Character conversion thread

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Feb 16, 2024 2:46 am
Too fast. I saw your sheet, so deleted the post, but you responded to fast. sigh
Feb 16, 2024 2:55 am
From your sheet, three things I see:
- You should have three Foci. I don't think you can defer it.
- Your skill list is way confusing. The way it's written, it implies you have tons of skill. You should only have six or so. Don't pre-include the attribute bonus in the skill level. That happens independently.
- I would think your starting stats should be: S:14, D:14, C:14, I:17, W:17, C:12. This would make raising your Dex ludicrously expensive (10 total skill points) You better bet is likely I and W of 18 each (3 total skill points for both).

Hope you don't mind the "other player" input.
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:39 am
Feb 16, 2024 3:46 am
daryen says:
From your sheet, three things I see:
- You should have three Foci. I don't think you can defer it.
Healer lv 2
Specialist LV1
daryen says:

- Your skill list is way confusing. The way it's written, it implies you have tons of skill. You should only have six or so. Don't pre-include the attribute bonus in the skill level. That happens independently.
It's all matched right Just looks different. I have the base modifier and one for it with the most used stat.
daryen says:

- I would think your starting stats should be: S:14, D:14, C:14, I:17, W:17, C:12. This would make raising your Dex ludicrously expensive (10 total skill points) You better bet is likely I and W of 18 each (3 total skill points for both).

It was slightly adjusted,
S:14, D:14, C:14, I:18, W:16, C:12. At chargen
Spent 3 points at lv 2 for Dex 16
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:48 am
Feb 16, 2024 4:35 am
Well, if htech signs off on it, who am I to question, eh?
Feb 16, 2024 7:17 am
Honestly if I was min-maxing I wouldn't do the adjustment, but it felt more accurate.
Last edited February 16, 2024 7:17 am
Feb 16, 2024 9:04 am
htech says:
@PhoenixScientist I approved the (new) character sheet, but I don't think you have finished it. Your skills, for example, are too many and too high.

Let me know when it's ready for review, ok?

Unfortunately, I didn't have a backup of the previous values to help you rebuild it.
daryen says:
Well, if htech signs off on it, who am I to question, eh?
I'm still waiting for the level 2 charsheet to be ready. Let's wait. =)

PhoenixScientist, please let me know.
Feb 16, 2024 4:29 pm
Now it's ok! =)
Feb 16, 2024 4:34 pm
PS: I've just fixed your attributes back to initial values (DEX 14), as you spent all 4 skill points from lvl-2 in those 4 skills (ex: Punch, Shoot, Sneak, Stab).
[ +- ] Level 1
[ +- ] Level 2
Final results: Heal-1, Program-0, Know-0, Notice-1, Punch-0, Shoot-0, Sneak-0, Stab-0 (as your current skills are)
Feb 16, 2024 4:55 pm
Please check my math above. Thanks!
Feb 16, 2024 5:06 pm
@htech, I think you're missing the bonus first Level skill. So either Know or Program should be bumped to 1. (Or get a whole new level-0 skill, but I am figuring the bump to 1 is too good to miss here.)

And technically speaking, the second Level Expert Bonus can't be Stab. However, Sneak works just fine instead. So no practical change, but Stab still shouldn't be the Expert Bonus.
Feb 16, 2024 5:20 pm
You're right. Fixed the Stab.

But, either way, that doesn't match Slaine current skills (they need to increase Know or Program) nor leaves they with 3 points to bump Dex to 16.

@PhoenixScientist can you double check it?
Feb 16, 2024 6:41 pm
I dont have time to recheck it all but some fast math
I should have 10 skill upgrades (including 2 from Foci )
And then bought a lv 0 at lv 2
Heal1, Know0, Notice 1, Program0, Punch0, Shoot 0, Sneak0, Stab1
I can redo the whole character later if you want?
Last edited February 16, 2024 6:42 pm
Feb 16, 2024 6:49 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
I dont have time to recheck it all but some fast math
I should have 10 skill upgrades (including 2 from Foci )
You shouldn't. You should have 4 at first level (3 from rolled dice background + 1 bonus) + 2 from Foci, for a total of 6 skill upgrades. =)

There are some "exploits" or workarounds that can get you more points at level-2 but they are very specific, in a very specific order, and cannot be considered as 10 points available to put everywhere.

You can check that later, no need to hurry, as we won't roll anything for now.
Feb 16, 2024 7:30 pm
htech says:
Procedure that I am using for the character conversion to the new rules (minimizing changes but using the new character creation process)

- If there is any attribute above 18, reduce it to 18. Then, for Strength and Constitution, use the previous Strength value. For Intelligence and Wisdom, use the previous Wits value. For Dexterity and Charisma, use the attributes with the same names. The new Gamersplane character sheet will automatically calculate the new modifiers.
S:14 D:14 C:14 I:17 W:17 C:12
htech says:
phoenixscientist says:
One thought is I think my wits scores, at least my Int, should be converted to 18. To synthesize the benefit that the +4 modifier they had before.
Ok. To balance that out, I guess Slaine could have Wisdom 16 and Intelligence 18 (average 17 = their Wits). Would that make sense for you?

