The trouble with Fey Relations

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May 1, 2024 11:27 am
Aizashi tries to keep track of both the new threat as well as the evolving situation between Malgrim and Mina.
He then decides to throw is Binding Bands to Mina
Try and bind him using these. If we are lucky it will improve our odds?
He tells her hoping that he saw right, thinking that Malgrim might be using Fey magic himself.

He also prepares to dodge the beasts attack


Throw item to Mina - (2d6)


May 1, 2024 12:04 pm
reminder, 2 action each
May 1, 2024 12:26 pm
Mina, hands buried in the lad's hair, cheek pressed to his chest, and eyes squeezed shut, is far more aware of his state of mind than his state of undress. She clings to him and reaches out with her magic to heal and temper the beast within. She wills him to trust her, to trust them. "You are safe," she mouths, her brow furrowed with distraught resolve.

Aizashi's toss is well aimed. The foxkin's eyes finally blink open at the thumping sound of the Binding Bands landing within her reach.


Soothing Malgrim's Emotions - (3d6)


May 1, 2024 12:36 pm
Oh, sorry! Just saw your reminder about two actions. Mina only really wanted to take one, anyway, though, since these aren't attacks.
May 1, 2024 2:16 pm
no worries. I forgot to have Malgrim go anyhow so ..
And the hole clothing issue is just from that being the best photo match on a quick search. Besides I thought it was a bit silly with how you tackled him.
Mina reaches out to calm him and feels him relax but ...

I know I'm safe. And I shall continue to be. Don't struggle and my calmly pulls her hand from his hair and slides one of the bands onto Mina's wrist them moves to put her other wrist into the other half of the bands.

This snaps Mina out of her focus. He magic worked and he is calm but he is determined in his course of action. Fortunately Mina reflexively pulls her free hand away when she feels the bands clamp around her one wrist. As she pulls back she sees that Malgrim is clearly not human as his lower torso and legs are beastial with thick fur and taloned feet. In fact he looks vaguely familiar...


Manacle Mina - (2d6)


May 1, 2024 2:56 pm
Mina feels Malgrim's magically-induced calmness wash over her as he takes her hand and manacles it. As a result, her own surprise at being manacled and at fully realizing his transformation is mellowed to just a tickle in the back of her mind.

All the same, the foxkin is wise enough to try to keep her free hand beyond Malgrim's reach. With her other hand, she grabs ahold of his wrist and gently shushes him.

"You want to withdraw your attacks," she suggests telepathically.


Telepathic suggestion - (2d6)


May 1, 2024 7:14 pm
oh, I thought preparing to dodge was an action. Hmmm, is it possible to hold an action or pass on it?
May 1, 2024 7:36 pm
I do allow holding actions
The reminder was more for Ultime
This system uses evade Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage
Thagren Ironforge

The Smith moves to grab Ultime but then pause an the purple glow fades from his eyes. Blinking he looks around. Uhh... Sorry he mutters a bit ashamedly

Fey Hound
the going rushes back in snapping is jaws at Aizashi before heading into nothing again. A quick look around reveals it to be on the far side of you now.
1 point of damage
[ +- ] advanced combat


But Aizashi - (3d6)


May 1, 2024 10:33 pm
Ultime releases an audible sigh of relief. It was a spell. Could have been any of us. He gives Thagren a pat before sitting back. Just rest here a moment, he adds distractedly as he watches the beast bite Aizashi and vanish.

He hurries to where he set down his bow and quickly nocks an arrow, sighting for where the creature has reappeared.
Ultime wants the shoot the fey beast. If he needs to travel to retrieve the bow he will Move/Shoot. Otherwise he will Focus/Shoot for his two moves.

Thanks for the reminder on that - that’s what I get for posting while tired :P


Shoot Beast(w/Hunter Trade for Advantage) - (3d6)


May 2, 2024 12:54 pm
The arrow strikes the hound who whirls and snarls in pain.


Malgrim looks at Mina with annoyance. Child, known you nothing. I have not attacked any of you. I merely am trying to send you away. That there is fighting at all is of you and your friends doing. And my mind is not that weak. But I suggest you Run! He shouts the last as a wave of magic flows into Mina as Margrim shoves her hands together locking them together with a click.

Leaping backwards Malgrim stares towards the forrest. He sensed the arrival of the Hag , something you all missed in the commotion.


The old fey strides from the woods with several small fey creatures in tow. The creatures all stop at the sight of your conflict but the hang heads strait for Lirael calling out Daughter in a joyful voice.

Calum (Cikavak)
Miriam (Miremal)
Brady (Bucca)

Saul (Boggle)
Gen (Meenlock)

Mina cave save to remain in place, else she must run for 1 round


Malgrim compells Mira to run - (3d6)


Malgrim binds Mina's hands - (2d6)


May 2, 2024 1:06 pm

Before anything else can happen Malgrim shouts No Mother! You will not do it again! You ruined my life and as soon as I learned I had a sister I sword I would save her from you. You don't love her. You don't care about her. She is just another of your "things" like those poor confused children you warped and twisted behind you! This is unfortunate, I was not quite ready but I WILL NOT LET YOU HARM ANYONE ELSE!


