WhtKnt says:
My giftee did not have a visible list, but I went to their profile and checked their interests.
Did you have a link to their profile in the "Gamers Plane of Giving 2023" section? I vaguely remember seeing my giftee's username in the past six weeks, but no interests were shown. "No big deal," I thought, "I can just check out their profile to see what games they've played on here. That'll give me some idea of what they might like..."
The trouble is, this person hasn't been posting a lot in the threads I've seen recently, and I
don't have a link to their profile. All I have is the username, flat text. I've been searching for about 15 minutes and I can't find them in any of the threads I've checked. Am I missing something obvious that would help me find the profile? I'm about to dive into the Character Library to see if they've made any publicly-visible characters, but I'd love to hear a faster/more efficient way.
EDIT: Oh my goodness, I can't believe I forgot that I can search usernames! What a goofball! Sorry, everyone! Of course I can look up a user by their username. HA! <embarrassed muttering>
Last edited December 21, 2023 1:57 am