05. The Courting of Fire

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Feb 22, 2024 6:20 pm
In the Laughing Goblin Zrukz feels like fish in a water. He is trying to speak with every dining patron willing to hear his story about Valhingen Graveyard robbery. He hope his talking about robbery would open mouths to those who has their own experience with Thievery, hoping to get some pointers to that Spernik.
Feb 22, 2024 8:35 pm
Zrukz, give me a persuasion check. Chitkree & Davin are conversing. Donkog & Pierce, anything you’d like to do?
Feb 22, 2024 9:20 pm
let's see


Persuasion - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Feb 22, 2024 11:57 pm
Just passing time till we reach the library to talk with the Lord Sage
Feb 23, 2024 12:03 am
The hobgoblin sits down at a lone table, and watches the goblin make the rounds, telling his tale.
If the talkative goblin approaches his table, he gives them a simple request to Zrukz to sit and join him.
Feb 23, 2024 1:54 am
Pierce will simply sit patiently and await the return of Chitkree.
Feb 23, 2024 8:54 pm
Davin had dealt with messages that came through the mind before, wasn't the biggest fan of it, but that was because his former manager and stage director would use magic like this to yell at the actors to get them in their places or insult them for not hitting a note among other things.

"Very interesting, a creature that has no way to verbally speak so you speak through the mind, the world is truly fascinating," he replied within his mind and then reached into his pockets and flipped the pockets inside out. "I could use the coin, I have some people to entertain down the road and arriving with no money is often a deal breaker, yes, I have some experience with such tasks as this, the more that I get to use this guy," he pointed to his mouth, "the better off I usually am."

They then continued to walk.

"So you mentioned guilds, are you looking to join one?" He asked.
Feb 23, 2024 9:00 pm
Zrukz, you dramatically retell your story about the Valhingen grave robbers, but it has probably lost a bit of its lustre by the sheer amount of times it’s already been retold in this place over the past week. It at least doesn’t command quite the attention you hoped for and definitely doesn’t bring forth anyone willing to trade a thieves tale back to you. You do see an unknown hobgoblin who beckons you to his table.
Chitkree & Davin, if you prefer you can also RP with the Lord Sage with the scene description I gave earlier
Feb 25, 2024 3:21 pm
I'm worse at what I do best. And for this gift, I feel blessed.
- Kurt Cobain
Zrukz sit at the table with hobgoblin (Donkog) not even asking for a permission and start conversation.
First time in The Laughing? Sure you are! First drink on me and let's meet each other. I'm Zrukz - the one who talks with the ghosts, should you seek guidance of your ancestors...
Goblin makes pause to evaluate reaction and see if there is any business possible with the hobgoblin, but realized it is better to change theme:
But what brings you to Phlan ?
Feb 25, 2024 4:43 pm
"It's been a while since I roamed these parts. I don't think I have been here yet. Interesting place. " He takes a drink of the ale. "Looking to the past for insight in the present. You are wiser than most green ones I have met. " He looks around the club for the outspoken orcs, not seeing them. He sighs and shrugs. " You have a group that seems capable and a possible job. I want in.
Feb 25, 2024 6:21 pm
[ +- ] history
Figuring this man is likely similar to the college deans he saw on campus while studying Chitkree gives a slight bow as he pulls back his cloak. Lord sage, we beg your pardon for this intrusion but we come to inquire after this villian you put on notice. One Spernik? Can you or one of your staff provide any additional information on the crimes he has committed so that we my more quickly apprehend him?
Last edited February 25, 2024 6:21 pm
Feb 26, 2024 11:42 am
Chitkree, the Lord Sage grows more serious as you mention the name Spernik. "Ah yes, a matter most grave. Spernik and his partner, Tibeem, were hired as scribes at the library about four months ago. They were skilled at their jobs, but not exceptional. Two days ago, they were caught sneaking out of my offices and when I questioned what they were doing there, they fled. I summoned the Black Fist and they gave chase. Spernik escaped, but Tibeem was caught and taken to Stojanow Gate...although not before slaying a Black Fist guard.". The Lord Sage sighs deeply, he's obviously troubled by the whole scenario. "I searched Spernik & Tibeem's room and found two rare tomes that had previously been stored in my personal library. When the books were taken back to be filed, two clever forgeries were already on the shelf in their place. Upon comparing the original tomes to the forged copies, each contained subtle factual inaccuracies; it seems that the two scribes intentionally changed the content of the forgeries. The books were found packed in a large haversack along with other equipment typically associated with an extended expedition; extra clothes, rope, food and water, etc.