The hag stopps, frozen were she stands in shock. Looking at the priest, revealed to be a fey, that stands before her. Confusion washes over her face for a moment before recognition and surprise. Malagrimendel? My boy? But, , , you . You chose to be human! I felt the shift in you as you left the fey


Ha. You felt me reject the fey? No mother I rejected you. You don't even know why and dotless never will understand even if I explain. But perhaps now you have a taste of what it is to have something you treasure taken form you. When I matured and learned of my fey heritage I did choose the human path. But then my human sister fell ill. I tried to use my fey gifts to heal her but I had remained human too long and lost so much. I failed and she died. The revelation of my nature and death of their daughter nearly drove my human mother and father, that you placed me with as an infant, mad. Full of grief, anger, loss and betrayal they cast me out. Seeking the human changeling you had claimed as your own I wandered the feywild only to learn that he had not adapted well and been taunted and tormented till he was driven from those lands and fled back to the human world only to be shunned due to his twisted form. My brother, the real Malgrim, born human raised fey, and rejected by both died alone in the wilderness. I buried him and resumed his name and place with the humans. Finding peace and solace through faith in the good of people. But when I felt a kindred spirit playing in the woods I was confused. I watched her carefree frolicking but could tell she knew nothing of the joys of familial love and so I decided to teach both her and you a lesson. I told her who I was, proved to her the truth of it and invited her to the village. She accepted. And with that allowed my to help both her and the mayors wife who had been childless and longed for a child. It look little magic to have Lirael forget about you and the fey, she had little attachment to them. But you. You lost something of yours and could not accept that she choose that life. You saw her.
You know she was happy in the village. Happier than ever she was with you. Why couldn't you let her be happy?!?!?
May 2, 2024 2:47 pm
I'm not sure if a saving throw is one or two dice. I suspect one, but I'll roll two, just in case....


Resist the magical command to Run - (2d6)


May 2, 2024 2:48 pm
... Is that a success?
May 2, 2024 3:26 pm
[ +- ] Save Tests
That's a success
May 2, 2024 8:19 pm
God damn... At one point I was thinking that the situation is something like this and we had it backwards... Oh well, now I guess we gotta deal with this mess we got ourselves into.
Aizashi was astonished when the hag appeared. His astonishment grew even further as he was listening to their conversation.

Mina, Ultime, Thagren... We should regroup. This turned out much worse than I had anticipated.
May 3, 2024 2:49 am
Mina, hands bound, struggles to rise back to her feet, but she stubbornly refuses to flee. She glances at Aizashi as he makes his comment, then back to Malgrim and Tothandreal. Gently, tentatively, awkwardly... she rests a hand on Malgrim's arm in a soothing gesture.

"I feel your hurt...." she sighs. "You tell yourself you are trying to do right by your sister, but... but many feelings are tangled up in your decisions. If-- If you want to prove that you are doing this for your sister, to prove that it's not just about personal vengeance, then there's really only one thing to be done...."

Mina steps between Malgrim and Tothandreal and turns her head back and forth between them, addressing them both.

"You both must treat her like a person... not a possession to be fought over. Not only let her speak for herself, but... but actually listen to her ..." Her voice softens. "... the way you wish you were listened to, heard, and understood...."

Mina turns her face away to try to hide it, but there is something poignant about the way she says the last bit... Behind her words is a sentiment that is personal and intimate and ripe with grief.


Persuasion Check - (2d6)


May 3, 2024 6:52 am
Seizing the moment of pause between the action, Ultime clears his throat and lowers his bow. Mina is right, he says, stepping over to Lirael. He kneels down to be eye level with her. What would you like to do? he asks, his voice a touch quieter.
No actions for Ultime, unless he should do some sort of Perception check to make sure no one is sneaking up on them.
May 3, 2024 1:37 pm
As Mina stand next to Malgrim he flinches at her touch and back away as the fey hound move in, snarls and growls threateningly, to interpose itself between her and Malgrim in a protective manor preventing any further contact. As you speak both listen as they glare at each other.


Foolish girl, she is not a person. She is Fey! I have always let her choose. That is the center of fey naturel. To be wild and free.


Ha, and what choice did I have when you gave me to the humans as an infant! At least I asked Lirael and she did choose. All I did was give her the gift of perspective. I let her believe, if even for only a while, that she belonged with the Graywind. I would never force my sister into anything without asking. Malgrim seems offended by your accusation but still glances at Lirael. The concern and compassion he has for her clear on his face. But as soon as he looks back at Tothandreal his expressions harden once again.
Minas hands are still bound by the Binding Bands.
Any chance Mina wants the manacles off and Aizhashi will help with that?
[ +- ] Some clarification on rolling Tests and the results

Lirael looks at the two, and a confused expression washes over her as she concentrates. He, he did ask if I would like to try life as a human. He, he didn't force me to it. Mother Tothandreal never force me to do anything either but I never asked for all this fighting. Looking at Marlgrim and Tothandreal she gets louder She is right and wrong. You never forced me but you also did not ask me about how to resolve this. I do not appreciate and glares at Malgrim being enchanted. And You should stop putting spells on your friends. And I was not there for all of it but and her she looks to Tothandreal when you came to town to demanding thing most had no knowledge of and threatened them. You both proved you are true fey, proud and determined. But so am I at this point Lirael, under the eyes of Marlgrim and Tothandreal wilts back to a frightened child.

The small group of fey creatures you assume are the villages children continue to watch from the edge of the woods forgotten and forlorn of hope as the conflict continues.
@karabooo any word on PerendiaEshte joining or shall I remove them from the game?
May 3, 2024 2:29 pm
Before she moved to stand between Malgrim and the hag, I envisioned that Mina had been standing directly next to Malgrim, since they were literally on top of each other a moment ago. I'm cool with you saying that he flinches away in response to her attempt at a comforting touch, but as a fellow writer it's a little discouraging to have it suggested that she never touched him at all? I mention it because you generally seem to have a more "Yes, and..." approach to collaborative storytelling, and this strikes me as an odd exception.

I'm also a little puzzled over what you want from us in this scene. It seems like you might have a preconceived notion of how things should play out? ... Will Mina's successful persuasion roll come into play at all?
May 3, 2024 2:31 pm
PerendiaEshte will not be joining us. You can remove them.
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