Here is where players will roll up and can fine-tune their PCs. As mentioned in the Session Zero thread, please create one PC to play and one backup, which you can switch to and from at the Keep as needed/desired.
Things to remember:
- Both Basic and Advanced characters are allowed to adventure together. Advanced characters may multiclass in any legal combination.
- Once stats are rolled, you can either swap two scores or increase Prime Requisite(s) the normal way. If your stats are really hopeless (all negative modifiers, extremely low scores in half your stats, etc.), feel free to reroll.
- When considering Constitution score, be aware that the "Limits on Returning from Death" rule is in effect.
- Based on feedback from Session Zero, we'll be using Item-Based Encumbrance and Target 20 (since it was a tie, I think this method combines the best of both).
- When rolling for starting HP, reroll ones and twos—unless you want a true challenge 😎 lol
- Don't forget to roll or pick a secondary skill
- For arcane spellcasters, see the "Advanced Spell Book" rule
- If you consider lore while making your character, don't hesitate to ask for any information you need.
Below is the character sheet we'll be using, copied from the public repository. The only change I made was putting "Race/Class" instead of just "Race" to reflect our use of Advanced characters.
[ +- ] Old School Essentials - DAC Item Encumbrance
Create character
Character SummaryRace/Class:
Ability Scores
STR: Melee att./damage, Open doors
INT: Languages, Literacy
WIS: Saves vs magic
DEX: Missile attacks, AC
CON: Hit points
CHA: Reactions, # Retainers, Loyalty
Ability check: Roll under or equal on 1d20
Saving Throws
D: Death, poison
M: Magic wands
P: Paralysis, petrification
B: Breath attacks
S: Spells, magic rods, magic staves
+/-: WIS modifier to saves vs magic
Saving throw: Roll over or equal on 1d20
Mel: STR mod. to melee att./damage CON HP Mod +/-:
Unarmored AC:
DEX AC Mod +/-:
DEX Missile Mod:
Attack Value Matrix
+/-: CHA modifier to reaction rolls
LD: -in-6 Listen at door (1-in-6 or by class)
OD: -in-6 Open stuck door (based on STR)
SD: -in-6 Find secret door (1-in-6 or by class)
FT: -in-6 Find room trap (1-in-6 or by class)
Base movement rate = 120 ft. unless encumbered
Ov: Overland: 1/5 base rate (miles/day)
Ex: Exploration: base rate (ft./turn)
En: Encounter: 1/3 base rate (ft./round)
NotesExample ability description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Example ability description
Supports multiline and BBCode
NotesExample skill description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Example skill description
Supports multiline and BBCode
NotesExample weapon description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Example weapon description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Example language
NotesExample language 1 description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Example language 1 description
Supports multiline and BBCode
Equipped Items | Movement Rate | Packed Items
NOT A SLOT | | STR 18+
NOT A SLOT | | STR 16+
NOT A SLOT | | STR 13+
NOT A SLOT | 120' (40') |
| |
| |
| |
| 90' (30') |
| |
| 60' (20') |
| |
| 30' (10') |
| |
Anything held, actively in use, or ready to use at short notice: armor worn, shields or weapons held, sheathed weapons, items worn on the belt. | | All other equipment, packed into sacks, backpacks, etc. In combat retrieving a packed item optionally takes one round. |
NotesEnter spells
Enter spells
NotesEnter mounts
Enter mounts
NotesEnter retainers
Enter retainers
Areas Explored
NotesEnter areas explored
Enter areas explored
NotesEnter clues
Enter clues
NotesEnter other
Enter other
Next Level:
% Prime Requisite XP Mod:
[f=h1][f=font-aladin]Character Summary[/f][/f]
[f=font-aladin h2]Race/Class: [_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin h2]Title: [_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin h2]Alignment: [_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin h2]Level: [_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin h1]Ability Scores[/f]
[f=font-aladin large bold]STR[/f]: [_=] [i]Melee att./damage, Open doors[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]INT[/f]: [_=] [i]Languages, Literacy[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]WIS[/f]: [_=] [i]Saves vs magic[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]DEX[/f]: [_=] [i]Missile attacks, AC[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]CON[/f]: [_=] [i]Hit points[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]CHA[/f]: [_=] [i]Reactions, # Retainers, Loyalty[/i]
[i][b]Ability check:[/b] Roll under or equal on 1d20[/i]
[f=font-aladin h1]Saving Throws[/f]
