The Necessity of Travel

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Aug 27, 2024 11:49 pm
Yep, 6- gives 1 XP.
Aug 28, 2024 3:36 am
I need to roll worse more often...
Igniting one of her candles Oxana squeezes behind the stalactite and investigates the opening. She has no intention of going far and uses the spike on the back of her hammer to draw a line on the cave wall.
This feels like a SCOUT roll


Wits / (Scout) - (2d6+1)

(35) + 1 = 9

Aug 30, 2024 5:01 pm
Johnsan quickly improvises a torch and hurries after the others, assisting in the exploration of the cave. He keeps his senses sharp, looking for signs of more of those tiny dragons...

"We should establish a name for those creatures we slew back there... maybe dragonettes? Dragonelles? Dragodillos?"
Sep 4, 2024 5:22 am
Emberskyes says:
This feels like a SCOUT roll
You don't have to roll for just going into another area, but you DO need to take decisive action to explore it, much like you did. In point of fact, when you start exploring there's things I have to do. First of all being...

Let's determine your marching order. Are we good with the posting order, in other words, Irwin, Tatianna, Oxana, Johnsan?


primary gen - (10d12)

(1031112121111166) = 83

secondary gen - (3d6+6)

(614) + 6 = 17

new room - (2d6)

(46) = 10

new room - (2d12)

(13) = 4

Sep 4, 2024 5:24 am
Irwin just stomped there in a huff right after the kill, so that's good with me!
Sep 4, 2024 1:24 pm
"I like Dragodillos, it suggests a certain amount of armor and dragon like danger without being an actual gigantic, fire breathing, hyper intelligent, razor sharp clawed death monster."
Sep 4, 2024 4:19 pm
"We could just say they were dragons," Oxana grin, "hopefully there's just one room down here I don't much like this cramped feeling."

In the back of her mind she recalled being shoved in a suffocatingly small box as a child by someone she couldn't quite recall anymore. They'd moved away when the hard times began.
Sep 5, 2024 3:43 pm
Johnsan is happy to bring up the rear, keeping an eye behind the party in case something tries to sneak up on them.
Sep 6, 2024 7:28 pm
As you squeeze through the narrow opening, you can see that this cave has been split in two by a great earthquake, but more years ago than you could count, most likely. Is this the same quake that dried up the well? Would there be more of them in the future? These questions die on your lips as you look around this new area. If you thought the battle above ground was horrible, it is but a paltry imitation of this much older scene. Bodies lie everywhere, spear points without hafts driven through ribs without skin, swords rusting away to nothingness shoved into guts that have long done the same. There's several passageways that lead off from this main area, but you can easily tell than unlike the crevice you just came though, these new passageways - indeed, most of the new area in general - is carefully carved in the same intricate patterns you saw on the portal that brought you here.
At least one person will want to keep track of these caves. I have a diagram but its MINE, ALL MINE. mwahahahahahaha koffkoff
Sep 6, 2024 9:32 pm
I can attempt to, for the sake of my brain and North being the top should I put the well at the top or bottom or left or right and which direction is this room from the well?
Sep 6, 2024 11:31 pm
Thank you @Emberskyes.
Brother Irwin stops short at the sight of the mass grave. Involuntarily, his hands move to form a sign for prayer, but they're shaking and he cannot fit his fingers together.
His knees buckle as he pushes himself to approach the dead. No one have sent them on their way here with a burial hymn. It had to be done. Mechanically, the scribe forces his hands into the right shape. His mouth opens to pray.


Dig Deep - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Sep 7, 2024 5:59 pm
What kind of shape is the room? And how many passages in what direction?
Oxana looks about studying the wreckage of this area. "By the gods what happened here?" She whispers her hushed voice echoing about the cavern.

Oxana begins to explore the cavern trying to determine what happened here, clearly there was a battle but who were these people and why were their remains left to rot instead of properly dealt with. Clearly one side was utterly defeated and the other didn't care about the fallen.
Do any of the bits of gear look vastly culturally different? Is anything way better preserved than the rest? Is there a way to bring the water back to the well?
Last edited September 7, 2024 6:12 pm


Discern Reality (Wits) - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Sep 9, 2024 4:58 pm
Johnsan will take a moment to examine the weaponry used in this fight. Maybe people here had some new tech that he should be aware of before he encounters it... and maybe he could get his hands on something more effective than a bow?


Spout Lore (+Wits) - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Sep 9, 2024 6:49 pm
As Irwin prays over the first fallen soldier, its bones slowly crumble to dust. Irwin, you have absolutely never seen this happen before. Have you heard of it? Is this perhaps why your god sent you here? To give rest to these poor souls after centuries?
@Emberskyes - The questions do need to be from the list, so I'm picking the closest questions I can to give you the answers you want.
What here is useful or valuable to me? There are two distinct sides. One fought in great numbers, one in few. Those fewer in number fought the others to a standstill because of their superior armor and weaponry. One side used low-grade iron or bronze... or bone. The other used steel and... is that gold?

What here is not what it appears to be? No, it's not quite gold, although it appears to be. It's an alloy you've never seen before. And it's not just in the weapons and armor. Some of the same alloy is used in the old lighting fixtures and a few other small items that are scattered about.

What should I be on the lookout for? You're going to need to find the original source of the water before you can figure out how to get it back to the well.
@GameMaster - That's an interesting use of Spout Lore. I'll allow it. But you got a 10, which means you tell me what you found. I'll give you the mechanics for it afterward.
Sep 9, 2024 10:31 pm
Brother Irwin looks dumbly upon the newly formed mound of dust. The bones were old, but that couldn't be a coincidence. No, it isn't one, as the scribe sees when he goes into a second shaky prayer and sees another corpse fall apart.

His spirits lift. God must be here after all. He would surely give rest to the abandoned dead once Brother Irwin performed the rites.

The scribe glances up, noticing the marks on the wall for the first time. Are they the same ones that the gate bore? In a different time, if his faith had guttered, he might have jumped through to escape these caverns. But right now he had a duty to perform.

Brother Irwin returns to praying for the dead.
Sep 12, 2024 5:12 pm
Irwin, are you praying over these corpses in any particular order? Does anything they're wearing or the position they're in determine which you move to next?

Johnsan, what's the strange new weapon you've found?

Oxana, does anything you see (or something you don't) tell you which way to go next?

Tatianna, what's your take on all this? Does it remind you of anything?
Sep 12, 2024 10:05 pm
Simply in order of proximity to Brother Irwin.
Sep 15, 2024 9:55 pm
Oxana points at the right most of the three archways leading out of the room. "Whatever the defenders were protecting was that way." She says examining one of the wicked alien blades before tucking it into her belt. "That's where the fight seems to have been concentrated."
Sep 17, 2024 3:49 pm
She nods, "Okay, then let's see what is in that direction. Maybe it will help solve the mystery around here."
Sep 17, 2024 4:27 pm
You're all about to head over in that direction, when - as Irwin is praying over one of the armored skeletons, one of the few that was this well armoured - it jerks and begins to pull itself up out of the dirt, instead of just decaying to dust like the rest have. It's still gripping it's sword and shield, but it'll be a few moments before its intentions - if it has any - become clear.

If you're going to attack it and want the upper hand, you'd better do it now. There is the chance though that it's not hostile. Attacking it then would definitely cause a problem you don't have to have.

Irwin, you're closest, and your prayer seemingly did this. What's your reaction?
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