I can't see the private forum, so I think you're good.
Gotcha on the gear.
Servant to an Aristocratic Family: Money pouch, wool blanket, candle, good clothing, common lantern, lantern oil (4 hrs), small mirror.
Hell-bent Mother: (This represents Makasi's itinerate quest to find her kids, so mostly travel gear) Flint and tinder box, pack, sleeping roll, waterskin, simple clothing, rain cloak, small tent.
Trained by the Village Ancestors: glass flask (for libations), holy symbol (adventurer).
Buying now:
75 sp - Road rations (15 days)
5 sp - Lantern oil (+20 hours)
50 gp - Healing potion
200 gp - Oil x 2
Total: 330
Last edited Jan 10, 2024 3:36 pm