The Necessity of Travel

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Jul 26, 2024 4:58 pm
Oxana nodded, "We'll try your thing first, they're probably way to dangerous for pets."

She wraps her cloak about herself, "We should get some rest so we can search the village properly tomorrow. I might be able to salvage some of those weapons in the morning."
Lol, is it any good? I'm looking forward to the StarWars Outlaws game.
Last edited July 26, 2024 4:58 pm
Jul 27, 2024 7:00 am
It's not a firm answer, but Brother Irwin does not relish the thought of trying to get rid of the dragons in a more direct manner. He looks down at the creatures and scratches his ear. "I don't think these are the types to eat fruit... Maybe we can drop them into the well? Where they drink?"
Jul 27, 2024 3:34 pm
"We want the well water for ourselves." Oxana says, "They could be like frogs and sleep under the water."

She stretches a bit, "We'll see in the morning what they ate and maybe we can bring some of the left overs next to the well and hide the plums in with it."
Jul 28, 2024 2:46 am
The next morning is like something out of a storybook. The sun is shining brightly, the dew glistens on the grass that grows in among the abandoned buildings of the settlement, and few clouds that are in the sky are far off and unthreatening. After everyone is up and about, and after checking for any signs of movement from the well and finding none, you determine it's safe to go about your day's activities. Someone is going to check the lizards' meal, yes? Is that person going alone or with company? What is everyone else doing while they're away? Do you think leaving a guard is a good idea or a waste of manpower?
Jul 29, 2024 7:06 am
Without anyone in sight besides the small dragons, Brother Irwin suggests that they venture as a group to where the dragons appear to hunt. "After Agnon's Wood..." He shakes his head, leaving the sentence half said. "If Johnsan can bring down an animal there, we can douse it in juice, maybe, and leave it as bait for the dragons."
Gonna mark off 4 rations for the night before.
Jul 30, 2024 2:11 am
Oxana nods as they climb down from their guard tower. "Sounds reasonable to me." She says looking at the tarnished weapons on the ground searching for something in reasonably good shape at a size she could easily wield.
Jul 30, 2024 2:14 pm
"So, you can go with Johnsan and we can see if there's some other food we can find?" She certainly doesn't want anyone going anywhere on their own again.
Jul 31, 2024 2:31 pm
Irwin and Johnsan head off to see if they can create suitable bait for the possibly-not-quite-dragons. They follow the tracks out to a small copse about a quarter of a mile away. There's a small pond here, in the process of being buried by time and falling leaves. Trees have grown out into the middle of it. On the bank is the carcass of a young buck, nearly entirely eaten.
Oxana takes the time to pick through the remains of the battle that happened here long, long ago, and eventually comes away with a small sword that's not too damaged, about the length of her forearm, and a wooden shield. Moss covers the back of the shield, but once she lifts it from the ground, she finds that the front of it is actually iron, or perhaps very old steel. It's barely rusted, and could be cleaned up well.
Jul 31, 2024 2:38 pm
"That's convenient," Brother Irwin says happily. "God must nod on our plan. All we have to do is just smash the plums and that should do the trick."
Aug 2, 2024 4:14 am
Oxana and Tatyanna explore the abandoned village looking for goods and sites they can make use of. Oxana is mostly interested in a forge and a wood workers shop to see if the tools for repairing the walls and the buildings of the village inside the fort are available.

"If the grain is still good they must have been really good at storing it and there's probably overgrown fields beyond the wall." She says as they wander about. "I wonder who they were."
Aug 3, 2024 2:46 pm
"I wish I knew. Grandmother never spoke of this place before and the few books in the village don’t either. Maybe we can find something to help us know. It seems a shame to just be lost to time." She also tries to see if there are any herbs, or houses of healing. Maybe these people knew things that she didn’t.
Aug 3, 2024 7:28 pm
"Maybe there's a witch's house." Oxana says with an uncharacteristic giggle, "I always wanted to be a witch, or a fae." She holds out an arm and flexes her bicep, "Alas fate had a more practical roll for me."

She winks as she continues to clean the sword, "Not that dancing under the full moon is completely out of the question."
Aug 5, 2024 1:03 pm
With Johnsan's help, Brother Irwin begins to enact his plan, squishing the plums between his hands and slathering the juices on the carcass. It's messy work, and the scribe's expression soon changes into an ill-concealed grimace. When that's done, he goes to wash his hands in the pond.
Last edited August 5, 2024 1:05 pm
Aug 6, 2024 2:38 pm
Sorry for the delay. RL beat me over the head for a few days.
While the men are gone, Oxana and Tatianna have plenty of time to look around the village. It's a bit bigger than a village, really. They've walked a while before they realize they're not sure how far they've come. There's any number of interesting buildings, though. No two are built quite the same, as if they weren't added in to the town until they were needed and then just sort of shaped into whatever hole was available.

