Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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Jun 10, 2024 12:35 pm
Seeing Mercer finish one of them, Corbin adjust to the remaining target.


[SWN] Corbin McRogers: Laser Rifle* - ToHit - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

[SWN] Corbin McRogers: Laser Rifle* - Damage - (1d10+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Jun 10, 2024 3:04 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:54:06 UTC
Corbin also killed Kyle (M1) before he could react. Considering those first seconds, only Kira was still alive.
To act:
- Peter
Jun 10, 2024 6:19 pm
Ruthless. We might get 3 kills in 12 seconds.
Jun 10, 2024 7:08 pm
Yeah, well Douklan and Hank are struggling with the sniper. We'll see on that ...
Jun 11, 2024 11:41 pm
Moving on for Peter after 3 days since I posted this round...
With everyone in the garage already dead, Peter repositioned himself close to the north door (AM8), ready to shoot Kira in the next round.
NPC actions in my next post
Jun 11, 2024 11:42 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:54:06 UTC
Kira's heart pounded as she dove behind the console, Hank's shot barely missing her. The initial shock gave way to a cold, fierce determination. Her eyes darted around the room, now a scene of chaos. The transparisteel window, once an impenetrable barrier, lay in ruins, jagged shards littering the floor. Monitors flickered, some shattered beyond repair by the heavy machine gun’s relentless barrage. Sparks flew from severed cables, the air thick with the acrid smell of burning electronics and ozone.
Hank's shot was a hit, but not enough to kill.
Douklan's machine gun continued to roar, the heavy rounds tearing through the control room like a force of nature. He aimed methodically, so even though he was unable to hit Kira directly, the cacophony was deafening.
Douklan missed.
Kira's hand shot out, grabbing a thermal pistol hidden beneath the console. She rolled to her side, her eyes locking onto Hank, who stood framed in the doorway, his weapon aimed at her. She squeezed the trigger, the pistol emitting a high-pitched whine as a searing bolt of energy lanced across the room. Hank threw himself to the side, the bolt narrowly missing him and instead striking a nearby control panel. The panel exploded in a shower of sparks, the force of the blast momentarily blinding both of them.
Hank, that was actually a hit from Kira but not enough to incapacitate you. Take 8 damage. There are no other consequences, the explosion is just for context/flavor due to the lost hitpoints
Meanwhile, Mercer, Peter, and Corbin had secured the maintenance bay, killing Kyle and Lewis with swift, decisive action.

Maya was stunned, just watching the quick and ruthless action. She realized it was too late to talk or heal anyone from the other team.
Next round! What do you do?


Kira (W1) - Thermal pistol vs Hank's AC13 - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Kira (W1) - Thermal pistol - Damage - (2d6+1)

(61) + 1 = 8

Jun 11, 2024 11:56 pm
Going to let Hank and Peter act first. Seems appropriate for this round.
Jun 12, 2024 1:17 am
Hank lets out an expletive and takes another shot, then moves to the side so that Peter can take his shot. Burst again.

A hit! And now damage ...
Last edited June 12, 2024 1:19 am


Hank Heron: Laser Rifle*+ - ToHit - (1d20+2+2)

(19) + 4 = 23

Hank Heron: Laser Rifle*+ - Damage - (1d10+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Jun 12, 2024 5:13 am
Douklan sees the burst of sparks across the control room from where he's firing; either that was a bizarre ricochet, or there's still a firefight going on in there. He continues firing through the shattered window into the console, hoping to hit the pinned Kira.


Heavy machine gun, damage - (1d20+6, 3d6)

1d20+6 : (13) + 6 = 19

3d6 : (313) = 7

Jun 12, 2024 8:47 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:54:12 UTC
In the chaos of the control room, Douklan aimed towards Kira and fired again, the shot striking and severely injuring her arm. She cried out, dropping the thermal pistol.

Before she could react, Hank, still holding his rifle, stepped forward and fired a final burst. The laser hit Kira square in the chest, and she collapsed, her body lifeless.
End of combat. What do you do?

