Sorry for the delay. RL beat me over the head for a few days.
While the men are gone, Oxana and Tatianna have plenty of time to look around the village. It's a bit bigger than a
village, really. They've walked a while before they realize they're not sure how far they've come. There's any number of interesting buildings, though. No two are built quite the same, as if they weren't added in to the town until they were needed and then just sort of
shaped into whatever hole was available.
As you explore the village, you do find buildings that could have been used as a forge or a woodworking shop, but this village, unlike Agnon's Wood, was
moved out of rather than
abandoned. That means there's very little here in the way of useful tools. You're positive that the building that seems to be a forge was in fact a forge, however, because when they left they did not take the heavier items, like the anvil or the slack tub. You're never able to identify an apothecary or healing hut, or anything like that, probably for the same reason.
There is certainly enough here to house your entire village though. By the time you decide to head back, the men are returning from their task.
Irwin and Johnsan turn the plums into pulp, smearing them across the carcass until the pulp is more or less indistinguishable from the meat. Then, with care not to disturb the scene any more than necessary, they head back to the village, just in time to see the women returning from the other direction.
It's just early afternoon, so there's time for more, but if we're in agreement that the important pressing thing is the lizard's reaction to the plums, we will skip there.