Heist the Colours 2: Now in Space (OOC)

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Aug 20, 2023 2:12 pm
Is there anything anyone wants to do specifically before we get to the caretaker? The only thing I can think of is trying to disguise ourselves a bit so we look like we are who we say we are.

Besides that, I'm happy to go to the arrival already.
Aug 20, 2023 5:36 pm
I'll narrate the arrival tomorrow.
Aug 20, 2023 6:43 pm
TheGenerator says:
... trying to disguise ourselves a bit so we look like we are who we say we are.
We can assume you do that to the best of your ability. Do you don 'workers' clothes' or do you pretend that you are workers who 'dressed up smart to meet the management'?

I don't think there is sufficient cost on such, non-specialised, clothes to need to worry about Credits?

I also don't think we will roll for the disguises, but what you narrate will factor into any Deception rolls you may need to make.
Airshark says:
I'll narrate the arrival tomorrow.
Aug 21, 2023 3:57 pm
Airshark says:
(in RP) ... caretaker replies from the office... in a woman's voice... ...
Do you have a plan for why you changed the previously male caretaker to female? If you are doing a thing here I don't want to interfere.

If you don't have more you want to do with this I have had ideas based on this new information (unexpected caretaker and state of disrepair and lack of people working here).
Aug 21, 2023 4:23 pm
I forgot it was already specified. We can ignore that part or I can edit.
No special purpose.
Last edited August 21, 2023 4:23 pm
Aug 21, 2023 4:24 pm
If there are other things that don't fit the scenario I'm happy to adjust.
Aug 21, 2023 7:56 pm
Airshark says:
I forgot it was already specified. ...
Understandable. My NPC usually don't have genders and such till the players assign them. This one happened to have been mentioned as 'he', but I have no special reason for that.
Airshark says:
... We can ignore that part or I can edit.
No, no. I is true now, and a surprise to everyone.

I have ideas around why this is the case, I just did not want to conflict with anything you were doing.
Airshark says:
... No special purpose.
Cool. I will go with my idea in a few hours. It may help you guys.
Aug 22, 2023 9:45 pm
vagueGM says:
@Pedrop: You will have Healed your three points of END Damage during the trip over here.

With Lio's help that is guaranteed, but you might have done so without Medical Care if the dice were good to you. Feel free to narrate it if you want, or we can just assume it happened.
Thanks for catching it! Corrected. It jus happened, but with Lio assistance of course.
Aug 23, 2023 8:45 am
Great RPs guys in the thread! I'm almost jealous that Raf is not with you;)) Be careful out there! :) I wouldn't want Raf and me to loose our first space-RPG-team... just few post after calling us this way - as a team:)
Aug 23, 2023 8:51 am
vagueGM says:

You will need to roll to get the job done, but what you roll will depend on what you are doing. Presumably you are connecting your generator/batteries directly to some motors or something (presumably after disconnecting it from the main power circuits for safety)? Those rolls should be fairly self-explanatory (Engineering Power Plant, with INT?). Then whatever you do next may need some fine-control and Mechanics rolls?

I assume there is a valid reason Raf is powering the crane to open the doors and not powering the doors? Maybe the doors' motors are harder to get to, or harder to disconnect, or more risky if there is a complication?
Exactly! Doors' motors are inside ship hull and probably have some security measures to not open them from different place than from the bridge. So would need some more work. And cranes are "naked" - suspended from the ceiling or installed on the floor? So shouldn't be too hard to get to them, disconnect from the main power/network and connect to Raf's generator? And considering that door's lock will be unlocked, just push and pull it open.
Aug 23, 2023 9:08 am
OK. I don't see this 'failing to get the doors open', so the dice will tell us about 'damage' and such, maybe how much it will inconvenience you when flying, or when you are needing to load cargo later, or when the caretaker notices that something strange is happening, it will all depend on what you do and how the dice feel.

Abby won't be able to help you very much, she can't 'hack' the systems that are powered off, after all, and she is very clumsy, but keeping her with you will distract her and make sure she does not get into more trouble while waiting for the air.
Aug 24, 2023 8:06 am
I was thinking about saying the job would go faster if we could lend the portable airlock. But it occurs to me she might want to keep us there longer for company.
So: We want to do some additional work, but that's only possible with the airlock. If we can't have it, we will be out of her hair faster. It's a bit of a gamble, ...
Aug 24, 2023 9:56 pm
Airshark says:
... it occurs to me she might want to keep us there longer for company. ...
That seems likely, yes.

