The Necessity of Travel

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Apr 23, 2024 2:35 pm
Oxana rushes outside and vomits looking at her hands and begins to shake and cry.

"Oh gods what have I done?" She asks before throwing up again.
Apr 23, 2024 4:37 pm
To be fair, the 'deer' was dead when not-Johnsan brought him to you. I think this reaction precludes leaving in an organized manner, though, so someone who's kept their head here decide whether you're going back to the village to worn them, or trying to get even further away from the area as quickly as possible.
Apr 23, 2024 5:36 pm
I also cut this person up and turned him into the preparation parts for spareribs and pot pie. Now we should all be rightfully horrified at what we've done but the desire to flee is overwhelming. I just need a reminder.
Apr 23, 2024 10:35 pm
I did not see that coming.
Brother Irwin gags upon stepping past the front door and seeing the butchered man. The man they butchered. Behind him, he hears the sound of retching. He cannot tear his eyes away from the gruesome sight in front of him. "O God... O Mercies..." he begins, mouth moving of its own volition, but the words do not come. Each prayer ends unfinished before he loses track and has to start all over.

There's no solace to be found in prayer here. "We need..." He presses a hand hard against his mouth to keep from throwing up mid-sentence. It takes a moment before he can continue. "We have to get him down and... And bury him. It's the right thing to do. Oh, God, forgive us."
Apr 24, 2024 12:27 am
Johnsan looks at the half smoked man tied up. "Oh, God. It's not your fault, but what have you done? No one ate any did they?"

Johnsan regains his composure before the others, having not been involved in the butchering. He cuts the dead man down and sets about making a sling to move the body. "I need someone to dig. Unless we think it would be easier to make a funeral pyre?"
Apr 24, 2024 2:50 am
"Burning the building might be easier." Oxana says wiping her mouth and standing up. "We can't afford the time to bury him properly."

She wipes tears from her eyes, "We could put him in a cart with firewood and light that I suppose so we don't burn the village to the ground but given that they can look like any of us and ensorcell our minds we should leave sooner rather than later." She looks ill again for a moment, "We do not want to be in this forest after nightfall."
Apr 24, 2024 4:10 am
"No," Brother Irwin says. "It's not right to leave him here or... Or burn him." The image of the butchered man having his remains burned, cooked, makes the scribe clench his teeth. He shakes his head firmly. "No. He should be buried. I'll do the task myself and join you later, if you don't wish to help."

Decision made, Brother Irwin hunts for something to use as a shovel. Standing around arguing would only delay them further. His stomach twists as the thought of being found by whatever did this to the poor dead man, but some things you had to do. He would see to the burial and go, whether the others left first or not.
Apr 24, 2024 11:27 am
Johnsan doesn't like it, but he'll grab a shovel and help too.
Last edited April 24, 2024 11:27 am
Apr 24, 2024 1:17 pm
Tatianna has worked in the herbalism shop for years; she has helped her grandmother birth babies and heal the worst injuries. She hasn't seen the likes of this but, she has iron in her veins. The first thing she does is attempt to comfort Oxana, "The spirits tricked us, we did not know what we did. You are innocent in this Oxana as are we all. It is a reminder to keep our eyes open and to see the world for what it truly is."

She looks to the two men and says, "Bury the body, we will warn our people about this. Meet us at our village when you are done, when you meet with us tell us the Deer deed is done and we will know it is you. Do not tarry and do not do anything else alone. If you see us return ask us which way the wind blows if we do not say it blows ill winds from the north then you know it is not us."

She takes Oxana's hand and leads her away, she wants nothing more to do with this place and her people need to be warned. What they can do about it though, she has no answer, maybe they will all have to leave.
Defy Danger - Iron
Last edited April 24, 2024 1:26 pm


Iron - (2d6+2)

(46) + 2 = 12

Apr 24, 2024 2:24 pm lets Tatianna lead her away continuing to cry and mutter about what she's done.

"I cut that poor man up." She sniffs wiping her eyes. "I cut him up and ... why would the fae or the eldar make me do that?"

Oxana looks a her hands and trembles continuing to walk with Tatianna, "His blood was all over my hands, my apron and I washed it away as if nothing had happened."

