The Manor

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Jan 26, 2025 10:29 pm
Blornvid nods at the conclusion of the battle, satisfied with the victory. While Sylvandur talks to the troubled girl, he looks over the group. "Everyone ok?" Sylvandur made for a great battlefield healer. He's sure that they might've taken casualties were it not for him.

At some point, someone will have to talk to the girl about how she came to be under the influence of the butterflies. Sylvandur said that might be fey, and that made sense to Blornvid. Unless of course, this batch had somehow become altered by the Shattering. He's momentarily reminded of the psychic spiders and wonders if there's a connection, assuming that Sylvandur was wrong about his fey assessment.

Blornvid decides to look to see if the dead butterflies were ejected from the rift.
Jan 27, 2025 7:38 pm
Cathamber says:
Is there a reason for Arc's last shot to be aimed at 'the other' butterfly? I remember that Arc was aiming at the same one Aizashi kicked...
Nothing intentional. I misunderstood. Doesn't matter, as two hits don't kill them. Whichever one you hit was the one cross at you ...
There are no dead butterflies to be found. Van is pretty sure they were fae, but he doesn't know for 100%. The only uniform thing about the fae is that they are always agents of chaos. A few are good-inclined; some are malevolent; most are just self-centered. These appeared to have a bigger plan going on, but the extent isn't obvious and why chose Kaleen also isn't obvious.

Van having reassured her that she is now with friends lets her loosen up, but just a little. (There isn't really an opening for a hug.) She does explain, "I saw those weirdly colored plants and followed them until I found a shiny colorful wall of some kind, with an opening just hovering in the wall. Outside it was a pair of large butterflies that invited me in to see what it looked like. They said I was special and would be able to appreciate things better than other people. Curious, I stepped through the opening to see a fantastical environment. One of the butterflies had me sit down while they tried to teach me something. Unfortunately, that is the last thing I remember, other than a brief flash where I was angry for some reason, then suddenly getting a huge pain inside my head. Next thing I know, I am waking up here."

As you are talking, Magian conveniently appears and seems to examine the scene as he comes in for a landing. "I see you have taken care of the barrier. I asked if anyone was missing and they said no one had seen a girl named Kaleen for a couple days, but she was prone to wandering off and they didn't see overtly concerned." He looks down at Kaleen and continues, "May I assume this is Kaleen?"

Kaleen looks up grumpily at Magian, seemingly not intimidated by his imposing form, and says, "I am not a girl; I am a woman."
OK, where do you want to go next? The Gatehouse to update Skeeve and the boys? Or directly to the Manor?
Jan 27, 2025 8:52 pm
"We should go to the gatehouse to inform Kaleen's young companion who were concerned for her. They will be relieved to see her."
Jan 27, 2025 9:02 pm
"Of course, you are right Kaarik. We should go to the gatehouse."
Jan 27, 2025 9:05 pm
Van after listening to Kaleen story, and considering that the battle of over, heals everyone.

Then will stay close to Kaleen, suggest her not to wonder off too much nor trust Fae, and help her recover the best he can.
Jan 27, 2025 9:11 pm
Elyse follows along which ever way the party chooses.
Jan 27, 2025 11:05 pm
After the battle Aizashi rejoins his friends and listens to Kaleen's story.
Once everyone seems ready to go he realizes he doesn't know most of the people here and decides to quickly introduce himself.

Um, I'm sorry. My name is Aizashi and thank you for your assistance.
He says with a slight chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Jan 27, 2025 11:09 pm
Blornvid will report in to give his account of the butterfly rift and the mountain expedition. After that, he'd like to check in on the Gatehouse as he hasn't been there in a few weeks.
He probably isn't aware of Skeeve and Ealdwig, and, as such, he'll be glad to see them both as he hasn't seen them in months.
Jan 27, 2025 11:32 pm
ChrSch says:
After the battle Aizashi rejoins his friends and listens to Kaleen's story.
Once everyone seems ready to go he realizes he doesn't know most of the people here and decides to quickly introduce himself.

Um, I'm sorry. My name is Aizashi and thank you for your assistance.
He says with a slight chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Blornvid hears the badgerkin introduce himself, nods, and introduces himself, "Blornvid."
Jan 28, 2025 9:38 pm
He, also realises that he also doesn't know everyone.. "I'm Arc, nice meeting you all"
Jan 29, 2025 3:52 pm
Elyse Solstice she says with a small wave of her hand in greeting.
Jan 29, 2025 9:36 pm
Kaarik bows, "As you have heard from Blornvid, my name is Kaarik. We haven't met in the best circonstances but I would be happy to get to know you all around a drink"
Jan 30, 2025 6:10 am
Van, standing close to Kaleen to help her recover, replies...
"Not the best circumstances, I agree, and I'll happily share a drink with you. I'm called Sylvandur Hathil but most call me Van, my path is that of nature and of the druids, and "he does a soft whistle after which a ferret runs from the woods and jumps to his arms "this little lady is Fur."
Jan 30, 2025 2:34 pm
Kaleen is reacting poorly to Van's efforts to help her. She initially tries to keep separation, but when she sees that isn't succeeding, she sullenly allows everyone to guide her back.

