Pedrop says:
... Doors' motors are inside ship hull ... And cranes are "naked" ...
Makes sense. Messing with the crane is fairly safe and Routine (6+) (for a Power Engineer), but does not actually open the door. Opening the door with a crane sounds like Difficult (10+)
Remote Ops?
Raf has a 1 in that (and Abby has a default 0, so may be able to help if you are desperate... or really want to stroke her ego).
This sounds like a
Task Chain, with the Effect of the
Engineer Power (with INT?) playing into the
Electronics Remote Ops (with INT?) task.
INT Checks should not suffer from the -1 for Zero-G, but the Vacc Suit affects
all rolls, so its -2 does apply.
You can 'take your time' on both tasks (though
Raf might not know he has the time to take a few hours for this?) and take a DM+2 to each task individually.
The doors will be open either way, so we are mainly rolling for Effect to see what it costs you.
Pedrop says:
... door's lock will be unlocked, just push and pull it open. ...
I figure they are something like garage doors that slide rather than swinging open, but that does not affect the mechanics, just the description.
@Pedrop: How much do you want to play out the scene with Abby? You have sent her off on her own again [
ref] (though still in the same room). If I roll for her to manoeuvre over there she is almost bound to fail (-3 for Athletics (DEX), -4 for Vacc Suit, -1 for Zero-G) but we can assume you help her enough to get her there (you can narrate it however you want) or I can roll to see how badly it goes and you can deal with the consequences (with no
Lio). Your call.