As you explore the village, you do find buildings that could have been used as a forge or a woodworking shop, but this village, unlike Agnon's Wood, was moved out of rather than abandoned. That means there's very little here in the way of useful tools. You're positive that the building that seems to be a forge was in fact a forge, however, because when they left they did not take the heavier items, like the anvil or the slack tub. You're never able to identify an apothecary or healing hut, or anything like that, probably for the same reason.

There is certainly enough here to house your entire village though. By the time you decide to head back, the men are returning from their task.
Irwin and Johnsan turn the plums into pulp, smearing them across the carcass until the pulp is more or less indistinguishable from the meat. Then, with care not to disturb the scene any more than necessary, they head back to the village, just in time to see the women returning from the other direction.
It's just early afternoon, so there's time for more, but if we're in agreement that the important pressing thing is the lizard's reaction to the plums, we will skip there.
Aug 7, 2024 8:16 pm
She chuckles a bit at Oxana and shrugs, "Some people called my grandma a witch. Maybe if she had magic she'd have sent down a curse on them. I've always enjoyed making remedies and helping people. The hardest part was learning how to help with birthing. So many things are happening and sometimes it all just goes poorly. There aren't any herbs for that loss..."

She clears her throat and says, "Hey wasn't that an anvil. It must have been a smith's place, but they took everything that was easy to carry leaving just the old anvil. I bet they took a new one or planned to make a new one."
Aug 8, 2024 12:47 am
I don't have anything in mind for Irwin, but if the others have an idea to occupy the afternoon I'm open to it.
Brother Irwin greets the two women after returning to the abandoned settlement. "All we can do now is wait," he says, with a wary glance at the well where the dragons are presumably sleeping. "While you've been exploring, did you find out anything about the people who lived here? A journal, maybe?"
Aug 8, 2024 3:39 am
"It's odd." Oxana says, "My father would never leave the anvil behind unless he had no choice. They're just to valuable."

"This place," she says with a sigh, "they all moved out after the battle but why? Did most of the men die and they had to pack up and leave? If the attackers had won they would have burned this place to the ground, you don't leave a fort behind and this is almost a city there's so much inside these walls."

"I wonder what the lads have discovered." Oxana says as they return to the watch tower.

- - -

"Nothing." Oxana says as they sit in the watch tower watching the well. She's been cleaning and oiling the sword and shield for a while now and they both look more than presentable. "The people who were here moved out after the battle. Took pretty much everything that wasn't nailed down."
Aug 9, 2024 1:20 am
She shrugs, "Maybe the wagon didn’t have room? You would know more than I would there. I just wish they could have left us some message."

She nods along with Oxana, "I couldn’t even attempt to discern where the herbalist or house of healing was. They took everything they could."
Aug 9, 2024 4:10 am
"This place is bigger than we thought too." Oxana says looking around, "It's practically a city."

"Pick a weapon up off the ground if you want and I'll see if I can't clean it up for you." She looks at the area where the forces clashed, "Should probably start picking that stuff up so we can start recycling it."
Aug 9, 2024 5:16 pm
With the trap set, all you have to do is wait. And so wait is what you do. The hours are filled with small talk. Everyone does have time to go through the battleground and pick up a weapon if it doesn't feel weird to take weapons off of the dead. As the sun sets, you hear the creatures start to stir again in their lair.

This night is cloudy, and you dare not light a torch in case they see you and you disrupt your plan - or worse, they see you and attack. The dark is darker than you can remember it being as you sit, still and quiet, at the top of the watchtower. The lizards are gone longer than usual, and when they return, they're moving slowly, almost lethargically. When they climb down into the well again, one of them slips and falls, tumbling out of view. There's a hard thump a few moments later, and you're not sure if it survived the fall or not.

The rest of the night is full of groaning roars and whines echoing up from the well. In the morning, they're still there, just quieter now. The plums definitely hurt them, but it doesn't sound as though they killed them. You have no way of knowing if they'll recover or not. Do you want to explore more while you wait and find out, or do you want to go down there and take care of them while they're weak?
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