Once Magian says, "It sees the initial excitement is over, and there doesn't appear to be anything left to do, so I will head back to the Stables." With that, he takes flight and leaves you behind.

It takes about two hours for you to retrace your steps to the Gatehouse. The trip is uneventful, and the day is late when you get back. The two older boys come out to greet you when you arrive, and one says, "You made it back! And you found her!" Still sullen, Kaleen mutters to herself, "Why all the concern now?" As you return, Skeeve arrives and is genuinely happy that you have all made it back safe and with Kaleen. He says, "Good to see everyone ma - Blornvid? How did you join the group?" Then he realizes there are three more he doesn't recognize and continues, "And who are the newcomers?" Then his gaze turns stern and falls to Kaleen, "And you must be the wanderer who caused the commotion in the first place."

He steps up to her and before she can react, he touches her shoulder, then withdraws his hand quickly. His touch, however, and completely cleaned her up. Her dress, while still ragged along the edges, is now clean. And, while her hair is still unkept, the dirt and grime has left her and she is as clean as her dress. With a wave of his hand ... nothing happens. However, with a second wave of his hand, the dirt and grime that had fallen from her disappeared from the floor around her. Once she realizes what he has done, she looks up and says, "How did you do that?"

"The same way you can, if you'll take the time to learn."

She doesn't reply and decides to keep quiet. For now.

Skeeve returns his attention to the rest of the group and gets introductions to all of those he doesn't know yet. Knowing that Arc is keen on going to the Manor proper, he says, "It is getting late. I think there is enough room here for everyone to stay the night before heading to the Manor in the morning, or you can head over to the Manor tonight and watch Witic's stress levels blow a hole in the ceiling. Either way, we won't be able to talk to anyone until the morning."
OK, you can either head to the Manor immediately, or in the morning. Either way, Skeeve will wait to head over in the morning. You can do some more introductions if you want, or we can just skip to the Manor in the morning. Either way, you're gonna have a nice big party soon! But if you want drinks, it's probably better to wait until the morning. 😁
Jan 30, 2025 4:29 pm
I'm good waiting till morning to head to the Manor and skimming over the introductions.
Jan 30, 2025 5:18 pm
I am fine with whatever is easiest for you Daryen. If you are gathering everyone at the manor, it might be easier for you if we just go there.
Jan 30, 2025 6:25 pm
daryen says:
As you return, Skeeve arrives and is genuinely happy that you have all made it back safe and with Kaleen. He says, "Good to see everyone ma - Blornvid? How did you join the group?" Then he realizes there are three more he doesn't recognize and continues, "And who are the newcomers?"
"Skeeve! How are ya, lad?" He grabs Skeeve's forearm to shake it and pats Skeeve's upper arm with his left. "This group? We," he gestures to Elyse and Sylvandur, introducing them by name, "were up in the northern mountains scoutin' the area. On our way back, Magian saw the rift and asked if we would check it out while he reported it in to the boss. I spotted Kaarik and so we lent a hand saving the lass from the butterflies who, I'm told, are likely fae."
daryen says:
Skeeve returns his attention to the rest of the group and gets introductions to all of those he doesn't know yet. Knowing that Arc is keen on going to the Manor proper, he says, "It is getting late. I think there is enough room here for everyone to stay the night before heading to the Manor in the morning, or you can head over to the Manor tonight and watch Witic's stress levels blow a hole in the ceiling. Either way, we won't be able to talk to anyone until the morning."
"Oh, I'm staying here, lad. There's a keg that needs tapping, and you have to tell me what you've been up to, besides becoming a grand magus." He says the last part with a wink.
Jan 31, 2025 12:01 am
Good either way as well. Which ever is easiest.
Jan 31, 2025 5:12 am
We'll go with everyone staying at the Gatehouse for the night, then heading to the Manor the next day. Blornvid has a cool item that will get everyone on board with waiting! I'll pull everyone in to the Manor tomorrow.
Jan 31, 2025 2:05 pm
Happy to have Arc rest and go to the manor in the morning with everyone else.

Last edited January 31, 2025 7:23 pm
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