The Manor

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Jan 20, 2025 7:32 pm
Sorry guys, honestly completely forgot to check the game during the weekend.
Revigorated by Van cure, Kaarik shoots at the closest butterfly with his bow.


shot 1 - (3d6)

(236) = 11

shot 2 - (3d6)

(225) = 9

Jan 20, 2025 9:17 pm
Note that shooting (or swinging at) the butterflies is at Disadvantage. This overrides any Advantage. These little monstrosities are very annoying and hard to hit!
Jan 21, 2025 6:09 am
Turanel2 says:
Cute self - (2d6) (6,6)
This must be some new form of polymorph or shape changing ability! Does it make Sylvandur get those oversized cat eyes and be covered in fur?
That is such a totally awesome typo!

Hahahaha, seems his druidic abilities take the form they wish!! Maybe Van polyphorms into a cute brown-yellowish cat with long hair, 7ft/2.1m long... jumping around the battlefield curing everyone... closer to a friendly lion than to a house cat... Who would have thought ? But of course, the DM has the final word on how this area's magic affects people...
Last edited January 21, 2025 6:11 am
Jan 22, 2025 12:21 am
To be clear, I was just making fun of the humorous typo. Van still looks like Van, and he successfully healed himself. He does still look fabulous, though.

I was waiting for @ChrSch to post, but if nothing tonight, I will continue in the morning. He can always jump back in when he is able.
Jan 22, 2025 8:10 am
I know, I know... A 3 seconds polymorph to lion would have been spectacular. But Van was still fabulous, didn't he? ;)
Jan 22, 2025 2:24 pm
sorry for the delay. Work trip got a little out of hand. Back now
Aizashi goes after one of the other butterflies (which ever one is closest to him, unless that is the one already being shot at) hoping to distract them from the healer and the wounded.


Unarmed attack - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 22, 2025 6:57 pm
When too many dice are rolled, I take only the part needed, and treat each roll separately. So, if you roll three dice when we only needed one and do it twice, I will take the first die of each set of three. I am pretty sure that's what Psybermagi did, too. Just so everything is clear ...
The butterflies prove surprisingly difficult to hit. Only Elyse and Blornvid are able to land hits, though Van mostly mitigated the damage the butterflies did in this round. All of the butterflies are still active, though the one hit by Elyse and Blornvid is looking pretty bad. It's like it is being drained of color.

End of Turn 1

Start of Turn 2
As an aside, because of how things flowed in the start of the conflict, the butterflies effectively won initiative.
The butterflies seem to be particularly annoyed at Elyse because of her actions to defend Kaleen and the one that had attacked Van switches to her. The other two continue with their chosen targets.

Arc takes a point of damage, Elyse takes two, and Kaarik takes two. I need two 1d6 rolls for Elyse for her Evasive ability.


Magic Bolt 1 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 2 at Arc DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Magic Bolt 1 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Magic Bolt 2 at Elyse DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Magic Bolt 1 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Magic Bolt 2 at Kaarik DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jan 22, 2025 7:36 pm
Elyse attempts to evade the magic bolts and when appropriate in turn order she returns fire with two bolts of her own using both her actions for round 2.


Evade 1 - (1D6)

(6) = 6

Evade 2 - (1D6)

(4) = 4

Magic Bolt 1 at wounded butterfly - (1D6)

(3) = 3

Magic Bolt 2 at wounded butterfly - (1D6)

(1) = 1

Jan 22, 2025 9:10 pm
Elyse avoided one of the blasts, so only takes a single point of damage. Both of her bolts unfortunately miss.
Jan 22, 2025 9:23 pm
Kaarik starts feeling weak and despairs to see how easy the butterflies can hurt him while he cannot even defend himself.

He will shoot two more shots to the butterfly targetting him.


shot 1 - (2d6)

(65) = 11

shot 2 - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Jan 23, 2025 8:17 am
Arc fires at the weakest butterfly he sees, if he kills it in the first shot, he will aim the 2nd shoot at the next weakest. Hopefully, he can reduce their numbers soon...