I believe that Spernik may have stolen and stashed away other books, so if you plan to kill him they may be lost forever. I'm willing to offer 50 gp to bring the thief to justice and an additional 100 gp for the safe return of any other books or tomes that were stolen from the library."
Feb 26, 2024 1:20 pm
OK, I just want that Havrsack! Any good negotiators here? sigh
Individuals posing as scribes yet skilled enough to kil a guard? This seems suspicious. While they worked here did they ever mention their past? Where they were from? Giver refferences? And could you perhaps get your staff to assist with a better picture and description. The one posted seemed rather odd so I am unsure to its accuracy.
As you pointed out their forgeries were designed to repalce with changes. Perhaps understanding what those changes affect may give a clue as to their reasoning and therfor their purpose which may lead us to be able to anticipate them. Can you review the changes and explain them to us pelase?
Feb 26, 2024 8:32 pm
Davin listens as the man speaks to Chitkree, although he couldn't hear his part of the conversation, he was able to gather enough information from Lord Sage about what was going on.

"This is quite the tragedy for the academic world, having the contents of books changed can have terrible consequences to those who read them, I completely understand why you would want him captured." He said to Lord Sage.

"A couple things on my end, what were the titles and authors of these rare books, as well as the correct contents that were written in them? Can we look at the evidence that was found, the haversack, and the other equipment? And can we get a chance speak to interrogate this Tibeem? I know that he might be keeping his mouth shut at the moment, but I have ways of having people open up to me." He asked.
Feb 26, 2024 9:36 pm
We - group? Nah! Yes we had been though quite some adventures with the metal man and the bug, but anyone is welcome. The more the merrier.
Sitting with Donkog Zrukz continue talking a lot of positive while saying nothing
Feb 27, 2024 12:20 am
"Are you the Spokes Goblin of the group? Should I speak with the others?" He finishes his ale and waves for another.
"Is it just the three of you?
Feb 27, 2024 3:54 pm
Chitkree & Davin, the Lord Sage nods and motions for you to follow him. "I'll take you to their room. They mostly kept to themselves, we have many scribes who come and go. You should be able to get to see Tibeem, I went to see him in his cell, but he refused to say anything to me. Maybe, you'll have better luck.".

You walk through the Scribe's Hall. Rows of writing tables and high stools are arranged around the perimeter of the room. The din of quills scratching parchment fills the room as scribes work at their desks, though two are notably empty. The Lord Sage identifies the desks as being assigned to Spernik and Tibeem. "Feel free to talk to the scribes as well. Maybe they know something of value, although I haven't learned much information from them. The two forged books are called The History of the North & Lex Geographica. The original The History of the North had a chapter referencing the Circle of Scale, a sect of druids that sought to enslave dragons. This chapter was missing from the forgery. The original Lex Geographica contained an entry referring to a circle of standing stones located in the Dragonspine Mountains, at which a group of dragon-worshipping druids once resided. This entry was missing from the forgery.".

He leads you to a small room furnished with a bunk bed, a narrow desk, and two small dressers. "We left the room untouched, the books were found in the haversack". He motions towards the haversack on the desk. It contains equipment which you would typically associate with an extended expedition; extra clothes, rope,food and water, etc.
Feb 27, 2024 4:32 pm
so not a magical handy haversack? Sigh.
Chitkree begins inventorying the contents of the pack and room looking for anything hidden or unusual while Tikcha sniffs around (advantage for scent only)


Investigation + guidance - (1d20+5+1d4)

(12) + (1) + 5 = 18

Perception - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Tikcha Perception (advantage) - (2d20H1+5)

(1213) + 5 = 18

Feb 27, 2024 8:14 pm
Nope, sorry, just a big ol’ regular sack
Chitkree, you explore the room and by one of the dressers, you find a false panel. In the compartment behind it, you find two sets of black and purple clothing, each emblazoned with the livery of a low-ranking member of the Cult of the Dragon. An outfit you recognise from some of the cultists you fought on the ship on the Moonsea.
Feb 28, 2024 2:59 pm
OK let's continue the intro while the two are investigating
A job?! A wealthy man accuse other man of doing thing less terrible than things I've seen local guards perform... Zrukz is unsure if there is even a real job to do, but he keep conversation with Donkog, who sounds desperate for a job :

You can speak to metal man over there goblin points out Pierce He likes tea, though he don't much need to drink or eat... not sure how does that work goblin shrug and smile.
I can later introduce you to the bug man. There have been others, not seen them lately. As I told you - we are no "group", which means you don't need anyone to let you in - count yourself in already
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