Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)

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Dec 16, 2023 5:37 pm
Joseph and Kragga examine the side door. Joseph is pretty confident that the holes above the door are used to project/expel something: gas, hot oil, flames...? There's no way to know from here that he can see.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin side entrance
Just a few paces away, Xana and Theran are looking at the beetle-headed statue.
[ +- ] The beetle-headed statue
Just outside the front door, Ogbar, Aanbo, and Albertus peer in at the front room, illuminated by a guttering torch just inside the doorway. Deep shadows are cast by the torchlight: the bannister's shadow makes a crazy arc along the east wall and the upstairs landing is buried in shadow. The door/doorway gleams with moving patches of many, many colors. Albertus has the sense that there is an illusion. Ogbar feels a shiver of sorcerous danger: there is definitely magic here in this building...old magic. Over the smell of scorched dust, first Aanbo and then the other two at the door begin to smell the savory aroma of cooked pork and roasted vegetables, wafting from the dining room they can see through the two open doorways to the north.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin front room map view
Dec 16, 2023 5:44 pm
Aanbo considers the implications of a recently-cooked meal in this place. "Um, maybe since we got what we came for, we should head back to Hochoch and deliver this to Lady Diana?"
Dec 16, 2023 5:46 pm
Yes, my dwarven friend, Al replies to Aanbo. But let’s wait for Xana and Theron firstly. Xana, Theron, you two need any help over there?

Friends, I feel the doorway is illusionary. I might suggest not fixating your gaze too intently upon the sparking colors, it could be hypnotic.

Al readies trusty sword, waiting on his companions to gather together, before offering to lead his party through the magical doorway.
Last edited December 16, 2023 5:51 pm
Dec 16, 2023 6:06 pm
"I'm sure if we just turn around and head back the way we came, we can avoid the hypnotic door," says Aanbo.
Dec 16, 2023 8:04 pm
Sorry, I posted in Discord, but forgot this game doesn't have a Discord! I've been very sick for the past few days, hence my lack of activity.
Ogbar growls, "Makes me nervous," he mutters, a startling admission from the normally brave barbarian warrior. Taking a deep breath, he takes a step inside, staying at least a few steps away from the odd doorway, "I'll check the top of the stairs..."

He makes his way up to a point where he can see what's upstairs.
I don't intend to explore the upstairs. Just kind of want an idea of what's up there as well as potential avenues for attack
Dec 16, 2023 8:10 pm
Theran will shift over to the next statue and attempt to discern if it is trapped like the insect-headed one was.

"Just seeing how much danger we're in" he calls back when questioned.

Pressure plate makes the most sense...


Perception (WIS) - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Dec 16, 2023 9:54 pm
Kragga turns to Joseph and shrugs his shoulders. "Such security. This bodes well for finding relics and treasure within. I suggest we leave this door alone, for now, since we have another way in."

Kragga warns the others of the trap above the door and makes his way back to the entrance. He will use prestidigitation to start and stop short-lived fires in the blueberry brambles to clear a path big enough for everyone to walk through.

"Praestigiae Ignis!"
Dec 17, 2023 3:17 pm
Theran examines the next statue, this one with the head of...a great heron? It really is wonderful how the marble still depicts delight in the tilt of its head and angle of beak. But he sees no sign of any external trigger, which Theran takes as confirmation that there is a pressure plate near the base of the statue. Carefully he begins to scrape away the accumulated leaves, canes of ivy, and dirt from the veranda, and sees that there is a slightly wider gap between some of the stones. Step on this side of that crack, and the veranda is solid. Step on the other side...probably that is the pressure plate. Theran points it out to Joseph; the two of them confer for a bit and agree: stepping within two paces of the statues is likely to set off traps.