James (Synth Alpha)


Jun 14, 2024 12:16 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:55 UTC

Maintenance bay, Electrical Substation DC-45T, Zyronis

James's sensors registered the metallic tang of blood as he crossed the unlocked door, after the combat was over. He noted the positions of the bodies, the blood, and the clear signs of a violent confrontation. His internal processors flagged the situation as a high-risk scenario, though the immediate threat had been neutralized.

"Objective analysis: two human casualties," James thought as he entered the maintenance bay. "Causes of death: exsanguination, burns and trauma from swords and laser bursts. Time of death estimated at about 10 seconds ago."

As he moved deeper into the room, James's gaze shifted to the previously damaged hovercycles. His sensors confirmed that they had been repaired and were now fully functional. He turned them on, momentarily, and their engines emitted a consistent hum, indicating optimal performance. This repair was a positive development, ensuring their mobility and escape capabilities.

However, the gravsled presented a more complex challenge. It was dismantled, parts strewn across the substation floor in a disorganized fashion. James’s analytical systems immediately began mapping out the components, calculating the time and effort required for reassembly.

"Gravsled status: dismantled," James reported, his optical sensors narrowing as he scanned the scattered parts. "Estimated reassembly time: up to 2 hours with current resources and personnel. Probability of successful reassembly without engineering expertise: 41.67%. Lower if the process is rushed or insufficient assistance is provided. Recommendation: immediate reassembly is critical for mission success. Suggest prioritizing this task while remaining vigilant for further threats. Substation DC-45T control room status is also unknown after the latest developments. A diagnostic of its systems is recommended."
All players can act. What do you do?
James (Synth Alpha)
Jun 14, 2024 12:37 am
"Hank, Are you ok with me getting these bodies buried while the technical ones get things up and running?"
Also loot the bodies?


Mercer Canaan Furio: Notice - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

(35) + 1 = 9

Jun 14, 2024 3:47 am
Hank holds it together long enough to keep things moving.

"Douklan, she's gone. Please come down with us now.

"Peter, work with Douklan to secure a perimeter so that Corbin and James can get the sled working.

"Corbin and James, please do get the sled working again. If we can't get it working, this battle was for nothing.

"Mercer, yes, you may make sure the bodies are handled properly.

"Maya, would you please check out my wound? I want to make sure it doesn't get worse."

With that, Hank sits down for a bit to recover. He will check the link his dataslab has with the substation to make sure it is still good and that there aren't others running around we need to worry about. He cleans up the surveillance so that they can now see what is going on. I assume this requires a roll.
Yes, Mercer has permission to loot the bodies.


Hank Heron: Program - (3d6h2+1+1)

(332) + 2 = 8

Jun 14, 2024 12:13 pm
Corbin nods at Hank, realizing he probably can't see the gesture with is suit on. Corbin proceeds to remove his armored suit, reassembling the gravsled looked like work and the suit would only slow him down.

Pulling over the toolbox he waves James over to get started.
Jun 15, 2024 11:07 am
I will wait for Douklan and/or Peter actions or, if there's nothing until them, I will post something tomorrow
Jun 15, 2024 8:07 pm
Douklan tells Peter: "There's three exits: the way we came in, the main entrance, and the maintenance bay. I can set up this gun to cover the main entrance and the way we came in, but I am a little nervous about the wing behind me - all the apartments, the mess hall, and storage. Do you want to check it out while Mercer is in the Maintenance Bay taking care of the bodies?" Douklan repositions the heavy machine gun so that he has eyes (and line of fire) on the main entrance and the "side" entrance the party used when they entered.
Jun 15, 2024 11:40 pm
Hank always strongly recommends at least two-person teams.

Maya Chen


Jun 16, 2024 12:06 am
Maya Chen
Maya’s memory of what happened about 7 hours ago
The substation loomed ahead, a fortress of steel and concrete amidst the sprawling ecumenopolis. Its main steel hatch was closed but that was not an issue for the Ramirez Salvage Crew. They dismounted their hovercycles and Jax had taken the lead, his engineering expertise critical to open the doors to the substation.