The old +4 is actually covered by foci now: Healer and Specialist (Notice) as you said ;)
S:14 D:14 C:14 I:18 W:16 C:12
htech says:
- Based on the previous character skill levels, note the 3-4 highest and/or most important skills and look for the equivalent ones from the new skill list. Note that down but don't write their levels yet.
Heal, Stab, Sneak, Shoot (noted not added)
htech says:
- Choose the new character class based on previous game careers. Full psychics are not allowed, but Adventurer with partial psychic is a (new) possibility for this game. Military carrers are usualy Warriors and civilian are usually Experts.
htech says:
- Look for the background and foci from the new rules that will give you some of those skills or related habilities. Get your initial focus plus your bonus foci based on your chosen class (usually combat-related for warriors, non-combat for experts, but we can ignore that and choose freely for this conversion).
Background: Physician: using noted skills above: Heal 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot0
Foci: Healer
Foci: Specialist(Notice)

Heal 1, Notice 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot0
htech says:
- Next, choose 4 skills (2 from your background Learning tables + 2 Any Skill) based on your previous character experience and skills. If you pick the same skill as you received from your foci, they start at level-1. Nobody can start with a level-2 skill.
+Know, Notice, Punch, Stab

Heal 1, Know 0, Notice 0, Stab 1, Punch 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0
- Receive 3XP and advance to level 2, as usual. See the rules for more details.
3 exp dex=16
1 exp Program = 0

S:14 D:16 C:14 I:18 W:16 C:12
Heal 1, Know 0, Notice 0, Stab 1, Punch 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0
- Roll you hit points for level 1, then for level 2. If the level 1 hit points were higher, receive a +1 + Constitution modifier for the level 1 roll and ignore the level 2 roll.
Rolled previously 11 total.
htech says:
- Write your Attack Bonus. The character sheet will automatically calculate your saving throws.
htech says:
- Get armor and weapons from the new equipment list, similar to what your previous character had.
htech says:
- The Celestial Voyager will have a Ship’s Locker, so regular gear won't be an issue. Choose some equipment (except armor and weapons) as you wish, using the equipment packages from the rulebook as a reference.
- Write the same credits that your previous PC had.
htech says:
- Fill Goals and notes
- "Discover the truth of the Bio-synths";
- "Gain a PHD or Honorary Doctorate";
- "Help people in need",
This is the math In had written down that got approved for Slaine the first time
Last edited February 16, 2024 7:36 pm
Feb 16, 2024 7:35 pm
At the risk of stating the obvious, from what I can see SWN makes things a bit confusing because they change how the skill rules work between character generation (i.e. getting Level 1) and character advancement (i.e. getting Levels 2+).

When first creating the character, there are no skill points. There is just "gaining skills". So, when you pick a skill, you get it at level-0. When you pick it again, you get level-1. No skill points involved at all. Even when taking a Focus with a skill attached (e.g. Healer-1), the skills work this way. So, if you pick Healer-1 without having the Heal skill, the Focus gives you Heal-0. If you already have Heal-0, then the Focus gives you Heal-1. Since there are no skill points in character creation, it is not possible to raise any attributes.

When advancing Levels, (i.e. Level 2 and beyond) everything changes. You no longer get "skills". Instead, you get "skill points". Skill points have to be accumulated to get any skill level past level-0. Even when you take a Focus with an attached skill, you do not really get that skill. Instead, you get three skill points dedicated to that skill. Since everything is now based on skill points, you can start to try and raise your attributes starting at Level 2.

And from what I can tell, using skill points to increase attributes is a losing game, with two exceptions. First, if you are at an immediate threshold (7, 13, 17) you should blow one skill point to get that modifier increase. That's kind of a no-brainer. So, for example, if you are using the standard attribute array, you should probably always burn one skill point to bump that 7 to an 8 and kill the negative modifier. Second, if you are two away (6, 12, 16) or you have two stats that are one away, it could be worth spending the points. In this case, it would cost three skill points, which means you either lose an entire level-1 skill, or a skill that would have been level-2 because level-1. However, with the modifier increase, this is likely offset.

(@htech, please tell me if I got any of this wrong.)
Feb 16, 2024 7:37 pm
Yes that is what I see.
Feb 16, 2024 7:43 pm
Thank you for your thorough explanation. The misunderstanding is here:
htech says:
- Look for the background and foci from the new rules that will give you some of those skills or related habilities. Get your initial focus plus your bonus foci based on your chosen class (usually combat-related for warriors, non-combat for experts, but we can ignore that and choose freely for this conversion).
Background: Physician using noted skills above: Heal 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0

You don't get those skills here. You just note/choose the background (the green part is ok). The 4 skills are chosen in the step below.
htech says:
- Next, choose 4 skills (2 from your background Learning tables + 2 Any Skill) based on your previous character experience
Sorry if it was confusing and/or I have approved the wrong values before. Your larger skill list (those -1) probabily confused me the first time around.
Feb 16, 2024 7:44 pm
(@htech, please tell me if I got any of this wrong.)
Yup. That's confusing as we are doing both steps at once. I always start at level-1 with everyone else.
Feb 16, 2024 7:45 pm
It was approved before I added the extended list?
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
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