Kragga mentions the prospect of treasure, warns everyone about the trap above the side entrance, and then begins scorching the blackberry canes, setting them each alight then extinguishing the flames when the cane burns through. As they are severed, the thorny canes drop into a spiky mat that the thick leather of adventurers' boots can safely stomp without fear of getting punctured. But it's taking time: the dry undergrowth burns easily, but the green growth on top is harder to set alight. The path is not fully clear yet (but by taking out major, thick canes first, Kragga has reduced the CON save difficulty: DC7 for M creatures, DC5 for S creatures). He's working very fast, but there's over a hundred canes in just that short stretch of thicket. Characters can attempt the CON save to pass now, or wait to see if Kragga continues to clear the path.
As Kragga is scorching the thorny vines, Albertus agrees with Aanbo that it's time to leave, then calls out to the others with an inquiry as he prepares to enter the ruin anyway. But Ogbar pushes past both of them and steps into the front room. The aroma of freshly cooked food grows stronger as he enters the building. His boots leave deep prints in the thick layer of dust, and he mounts a couple of stairs for a better view. Ogbar pauses on the second step when he notices four things he couldn't see from the entrance: the mezzanine/balcony extends above this lower room on all four sides; he's just stepped out from under it. In the exact center of the high ceiling (it is as tall as the room is deep, north to south: about 12 paces) hangs an elaborate chandelier, golden sun and stars baubles glinting in the flickering light of the torch. From this vantage, looking down at the room, he sees the sparkling "door" crawling with colors...the movement reminds him of when one of the Frozen Blood elders used smoke to show him how to collect honey from a beehive. Ogbar, make a WIS Perception check, please. The final thing he sees, which takes most of his attention, is a humanoid shape standing motionless on the landing up above. The light of the torch isn't shining on the figure directly, but the indirect light is enough for Ogbar to make out the shape and some details. It's very pale, like the statues outside, but its arms are at its side and it has a man's head, and the whites of its unblinking, motionless eyes are glowing, shining as if they contained light and that light is filtering through the sclera like a lantern's light through gauze.

Dec 17, 2023 5:17 pm
Albertus pauses a moment. Hoping to glean consensus with his friends, regarding next course of action.

We could return now, report back to Lady Diana. We might be at a good place, to return again, then clear away the brush later or plow through fully-rested. On the other hand, if young Devek is indeed anywhere nearby, then time is of the essence to rescue him.

How then should we proceed, friends?
Last edited December 17, 2023 5:17 pm
Dec 17, 2023 5:24 pm
"There's someone up here," he calls back to his companions, then speaks to the figure, "Who are you?"
Last edited December 17, 2023 5:25 pm


Perception - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Dec 17, 2023 6:44 pm
Kragga hears the commotion and decides the thicket burning is good enough. He pushes bast these blasted thickets.
Now at 20xp and holding at 7/8 hp
Last edited December 17, 2023 6:53 pm


Con save (DC 7) - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Dec 17, 2023 7:11 pm
"Leave? But we are already here. Let's finish what we started. Sure, there are deadly traps everywhere, but the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Which reminds me - beware the veranda door. Murder holes."

When Ogbar yells about a person within, he exchanges glances with Aanbo and Albertus. He advances toward the doorway to be ready to help.

"Did you find traps in here?" he rumbles to the Dwarf and the knight.
Dec 17, 2023 7:25 pm
Aanbo coughs as he stands by Albertus, and whispers quietly, "Devek is resting at the temple in Hochoch, unconscious. We came here to collect whatever poison is affecting him, so that Lady Diana can figure out a way to heal him."

