05. The Courting of Fire

Feb 10, 2024 10:42 am
The time after the incident at Valhingen Graveyard is spent in a variation of ways. Pierce manages to finally complete his new weapon, Chitkree starts to take up training with a former Black Fist member as he attempts to learn ways to further master his fighting, while Zrukz almost ends up in trouble with the Welcomers as he tries to learn more about the secretive thieves guild.

Once again the party is a few members short as Aramil & Vess decides to travel on from the city, while Augustine pauses his adventuring and instead chooses to devote more time as a member of the Quiet Faithful of Lysander.

One day, you go on an early evening walk through Phlan. Cool, early evening-air blows through a narrow street. The streets are bustling with famished laborers out for a meal, vendors hawking their wares, and grimy sailors looking for moorage at barstools. The evening's peace is broken by a burly Black Fist guard who pushes himself through the rabble and drives a nail through a sheet of parchment with a stout hammer, affixing it to a sign post. In bold, black print it says "Wanted for Thievery Most Cunning."

Looking at the sign post, you see other posters of a similar nature. The most recent addition details the crimes of a man named Spernik including theft, breaching the peace, rendering aid to the enemies of Phlan among other lesser offences. There is also a caricature of a young, male human. He appears to have protruding rat-like ears and beady eyes, although you're not sure about how much of that could be attributed to artistic license. The sign reads, "Reward Promised by the Lord Sage of Phlan" and bears an official-looking seal.
Davin & Donkog, please feel free to introduce your characters at this point
Feb 12, 2024 5:52 pm
Deep in his hooded cloak Chitkree studies the sign a moment before checking with good companions telepathically Bounty hunting could price interesting. To be honest a nice simple mortal seems a nice break street or recent jobs with undead.
But if they are paying these everywhere competition might be a problem. I wonder what he did...
What do you think?

The thri-kreen still keeps his appearance hidden in public and let's good companions do most of the interactions needed. He misses having the paladin around to be the parties face for the public.
Feb 12, 2024 9:51 pm
I've wasted a few days and some money trying to get some intel on thieves. I'm tired. goblin makes a moment to attempt think - not one of his usual experiences - and exclaims Ha, I know. We throw a public party for rich people and the thieve will come to rob our guests! That's where we catch him

He obviously have no idea of how to technically implement his idea or what would that cost.
Feb 12, 2024 11:00 pm
Davin, with his hair flowing in the breeze continues to play his viol, the tune he plays is a joyous little shanty, he dances in a square shape, so that he does not bother the others around him, but still gives more to his performance.

But when the guard comes around and sticks something to the post, and he becomes curious as to what is written on it, he also touches his pouch and notices that it has become light recently, another incentive for him to look.

"Sorry everyone, a little break to see what the big, burly man has come to show us." He said to those around him, his voice low, soft, warm like melted chocolate. He walks over to the sign, reads the contents and then turns to the people.

"It seems that we have some law breaking brute among us, a man by the name of Spernik, a most interesting looking person, wanted for theft, breaching the peace, rendering aid to the enemies of Phlan! Oh, a most vile man indeed! Clearly he is a menace to you, the people and should be stopped, but who will take on such a task? I perhaps could," he said, working up the people in the area. "Even though I'm a stranger in your town, I've felt the love of this place and feel compelled to aid in ridding you of this criminal and making the streets safe once again! But I may not be able to do this alone, he could be part of a gang! Or worse servant to an evil wizard! Who can I call to join me in this most important mission?" He hen asked the crowd.
Feb 12, 2024 11:12 pm
Leaning against a nearby building, people-watching. A crimson-skinned hobgoblin stands nearby. His long, flowing black hair is braided and runs past his shoulders. A simple shield is on his back, along with a bow and quiver. Two hand axes coated with dried blood hang at his sides.

Once the Black Fist tacks up the note, he waits for a crowd to pass before heading over to take a look.
He groans as this Bardish fool begins showboating and drawing a crowd. He stands nearby and shakes his head thinking to himself. He is going to get himself killed. Bringing so much attention to going after a wanted criminal.
Last edited February 12, 2024 11:18 pm
Feb 12, 2024 11:45 pm
Pierce is fiddling with a new contraption. Without looking up, the large metal man addresses the goblin with his deep, rough voice. "We do not know what he stole. Rich guests may not draw him to our party if he stole... say, secrets?"

He cocks his head and spins the device on a finger, nodding appreciatively as he slides the do-dad into a leather thong on his hip. "There have been a lot of undead recently. When I was newly created, I believed the dead usually stayed dead. I am now... uncertain that is the case."