Then, suddenly, there were shouts. A man and a woman emerged from the shadows, brandishing weapons. Jax stepped forward, his hands raised in a placating gesture.

"We don't want any trouble," he said, his voice calm but firm. "We're just here for the advanced energy regulators that we believe are still in the substation."

The man, Kyle, was clearly agitated. "This is our territory," he shouted. "You can't just come in here and take what you want!"

Jax remained composed, trying to defuse the situation. "We have no interest in your territory and this area cannot be settled according to the planetary laws. We're only after the regulators. Let us take it, and we'll leave peacefully."

But Kyle wasn't listening. Fear and desperation flashed in his eyes, and he turned to the woman, Kira. "Shoot their bikes. Make them leave."

Maya had barely registered the command when Kira lifted a mag pistol and fired 3 times. The sharp cracks of the shots rang out, and their hovercycles shuddered as the bullets hit. Sparks flew, and Maya felt a surge of anger and alarm. They were being forced into a fight they didn't want.

Jax stepped forward again, his voice rising with anger. "Stop this nonsense! You don't own this substation. We're taking the components, and there's nothing you can do to stop us. We outnumber and outgun you."

Before he could finish, Kyle grabbed him, and a struggle ensued. The two men grappled, their voices a mix of shouts and grunts. Maya moved to intervene, but then she heard another shot. She turned just in time to see Jax collapse, a look of shock and pain on his stuface. Blood pooled around his legs, staining the ground.

Maya's heart pounded in her chest. "Jax!" she screamed, rushing to his side. The scene descended into chaos. Kyle and Kira retreated, leaving Jax bleeding on the ground.

"Fall back!" Captain Elena Ramirez ordered, her voice cracking with urgency. Maya got Jax. He was hurt and bleeding, but, by them, she thought he would survive.

Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 14:00 UTC

Electrical Substation DC-45T, Zyronis

The Celestial Voyager crew had struck swiftly and ruthlessly. There were no signs of hesitation or mercy. The attackers had left no survivors, ensuring that there would be no further resistance. It was a stark reminder of the harsh realities of survival in this desolate region. Guilt gnawed at her; despite their aggression, they hadn’t deserved to die like this.

Maya’s gaze shifted to the previously damaged hovercycles. They had been repaired and were now fully functional. It was a small victory amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope in their dire situation. However, the gravsled told a different story. It was clearly dismantled, its parts scattered around the substation floor. Reassembling it could be straightforward—or it could be an insurmountable task. Maya was not an engineer, and the intricacies of the gravsled's mechanics were beyond her expertise. James and Corbin were already on it, but it would take a while.

Either way, she had work to do. As she approached Hank with her medkit, and before he could check the surveillance or Mercer could properly care for the bodies, a damaged relay, sparking intermittently at the control room, caused a major electrical short circuit and everything was plunged into sudden, complete darkness. The hum of the transformers ceased, leaving an unnerving silence in its wake.

Douklan, with the HMG already pointed towards the main entrance, was now even more worried about the whole wing at his back.
What do you do?
Jun 16, 2024 12:57 am
Douklan switches on his suit light and backs up to the west until he has the wall at his back. On the comm, he says: "Talk to me: is everyone OK?" He blows out a deep breath. "My guess is that we didn't switch off the systems in the control room fast enough, and some part of the circuit blew after I damaged the consoles taking out the sniper. James, Corbin: do you have light enough to continue repairs? I'd rather we all stay where we are rather than blunder around in the dark, continue what we were doing, finish the repairs, and get out of here. I don't think we have time to trace the fault and repair it, but if you guys need more light...check and see if they had portable lights in the Maintenance Bay along with all those tools. If we have to, we can search the other rooms for light sources if you need them."
Jun 16, 2024 2:10 am
Hank says, "Peter and Mercer, work with Douklan to secure our position. Corbin and James, can you do any work without power?" He then turns on his helmet light so he can use it to spotlight wherever Maya needs to work on him. Once he is patched up, he will check his computer to see if there are any connections remaining, or if the whole substation appears to be dark.
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