At Ogbar's call, Aanbo takes one step across the threshold and cranes his neck to see the second floor. "Haven't looked for traps," he says back to Kragga. "Ogbar just went in, so probably safe to enter?"
Last edited December 17, 2023 7:25 pm
Dec 17, 2023 8:44 pm
Ah yes! Very good then! Thank you for the reminder Aanbo. Yes friends, I propose we enter the place forthwith, and continue exploring.
Dec 18, 2023 6:38 am
Xana nods at Theran. "Indeed, although it doesn't seem like we have much trouble here at all. I should see what the others are up to. Do you think we're missing out on the party??" Not waiting for an answer, she bakes away from the boring task of staring at old things and goes to explore the slightly more interesting old thing/building with the stuff (did someone say treasure??) inside.
Dec 18, 2023 2:07 pm
Theran will get very low to the ground and reach in with his staff (below the arc of the blade on the last statue) to attempt to press the plate without damaging his staff.
Dec 18, 2023 4:02 pm
Moofsalot says:
Xana ... goes to explore the slightly more interesting old thing/building with the stuff (did someone say treasure??) inside.
Is Xana opening the side door near to her, or returning to the front door via the path through the thorny thicket that Albertus and then Kragga helped clear (in which case, roll a DC 5 CON save)?
MaJunior says:
Theran will get very low to the ground and reach in with his staff (below the arc of the blade on the last statue) to attempt to press the plate without damaging his staff.
Theran pokes and prods at the ground with his staff, angled low so that the blade won't chop it in half if it springs out where he expects it to appear. Nothing happens. Perhaps he's unable to push hard enough from this low angle? He then lays his staff on the veranda, across the crack where the pressure plate seems to begin and then pushes down on it. Nothing happens still. Then he puts both hands on the staff and really leans his weight on it. There is a sudden jerk as the flagstone drops down a finger and a long blade snaps out of the base of the statue, scything through a 180-degree arc in the blink of an eye, so quickly that the wind of its passing ruffles Theran's hair. Had his head been a hand higher...well, it wouldn't have been good. Joseph whistles at the narrow miss: his friend was nearly that much shorter.
[ +- ] The Forest Ruin, updated
The torch that the dwarf dropped on the floor flickers and pops.
Having stepped into the room, Aanbo can see the full contents of the room: his huge shadow, dancing across the staircase and wall beyond in the torchlight; Ogbar; Ogbar's footprints; the staircase; the glistening doorway; the glittering chandelier; the table in the other room wafting a spicy, savory smell of a freshly-cooked meal; a pale glow distinct from the torchlight on the ceiling above the landing. Aanbo also notes that, looking under the stairs, the room seems to extend around the northeast corner, which would seem to approach the veranda that the others have been investigating. Aanbo, make a WIS Perception check.

Ogbar addresses the figure that only he can see, and that only halfway, its bust visible above the railing from this angle. There is no response, not even movement. Perhaps it is a statue...a statue with the whites of its eyes glowing...?

Albertus and Kragga stand in the doorway, peering in. Kragga, Aanbo, and/or Ogbar can all attempt an INT (Arcana) check on the nature of the doorway if they wish (Albertus already has).
Dec 18, 2023 4:12 pm
"Ogbar, anything upstairs?" Aanbo calls for an update. He holds his staff out as a ward while trying to see past the shadows and observe the reality of his surroundings.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Dec 18, 2023 4:42 pm
Breathing a sigh of relief, attempting to conceal his moment of panic, Theran backs away and stands up. "I believe all of the statues have the same traps. A pressure plate in front of the statue triggers a spring loaded blade. This place is supremely dangerous... poisoned needles, spring loaded blades, who knows what else... is this truly a temple to Pae? I'm having my doubts..."

Theran's voice trails off as he returns to the fire beetle headed statue and touches the statue itself. While checking to see if it feels as it looks, he is careful of what prodding may trigger... after all, the blade may not be the only trap.
Theran has questions... possible illusion magic at work? The level of traps here is insane. Wqsn't Pae generally considered a good God? Or am I misremembering him?
Dec 18, 2023 6:29 pm
Albertus turns emerald-eyed gaze, from the mysterious doorway, to the trap-ridden platform. Then, he turns his gaze onto the symbol of Pelor, emblazoned upon his shield.

His faith in Pelor has alienated him from his Holy-Shielding peers. Knights of Holy Shielding tend to favor Hieroneous, but our own knightly fellow has long maintained the faith of his Keolish ancestors. While his fealty is tolerated, he has not always felt welcomed among his fellow Holy Shielders. Hard to imagine, but it’s only now that our knightly fellow feels more…right at home?

Careful up there, Al exclaims to Theran. I know…all this is…strange, for a benevolent faith…


Religion, if this seems atypical of Pae - (1d20)

(14) = 14

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