1st shot - (3d6)

(211) = 4

2nd shot - (3d6)

(621) = 9

Jan 23, 2025 8:22 am
Van continues to focus on his combat medic skills.
He sees that Kaarik keeps getting hit and, since he is by his side, he cures him first.
Then he runs to the avian and tries to cure him too.
If Van's track is ok, Kaarik has 1HP of damage, Arc has 2HP of damage and Elise has 1 HP of damage.
Last edited January 23, 2025 8:25 am


Cure Kaarik - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Cure Arc - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Jan 23, 2025 7:39 pm
Blornvid continues to focus on the butterfly before firing his shot.


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 23, 2025 10:17 pm
You have much more success this round!

While both of Elyse's bolts miss their mark, Blornvid finishes off one of the butterflies harrassing her.

Kaarik successfully hits the butterfly attacking him. (The first die was a success; the other didn't matter.) With the previous damaged butterfly gone, Arc tries to help Kaarik and his second arrow strikes true, dropping a second butterfly. (Again, only the first die counted.)

Van's healing provides 2 HP to Kaarik, but isn't able to help Arc this round.

Aizashi still has his Turn to go. I'm going to end this turn but he can still take his Actions when able to.

There are two butterflies left, and their tiny little faces appear to be very angry.

End of Turn 2.
Jan 25, 2025 3:21 pm
Does the butterflies still have the initiative or can we attack first?
Jan 25, 2025 4:40 pm
Aizashi is surprised by the butterflies speed but attempts a second attack at the same one.


Unarmed attack - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 25, 2025 5:16 pm
Arc sees Aizashi's attack and shots too, at Aizashi 's target


Shot1 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Shot2 - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 26, 2025 3:12 pm
The butterflies still have initiative.

The way I've been doing initiative is that I let the narrative decide it for the most part. If it is wide open, then it's time for a die roll. Once determined, I just keep alternating, unless something narrative changes that. Like, for example, if a combat where to pause for talking, then I'd figure out a new initiative order. But that's pretty rare, so that hasn't happened yet.
Aizashi's attack last turn successfully struck one of the surviving butterflies, damaging it. Seeing that the battle is not going in their favor, you hear in your head, You took our agent from us. We won't forget that!

With that pronouncement, you feel the very reality of the area ripple and close in on you. As it does, each of you finds yourself back outside the rift, one at a time, starting with the one farthest from Kaleen, and ending with Elyse and Kaleen together. As things close in, only Arc is able to loose an attack, which hits the other butterfly. Arc hears in his head, I'll remember that in particular.

You look around and see that you are now basically back where you started from close by where the rift had been. The barrier is now completely gone, along with the rift through the barrier. However, the area is not unscathed, as many of the plants and nearby animals still seem to be affected by whatever happened. Elyse notices that Kaleen starts to rouse and move.

As Kaleen starts to rouse, she sees a large group of people, some armed, standing around her. A panicked look crosses her face until she sees Van. Not entirely relieved, but not in full-on panic yet, she says, "Van ... what's going on here? Who are all of these people?"
Jan 26, 2025 4:38 pm
Van, familiar as he is with magic, is not surprised to be vanished from where they were. His eyes run around him fast, a quick check for everyone 's health.

Finally, seeing Kaleen recovering, he approaches her while hearing her voice... "I'm glad to see you recovering! They are all friends." Then he offers his hand and helps her stand up, if she still looks emotionally in shock Van will also offer her a hug.
"You were kidnapped by a group of four magic giant butterflies, I think they may be fey. They were using you as an agent, to speak for them, to keep everyone else away from that forest area. These adventures here saved you. Now, the 2 fey that survived are specially angry, and used their magic to throw us away and close the rifts, so please don't go back there. Do you remember anything??."
Jan 26, 2025 6:52 pm
Arc looks angry. It is strange to see him like this, he is almost never angry! But now he clearly is: walking fast, in circles, his wings half unfolded and his bow still in his left hand grip.

He starts muttering, low voice as if talking to himself..
"I tried to talk with them, I addressed them with respect, they denied every attempt aggressively. Even hit me before anyone drew weapons! They should have known battle would start when they didn't want to talk. Now they cowardly push us away when they are loosing, furthermore, they say they will remember... what a !! ... they should remember and be smart in the future, talk instead of fight..."

After a moment, Arc recovers his usual self and puts away his bow.
"I see that the lady is recovering, I'm glad. Whenever you all feel rested enough, we should go back to the manor."
Is there a reason for Arc's last shot to be aimed at 'the other' butterfly? I remember that Arc was aiming at the same one Aizashi kicked...
Last edited January 26, 2025 6:55 pm
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