You could always lie to her (some more) and tell her "it will take weeks". If she 'wants company' then she might want that company to be happy and friendly, no?

Let's see what comes of her interaction with Ronny.
Aug 24, 2023 10:08 pm
Pedrop says:
... Doors' motors are inside ship hull ... And cranes are "naked" ...
Makes sense. Messing with the crane is fairly safe and Routine (6+) (for a Power Engineer), but does not actually open the door. Opening the door with a crane sounds like Difficult (10+) Remote Ops? Raf has a 1 in that (and Abby has a default 0, so may be able to help if you are desperate... or really want to stroke her ego).

This sounds like a Task Chain, with the Effect of the Engineer Power (with INT?) playing into the Electronics Remote Ops (with INT?) task.

INT Checks should not suffer from the -1 for Zero-G, but the Vacc Suit affects all rolls, so its -2 does apply.

You can 'take your time' on both tasks (though Raf might not know he has the time to take a few hours for this?) and take a DM+2 to each task individually.

The doors will be open either way, so we are mainly rolling for Effect to see what it costs you.
Pedrop says:
... door's lock will be unlocked, just push and pull it open. ...

I figure they are something like garage doors that slide rather than swinging open, but that does not affect the mechanics, just the description.
@Pedrop: How much do you want to play out the scene with Abby? You have sent her off on her own again [ref] (though still in the same room). If I roll for her to manoeuvre over there she is almost bound to fail (-3 for Athletics (DEX), -4 for Vacc Suit, -1 for Zero-G) but we can assume you help her enough to get her there (you can narrate it however you want) or I can roll to see how badly it goes and you can deal with the consequences (with no Lio). Your call.
Aug 26, 2023 8:35 am
Airshark says:
I was thinking about saying the job would go faster if we could lend the portable airlock. But it occurs to me she might want to keep us there longer for company.
So: We want to do some additional work, but that's only possible with the airlock. If we can't have it, we will be out of her hair faster. It's a bit of a gamble, ...
I don't know how trusted these caretakers are, but if we can get her on our side, she might be able to assure the owner of the ship that nothing is wrong. Giving us more time to work with.
Aug 30, 2023 9:01 pm
vagueGM says:
@Pedrop: How much do you want to play out the scene with Abby? You have sent her off on her own again [ref] (though still in the same room). If I roll for her to manoeuvre over there she is almost bound to fail (-3 for Athletics (DEX), -4 for Vacc Suit, -1 for Zero-G) but we can assume you help her enough to get her there (you can narrate it however you want) or I can roll to see how badly it goes and you can deal with the consequences (with no Lio). Your call.
Im not so convinced that it should be so hard for her... ? I basically have sent her from one point in the cargo hold (room) to the other and to look at the boxes... I know it is zero-g and she has vacc suit on... but she don't have any time pressure and don't have to do anything complicated... I think even any one of us (players ) would be able to do that. Just move from point A to point B. So how did she even managed to get to the engine room if every step is so "deadly" ? ;)

Of course: just presenting my point of view:)

But you are GM, and to meet your expectations: I will narrate briefly attaching her suit to the guiding railing on the cargo hold wall.
Last edited August 30, 2023 9:02 pm
Aug 30, 2023 9:08 pm
vagueGM says:
You can 'take your time' on both tasks (though Raf might not know he has the time to take a few hours for this?) and take a DM+2 to each task individually.

I would say that the best feeling for me would be if we add +1 for this - Raf is not rushing himself, but not exactly "taking his time" without paying any attention how long it will take. Will add it in the roll, hoping you will agree, but you can change it if you will see it differently. NP for me:)

Ok, going to RP thread now:)
Aug 31, 2023 2:47 pm
Pedrop says:
vagueGM says:
... How much do you want to play out the scene with Abby? ... we can assume you help her enough to get her there (you can narrate it however you want) ... Your call.
Im not so convinced that it should be so hard for her... ? ...
I left it up to you how much you want this to matter or factor into the story. You can have her answer after your phone call or have her struggle, whatever you want in the story.

Mechanically just 'Righting Yourself' (which is needed for moving around) without gravity is an 8+ Athletics Dex check, and she can not pass that so would fail. She needed help to get to here, and the last time you left her she needed rescuing. But we can 'only care about those mechanics if they add to the story', so if you don't want to struggle with this we can assume she succeeds eventually. No problem, it will have no effect on the larger story.
Sep 1, 2023 6:57 pm
Drive a forklift. +dex or +edu? Or maybe both.
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