"Why would they torment us like that?" Oxana asks, "Why would they put such horrors in our minds?"
I think I'm using the roll right there, if I'm not let me know. Sorry you don't look quite right @Ysolde, I thought the image was cute and poignant when the AI generated it.
Last edited April 24, 2024 2:34 pm


Iron / Helped by Tatianna / Leave this place and its memories behind. - (2d20h1+0)

(710) = 10

2d6+0 / 2d6+0 Iron / Helped by Tatianna / Leave this place and its memories behind. - (2d6+0, 2d6+0)

2d6+0 : (64) = 10

2d6+0 : (56) = 11

Apr 24, 2024 5:31 pm
testlum says:
I did not see that coming.
To be fair neither did I. I usually work off of off-hand comments for twists. Hope it wasn't too upsetting OOC; if so I'll remember to tone it down a bit more.
The women leave, relinquishing the job of burying the man - whoever he was - to the men. There's no other sightings of anyone at all, save the stranger who's still mostly in a fugue state. She wanders around the village while you dig, and by the time you're done she's come back with a small puzzle box and a teddy bear. She clutches both of them tightly to her chest, but doesn't say anything about where she found them or why they're apparently so important to her.

But the job is soon done nonetheless. Jorgen, Johnsan, and Brother Irwin follow in Tatianna's and Oxana's footsteps, and are back at the village by dusk. You're met by friends and relatives, but it's clear that the village can't support you for long.
You all trigger Reaching Safety, since this is Home. Take a look at your Bonds. Are any of them completed? Probably not yet, but it's part of the process. Then consider:
-- Did you learn something new and important about the world? I'd say yes, you did, even if you don't know what it means yet. What do you think? If yes, gain an XP.
-- Did you overcome a notable monster or enemy? I'm not sure escaping is the same as overcoming. Probably wiser, though.

Last, choose another player who RP'd thier flaw well, and award them an XP. For the record:
-- Jorgen feels that no one cares for him because his life is so unimportant.
-- Oxana looks down on herself and feels she'll never be good enough.
-- Johnsan acts without thinking.
-- Irwin has a constant urge to correct others.
-- Tatianna feels useless when no one else needs her.

You can only get 1XP this way even if more than one player names you.
Apr 24, 2024 11:18 pm
Oh, I hope I didn't give the wrong impression. OOC I really liked the sudden turn. Brother Irwin, obviously, doesn't.

Clarification, is the young woman Johnsan rescued about our age, or is she more of a child?

I'll mark XP for discovering something, and award XP to Jorgen for keeping to himself while the others discuss how to prepare the "deer".
Apr 25, 2024 2:06 am
Thanks, I had a moment of horror in my brain and suddenly we've gone all Donner Party Homestyle BBQ on some poor guy.

I'll agree with definitely learned something new about the world. New and terrible.

Johnsan clearly acted without thinking by trucking off into the forest at sunset alone. Take your XP.

I want to give a point to Tatianna for being there for me too...
Last edited April 25, 2024 4:03 am
Apr 25, 2024 2:35 am
I agree we learned a ton here, and I'll give an XP to Irwin for correcting people consistently.
Apr 25, 2024 5:54 pm
Tatianna, Jorgen, what about you guys?
Apr 25, 2024 10:26 pm
Tatianna learned that things were far more dangerous than she thought so definitely an xp there.

I’ll give an so to Oxana since she definitely looked down on herself.
Apr 26, 2024 6:47 pm
but it's clear that the village can't support you for long.
Is this us specifically or the village as a whole. IE will our leaving make that much of a difference.
Apr 27, 2024 2:23 am
Someone game me xps!
Apr 27, 2024 10:00 pm
Tatianna does her best to comfort Oxana as they make their way to the village. When the men arrive later she uses the phrases established earlier to ensure it is them. She then tries her best to let the village know the threat out there but, it seems, the most concerning thing is limited food and so she and the others will need to travel out once more.

"May I stay at your place Oxana, it is closer in to town and I don’t want to spend the night alone." She blushes as she speaks trying not to imagine inappropriately about the situation.
Apr 28, 2024 7:08 am"I ah," Oxana replies stumbling over her words as her neck and ears flush as red as her hair, "that would be nice but I warn you, my far snores and my systrar talk in their sleep."

Oxana leads Tatianna back to her home, a small thatched roof cottage attached to the forge. As the eldest she has a room of her own at the top of a worn set of cramped stairs that lead to the attic, her systrar sleep in the living area and her far has a room of his own next to the door to the smithy.

"Thanks for," Oxana begins sitting down on the bed, "thanks for taking me by the hand and leading me out of that place." She smiles and looks around, "It’s not much," she says, "I can sleep in the chair by the window so you don’t have to worry."
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