Western Remnants

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Apr 19, 2024 12:51 am
Arc sees his two friends still dancing and sits by a rock, and claps gently with their beat. But from time to time he slows the beat a bit... this is kind if a magic on its own, hopefully the actual fey magic's rythm will follow suit to a slow enough one to free his friends sooner.

While doing that, he listens Kaarik and Ealdwig and laughs: I didn't !!

Only after calming down his laughs he explains: You know feys are famous for having fun, right? Also for having strong magic and, at least a lot of them, being as smart as bright and nature-friendly children. Also, they mostly have good hearts, good intentions, but such strong magic can go badly if just left to chance. So I figured it would be better that we all have fun together rather than them having fun on us... And, you know, almost all children enjoy dancing.

Hahaha, I didn't actually know how would it resolved, I was surprised that they joined my dance so fast and that they helped us travel to safety. They even protected us from dinos in our way here, did you see that? It resulted so well! Just for this, I like them even more than before, now we have new friends here. Did you liked it all?.

Then he slowed a bit more his clapping.
Last edited April 19, 2024 12:56 am
Apr 19, 2024 2:53 am
It was great. We needed a few laughs. Looking at Blovnvid and Skeeve I am a bit concerned about them? Are they going to be doing that forever?
Apr 19, 2024 1:41 pm
Arc listens to Ealdwig and if his idea of slowering the rythm to halt the dancing doesn't work he smiles at the bushes around, and with a somewhat louder voice... Dear friends, would you allow my two dancing friends here some rest please? It would seem to me we all need some rest now.
Apr 19, 2024 2:07 pm
You look and listen but not a single hint of fey can be found. Though some fey are cruel and twisted while others are kind and benevolent most simply are. What they are is true to their nature. As most fey live heavily in the now you recent interactions have likely slipped from their thoughts once they left you. The fey you danced with seemed to enjoy their time with you so it is unlikely Bornvid and Skeeve were affected with malicious intent. However they fey think differently so the results may not mean the same to you as they do to the fey. Which is why there are so many cautionary tales about dealing with Fey.
The effects are not going to stop any time soon and do not prevent you from continuing. If you want to find the fey you will have to go looking.
Apr 19, 2024 4:17 pm
Sleeve, Bornvid, I am sorry. I am no wizard, I don't kniw how to helo now.
Apr 19, 2024 4:46 pm
"🎡 It's fine, we'll deal with it. 🎢 Maybe crossing the border into the Remnant will break it. 🎡 If not, it'll pass in time. 🎢"
Apr 19, 2024 5:08 pm
Arc smiles black a Sleeve, nothing he can really do now about them.

Since the team will be a while in front of the library, Arc spreads his wings and jumps up high for his usual area recon. He doesn't want to be surprised again.

He is specially interesed in dino groups and their position, and in big flyers.
Last edited April 19, 2024 5:10 pm
Apr 19, 2024 5:55 pm
Blornvid is a bit short of breath while doing his jig. "I... suppose... it's... better... than... being... set on... fire."
Apr 19, 2024 7:22 pm
Is It getting late already? If so, Arc would want to get inside the library with everyone else before right falls.
You are absolutely right, it is not fun to play with fire.
Last edited April 19, 2024 7:24 pm
Apr 19, 2024 7:39 pm
Date&Time(Alpha): 19@11:30
Having set out early you still have half a day to explore. As with the other remnants this one is walled though there are no gates closed to bar the way. Looking in you see a large structure that, though the barrier distorts what you see, looks to be in good condition.
Apr 20, 2024 3:23 am
I hand both of our famous dancers a waterskin so they can take a drink.

Arc, see anything interesting up there?
Apr 20, 2024 12:54 pm
Arc reports back to the team: no risks nor anything remarkable. All is clear.

So, we have Blornvid and Sleeve on a dancing spell. We have already scouted some remnants. We still got some time before walking black to base. Do you want to enter the library again? Or shall we continue west to the warehouse?
Apr 20, 2024 4:05 pm
"🎡 Let's check the library.🎢"
Apr 20, 2024 5:47 pm
"I don't... care. I just... want to... stop dancing."
Apr 20, 2024 6:07 pm
"I am always happy to visit a library!"
Apr 21, 2024 12:29 am
Story continues in the Library
May 10, 2024 5:19 pm
Citizens of Paphos
Myreana (Archeologists)

While I personally do not see the need for hast Phlan has asked me to assist you with your intent to restore some of the civic functions within Phaphos. Looking over the reports generated by the clerk, first hand accounts are much preferred. I recommend talking with either Dean, the apparently sapient golem in the swamp, or Commander Ferran Martinel, who controls the undead guards on the isle

Recovering a lost heritage
Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Thank you for listening to my request. I am from a family that fled Paphos during the Shattering. While we have continued to do well as merchants and scholars a family legacy was hidden in a secure vault in the family offices in the southern building of the merchant area. I was sent by my family to retrieve our lost legacy and Phlan has told me that you are to be trusted and some of the most knowledgeable about the area.

When Paphos was sundered the faithful servant sent to fetch it never returned. The complex is just south of the Plaza and west of the Library. Bring Me my families legacy and you will be well rewarded. You may keep any other wealth you find, and you should find sufficient. I have maps of the city from family records but most of the city is in ruins. However I understand the merchant district survived. Here is a map of the area
[ +- ] Map

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