[f=font-aladin large bold]D[/f]: [_=] [i]Death, poison[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]M[/f]: [_=] [i]Magic wands[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]P[/f]: [_=] [i]Paralysis, petrification[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]B[/f]: [_=] [i]Breath attacks[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]S[/f]: [_=] [i]Spells, magic rods, magic staves[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]+/-:[/f] [_=] [i]WIS modifier to saves vs magic[/i]
[i][b]Saving throw:[/b] Roll over or equal on 1d20[/i]
[f=font-aladin h1]Combat
[table= compact center][f=font-aladin large bold]HP:[/f] | [f=background-color:red border centre large][_=][/f] | [f=huge]/[/f] | [f=large background-color:lime border][_=][/f][/table]
[f=font-aladin large bold]AC:[/f] [_=]
[f=font-aladin large bold]Mel:[/f] [_=] [i]STR mod. to melee att./damage[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]CON HP Mod +/-[/f]: [_=]
[f=font-aladin large bold]Unarmored AC[/f]: [_=]
[f=font-aladin large bold]DEX AC Mod +/-[/f]: [_=]
[f=font-aladin large bold]DEX Missile Mod[/f]: [_=]
[f=font-aladin h1]Attack Value Matrix[/f]
[table=center grid]
[f=background-color:black color:white border centre]9[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]8[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]7[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]6[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]5[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]4[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]3[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]2[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]1[/f] | [f=background-color:black color:white border centre]0[/f]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=font-aladin h1]Encounters
[/f]+/-: [_=] [i]CHA modifier to reaction rolls[/i]
[f=font-aladin h1]Exploration[/f]
[f=font-aladin large bold]LD:[/f] [_=] -in-6 [i]Listen at door (1-in-6 or by class)[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]OD:[/f] [_=] -in-6 [i]Open stuck door (based on STR)[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]SD:[/f] [_=] -in-6 [i]Find secret door (1-in-6 or by class)[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]FT:[/f] [_=] -in-6 [i]Find room trap (1-in-6 or by class)[/i]
[f=font-aladin h1]Movement[/f]
[i]Base movement rate = 120 ft. unless encumbered[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]Ov:[/f] [_=] [i]Overland: 1/5 base rate (miles/day)[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]Ex:[/f] [_=] [i]Exploration: base rate (ft./turn)[/i]
[f=font-aladin large bold]En:[/f] [_=] [i]Encounter: 1/3 base rate (ft./round)[/i]
[abilities="Abilities, Skills, Weapons"]
# Abilities
Example ability description
Supports multiline and BBCode
# Skills
Example skill description
Supports multiline and BBCode
# Weapons
Example weapon description
Supports multiline and BBCode
[i]By class; extra langs. if INT 13+[/i]
Literate? [_=0/1]
# Example language
Example language 1 description
Supports multiline and BBCode
[f=font-aladin h1]Inventory[/f]
[table=ht grid zebra]
[f=centre font-aladin large]Equipped Items[/f] | [f=centre font-aladin large]Movement Rate[/f] | [f=centre font-aladin large]Packed Items[/f]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 18+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 16+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 13+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 9+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 6+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=] [i]STR 4+[/i]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | 120' (40') | [_=]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=]
[f=color:white background-color:red border italic bold]NOT A SLOT[/f] | | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[_=] | 90' (30') | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[_=] | 60' (20') | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[_=] | 30' (10') | [_=]
[_=] | | [_=]
[i]Anything held, actively in use, or ready to use at short notice: armor worn, shields or weapons held, sheathed weapons, items worn on the belt.[/i] | | [i]All other equipment, packed into sacks, backpacks, etc. In combat retrieving a packed item optionally takes one round.[/i]
[abilities=Other Notes]
# Spells
Enter spells
# Mounts
Enter mounts
# Retainers
Enter retainers
# Areas Explored
Enter areas explored
# Clues
Enter clues
# Misc.
Enter other
[f=font-aladin large bold]XP: [_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin large bold]Next Level:[_=][/f]
[f=font-aladin large bold]% Prime Requisite XP Mod:[_=][/f]