Chapter 5: Breaking Tusks

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May 26, 2024 4:32 pm
As you make your way through the forest, you suddenly hear a tiny voice from what you thought to be a small pile of twigs in the dense underbrush. "Excuse me," says a tiny, sharp-featured creature of sticks and brambles, "but perhaps you could help us. We’re having a problem with some very nasty quicklings. They think they own the whole wood, and they keep stealing our favorite berries and tearing down our homes!"
May 26, 2024 5:17 pm
Artesia is taken aback for a moment, but quickly recovers. "I'm sure that we will do what we can to help, Mister...?"
May 26, 2024 11:45 pm
Koram holds up a hand, causing Haitith to pause as well. He finds the face of the speaker and takes a step back. "Quicklings, you say? Why are they doing these things and what can you tell us about these creatures?"
May 27, 2024 8:13 am
The creature is about to reply when he is interrupted by a voice coming from above in a tree. A tiny green skinned creature pops it head out from the leafs. "Don't listen to that lying sack of twigs!" she hisses, her snarling mouth framed by shaggy hair and two fox-like ears.

She points her shortsword at the bramble creature. "These twigjacks won’t leave us alone. This is our wood—we’ve been here for generations—and we want them to take their miserable pranks and foul smells elsewhere!"
May 27, 2024 11:36 pm
Koram looks between the two creatures, unsure of who to trust...if either of them.
I'll go for a couple of recall knowledge checks here, to see what Koram knows of the two types of creatures before them.
May 28, 2024 9:13 am
Each creature is a DC 18 Nature check
May 28, 2024 8:06 pm
Artesia bites her lip and considers for a moment.


Nature (Wis) - Tree-people - (1d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Nature (Wis) - Quicklings - (1d20+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

May 29, 2024 2:54 am
Koram considers the creatures.


Nature (Wis) (Quickling) - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Nature (Wis) (Twigjack) - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

May 29, 2024 10:10 am
Artesia can't remember hearing of Quicklings, but she has heard of Twigjacks. Maladjusted forest denizens, twigjacks form from the cruel and prankish combination of fey and the very woods in which they reside. A twigjack's body is made up of prickly brambles woven with vines. Shaggy, mossy growth, not unlike hair, tops a twigjack's head. Its mouth is just a canyon of splintered and broken sticks bisecting its face. Leaves and sprigs of new growth randomly sprout from the creature's body. Many dense forests on Golarion have at least a handful of twigjacks living in the undergrowth.

While truculent and violent, twigjacks care deeply for what they consider to be their forests. These creatures harass outsiders who delve deep into their wooded domains, forcing back even the most determined explorers, foresters, and travelers, especially when those intruders cut roads through the forest. However, they are not terribly territorial when it comes to other forest creatures. When sylvan creatures, especially fey, rally against an outside threat, twigjacks in the area eagerly arrive to fight, even if they were not invited.
For rolling a success, you can also ask for one mechanical information. Examples are resistances, immunities, lowest save, highest save, special attacks or special reactions.
May 29, 2024 8:29 pm
Artesia calls the party over to her and quietly relates this information.
I would like to ask about immunities.
May 30, 2024 9:37 am
They have no immunities.
May 31, 2024 3:57 am
"Well, perhaps it might be best if we continue along our way. We do not know the dynamics here and it would not do well to take sides in a conflict we know nothing about. Unless, perhaps we could act as mediators instead?"



Jun 1, 2024 4:28 pm
You take your leave of the forest creatures and head on. At nightfall the next day, Panuaku once again catches up to you. This time she's traveling with another familiar face. Iroven Shokar is following her.

"The elders sent us, they were afraid you needed reinforcements now that Igbork took his leave," she says. "They also want to inform you that something weird is going on in camp. Someone added something to the water jugs, and it has taken a bitter taste. Also we have been plagued with accidents all day."
Jun 1, 2024 5:04 pm
Iroven bowed to Panuaku and looked at his new comrades. "Greetings, I have been staying with the Moose house after getting lost in these realms. Nakta took me in and cared for me for which I am eternally grateful. I really want to help the Broken Tusk by providing aid and fixing their equipment. Back many years, ah, I...mean seasons, I used to work with metals and craft weapons of war. Now, I am a shadow of my former self. However, I can gladly help repair your weapons. Back in my place, I was a black...I used to work with metals."

He stopped and looked at the surrounding sadly, "You see, I am grateful to be considered as an ally and a part of Broken Tusks but I am a man of both worlds, lost in my way and searching for a purpose. Maybe this is my destiny and it is probably better not to dwell in the past. I have my shield and my sword, along with my armour. I can lend my skills to the Broken Tusk and fight their enemies. Let's fix the problems, Panuaku is talking about, and perhaps I will find my place in this realm."

Iroven is a broad-shouldered, sturdy man, with a well-kept beard and kind but tired eyes. He is wearing a scratched and worn-out breastplate along with a cloak. The armour has numerous dent marks, but all of them are patched and smoothed out. He is also carrying a shield and strange spear-like weapon with a curved blade on the top. He is carrying a long sword in his belt, which seemed to be polished and oiled to sheen.
Last edited June 1, 2024 5:06 pm
Jun 3, 2024 8:22 am
Koram clasps Iroven's shoulder, "It is good to see you, brother. You are well met in these treacherous lands. We can use that blade of yours when trouble surely rears its head again."

He frowns at Panuaku's words of the strangeness at camp. "Is the water causing any sickness? I'm sure the elders would worry of poison, just as my mind wanders to that potential. What kind of accidents has the Following been experiencing?"



Jun 3, 2024 9:23 am
"Nothing dangerous, just a sour taste," Panuaku says. "Though we can refill easy enough from melting snow from the mountains, it is a heavy job. As you may remember." Koram at least remember one of their first tasks as scouts were to fill water jugs along with Pakano.

"The accidents are stirrups breaking when people try to ride, or a tent strangely falling in on itself," Panuaku continues. "Nothing serious yet, but it has been enough to cause concern."



Jun 7, 2024 11:24 am
You hear some rustling in the woods, but Panuaku don't even look towards the sounds. "Come out Tomas," she says. "Say hello to your newest scout."

She turns to Tomas finally as he arrive out of the foliage. "Is the area secure?"
Jun 7, 2024 9:16 pm
On Panuaku's prompting Tomas cautiously walks out of the foliage. Tomas has the build of a robust athlete covered in worn hide armor, rugged furs, and the trappings of nature's reverence. Rustic tools of healing & fresh herbs hang on a rope belt and on his back is a battered wooden shield & a seemingly unused club. 

Tomas take a wary moment to observe the hunter and new scouts before cheerfully speaking "Panuaku, as sharp eared as always. The area is clear of threats. It is no wonder why you are the tribe best hunter. It is a great fortune that elder Nakta has sent me to you. She had me away for too long"

Turning to his new comrades, greeting them in turn with a boisterous hug in turn "The elders have spoken of your great deeds. No doubt you have heard stories of me, Tomas. I assure you, only the enemies of the Broken Tusks have to fear my fury. Well, as long as you are respectful of the land, which of course you will be." 
Jun 8, 2024 8:33 pm
"Well met, Tomas. I have indeed heard of your prowess, it is unfortunate we have not met until now." He offers a hand in greeting.
Jun 8, 2024 8:39 pm
Taking Koram's hand "Yes well met, you know how it can be. Always off across the barren tundra to get some lichen or something. What is this I have hearing about posion?"
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