If you want to ambush, I will need you to select who will be ambushing and who will not. Those who will ambush might get to be part of the ambush itself, but will need to make stealth checks (DC 20 Dexterity with sneaky background, so just Dex + lv if no relevant background). If half the ambushers succeed, they can ambush. If not, the hounds hear and fight starts immediately. Those who do not join the ambushers will need to spend 2 movements to get near the hounds, thus melee characters will not be able to attack round 1 if they doing join but ranged people could
[ +- ] Ambushes and Surprise
In situations when one side ambushes or surprises the other, start by letting the ambushing side pick one
creature who will start the ambush. Then roll initiative for all members of the ambushing side.
Only two creatures get to act in the ambush round: the
nominated ambusher and their highest initiative ally. The GM can choose whether to advance the escalation die after the surprise round. Sometimes it seems dramatically appropriate, other times not.
Then roll initiative for the side that got ambushed and play normal combat rounds.
Please comment "Stay" or "Ambush" to declare which party you will be in