. My current contention is that Damanandros does not have any remaining spells. He casts the now infamous Magic Mouth (IAMYOURS!) spell somewhere around 3am "last night" which was really interchangeable with "this morning". The whole day has been on the move - short stop at logger shelter, another short stop at Tower 3 ruins, and then lastly a short stop at tonight's partial camp before the arrival of soldiers, plus another strategy talk-through right after. None of these have allowed time for multi hours of study. In previous post (would have to look where), I thought I heard mention that it would take multiple hours of study to recover spells.
Again - maybe I'm off base. If so, sorry for the confusion - and this entry will be easily dismissed.

UPDATE/EDIT: This concern was incorrect. All rest/study requirements fulfilled.

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