Looking around, he spies the post and the entertainer making a big production about it. Pierce simply walks up to the board, reaches past the man, pulls down the past and returns to his comrades.
Feb 13, 2024 6:00 pm
Pierce, my metal friend, you make sense as always. Best course of action is to have fun at the Laughing Goblin and keep ayes open.
Goblin is almost ready to leave, when you notice Davin Holt announcing his interest in catching criminal, but admitting to have no party.
You know what?! Zrukz address Davin We will be ready to reinforce you in the act of taking out that bandit. Please find me at the Laughing Goblin when you have any idea where to find that man. I'll pick my friends and we could do the job all together, sharing the risks and helping each other!
Feb 14, 2024 3:17 pm
I'll let you guys RP a bit if you'd like, otherwise are you going to the Laughing Goblin for rumours and intel?
Feb 15, 2024 2:38 pm
Zrukz is going to the Laughing Goblin.
I was trying to figure out a way to involve in conversation with 2 strangers and why would be all want to combine our efforts on intel gathering.... no idea how. Perhaps other players have a better idea for a RP here
Feb 15, 2024 3:13 pm
ditto to Grey's comments. I assumed that was why Pierce grabbed the flyer as the "hook" to get them to talk. On to the Goblin
Feb 15, 2024 3:30 pm
That waa my hope, yes.
Feb 15, 2024 3:52 pm
we can always hand wave the chit chat and just say they are joining as temporary allies do to shared interests and fear of competition from the publicity of the posted notices
Feb 15, 2024 3:58 pm
I was sort of waiting for more from Davin. I am more of a strong and silent type. Waiting for Tavern chat.
Feb 15, 2024 4:05 pm
great we have strong silent warrior, mute telepathic thief, eccentric goblin mage, hmmm ..all business(?) warforged, and a shy bard? Great PI firm 😀
Feb 15, 2024 7:28 pm
"Hey, I was looking at that." Davin said as he watches the piece of parchment be taken from the post, dammit, maybe that's what I should have done, will have to make a mental note of that. He then thought to himself.

He hears the goblin and his own pointed ears twitch at the sound of it's voice.

"Excellent! You see, when asked, all kinds of allies will show themselves. Good goblin, I will meet you at, what was it called again? Laughing Goblin? With information that will help aid in our case." He says, but before he moves from his place, Davin looks around to see if anyone in the area was acting suspicious as he was speaking.
I would like to see if anyone in the area was acting suspicious as I spoke, was someone trying to keep their face hidden or looking to argue the charges that were said. If nothing, than I will head to find the Lord Sage of Phlan to ask him some questions before meeting the others at the Laughing Goblin.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Feb 16, 2024 2:10 pm
Davin, you keep a watchful eye on the crowd as you move through it, however no one seems to be standing out to you as being suspicious. You move to Scholar's Square where Mantor's Library is located. Sun-bleached colonnades frame the austere facade of the library. A solitary bench sits next to a tranquil pond at the fore of the property in the center of the square. The grounds are well manicured and festooned with blooming flowers and other local flora. Despite the hour being perhaps on the late side, you're almost immediately greeted upon entering the building by a older male half-elf who introduces himself as the Lord Sage, "How may I be of assistance?"

Does anyone else go with Davin or are everyone else going to the inn? Public

Lord Sage
Feb 16, 2024 2:59 pm
Curious about the bard Chitkree tells Pierce and Zrukz that he will catch and and follows the bard to the library.
Feb 21, 2024 11:44 am
Davin, as you make your way over to the Lord Sage, you do notice that the goblin's...friend? A strange four-armed being, is following you silently.

Meanwhile, Zrukz, Pierce & Donkog, you make it over to the Laughing Goblin and some of the regulars greet Zrukz very warmly as you are known for your chaotic exuberance that is sure to liven up an evening. The bartender, Imizar, and the waiter, "Fat" Mar, nods in acknowledgment as you enter, although both look fairly busy as the place is full of dining patrons.
Feb 21, 2024 11:31 pm
The half-orc unfortunately didn't notice anyone acting suspicious at the post, but still felt that he should gather information from the one reporting it. He makes his way down but couldn't help but feel a presence following him.

Davin looks back at the creature and recognizes it as a comrade of the goblin that offered to help.

"You make me feel uneasy being all the way back there, like I'm getting sized up to be mugged, come, I see you're as interested as me in finding any information about this case. Besides having you close by WILL in fact deter people from trying to do me harm." He said as he waited for Chitkree to come to him.
Will see the reaction, then will move back to speaking to Lord Sage.
Feb 22, 2024 2:36 am
Shrugging Chitkree move to join the half-orc. Reaching out with his mind Chitree establishes a telepathic comunication link. No offense meant. I can not speak the common tongue, as i lack one entirely, and have to use this form of communication to be understood by your kind.

I was curious about your interest in this task. Have you experience with this sort of endever? My companions and I have completed a few tasks recently but without the backing of a large guild constatnly find ourselves seeking new commisions and often new memberes as well as few have to stomach to pursue this lifestyle.
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