Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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May 24, 2024 1:05 pm
"I'm with Hank on trying the side door, might give us some idea of what's inside and if the talking goes poorly, we'll have them flanked.

Moving around to the side door, Corbin will attempt to open it. Quietly.


[SWN] Corbin McRogers: Fix - (4d6h2+3)

(2116) + 3 = 11

May 24, 2024 3:26 pm
The team approached the door, and Corbin stepped forward to examine it. His fingers traced the edges of the frame, searching for any signs of tampering or hidden traps. Then, he used his toolkit for further examination. Satisfied that it was safe, he began to work on the control panel. Sparks flew as he bypassed the ancient security system with his metatool and the door groaned in protest before slowly sliding open.

The corridor beyond was even darker, the only illumination coming from the occasional flicker of failing overhead lights and a nearby computer system. The computer appears to have been recently installed and connected to the facility network.
What do you do? If you wanna Sneak and/or Notice something inside, gimme an appropriate roll. If you wanna Hack the terminal, please gimme a Int/Program check.

The DC to "Get General Information" from it is 10.
May 24, 2024 3:49 pm
Mercer is going to follow the other's lead.
I am only rolling sneak in case I have to, but notice will be used either way.


Mercer Canaan Furio: Notice - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

(65) + 1 = 12

Mercer Canaan Furio: Sneak - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

(16) + 1 = 8

May 25, 2024 7:10 pm
Okay! Let's see what the crew will do.
May 25, 2024 11:35 pm
Hacking? Hank's metaphorical ears pop up for that!
Assuming Mercer doesn't see anything, Hank sneaks up to the terminal and give it a hacking attempt.


Hank Heron: Program - Hacking Attempt - (3d6h2+1+1)

(262) + 2 = 10

May 26, 2024 3:41 am
Douklan tries to advance a bit further down the corridor, in case using the terminal (which in his mind was clearly installed by the scavengers that Maya mentioned) brings some kind of violent response.
Last edited May 26, 2024 3:42 am


Sneak (unskilled) - (2d6-1)

(62) - 1 = 7

Notice DC10 - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

May 27, 2024 12:24 pm
Seeing as the rest of crew is stopping to intereact with the terminal and that Douklan is going futher Peter will hang back a bit and be on the lookout for anything coming from where they just came.

He will also talk in the coms:

"Douklan, i´m guarding the rear, let me know if you need any help or see anything strange, are you good on ammo?"


Peter Morgan: Notice - (2d6)

(16) = 7

May 27, 2024 3:23 pm
Well aware of how much noise he's making stomping around in his armor, Douklan nevertheless tries to not add to the sound by responding verbally, just giving a thumb's up back to Peter to indicate his full charge.
May 27, 2024 7:32 pm
I had an issue with my map for the Electrical substation, I will post the results of your checks tomorrow.

Including the aforementioned map. =)
May 28, 2024 3:08 pm
Mercer, leaving the side entrance, emerged into a small chamber, the air heavy with humidity. A 10 ft long, 5ft wide steel bridge spanned a large water reservoir below, the surface of the water rippling gently from the activity of three massive pipes. The pipes, clearly part of the substation's cooling system, sucked water with a constant, powerful hum.

Mercer paused at the edge of the bridge, taking a moment to survey the scene.The bridge itself was narrow and the metal grating underfoot clanged softly with each step, the sound swallowed by the larger ambient noise of the substation.

On the other side of the bridge, a heavy steel door marked the entrance to the emergency batteries and auxiliary generator room. The door was slightly ajar, a dim light spilling out into the chamber.

Mercer signaled back to Douklan and the others, indicating that he was looking further. He pushed the door open a little more, just enough to see inside without making a sound. The room was spacious, dominated by rows of emergency batteries and auxiliary generators that hummed with stored energy.

He scanned the room quickly, noting the recent additions: improvised barricades and several type A and type B recharging stations rigged to multiple generators. A couple of them were even at work, charging depleted batteries. This was definitely the work of the supposed scavengers, a makeshift fortress within the substation that they claimed.

Meanwhile, back at the terminal, Hank worked quickly, his fingers flying over the controls. He was able to bypass the basic security protocols. The screen flickered, then resolved into a more complex interface. "Looks like they've been using this to monitor the substation's systems and possibly control some of the defenses." - he whispered to Maya.

As Hank worked, the screen displayed a wealth of possibilities: maps, power distribution networks, surveillance feeds, and control over various security systems.

"Interesting," Hank thought. "They've set up a pretty sophisticated network here. I can see the living area was recently reformed, there are multiple camera feeds and even some kind of automated defense system. This is not someone working alone"

The substation was organized into several key sections. The main entrance corridor, protected by concealed and automated turrets, led to a central corridor, from which tunnels branched out in many directions. Each tunnel led to different operational areas: besides the auxiliary generator room that Mercer already noticed, there was the transformer yard, the control room, the maintenance bay, the living quarters and the equipment storage area.

To get deeper into the system and access the surveillance or defense controls, Hank would risk detection. Mercer and Douklan could also enter the complex, moving ahead of the group, taking a more direct or a more discreet approach.
You’re around the red X. This map is 225 ft wide and will probably be further detailed in my next posts. What do you do?
May 28, 2024 3:19 pm
Am I correct in assuming that even if we had the sled we couldn't get a 25 ton drive out the doors we came in?
Also is the drive the thing making the power here?
Last edited May 28, 2024 3:21 pm
May 28, 2024 3:41 pm
The drive is not here, actually. It was close to the dome were Corbin, Douklan and Peter fought the robots, but you didn't go there yet.

Just the sled (and maybe the bikes) are what you need to get here.
May 28, 2024 3:48 pm
Basically, we have two choices here, and I am fine with either of them.

Premise: This substation has been successfully commandeered and is now "owned". If we want to do anything with it, whether take the core, or do anything else, we will have to fight the current owners for it. As such, I see two main paths:

1) We recognize the situation, cut our losses, and leave. As long as we leave quietly, the "owners" likely will not care and will leave us alone.

2) We kill the current "owners". They have already demonstrated to Maya's group that they aren't negotiating. So, if we want anything from here, we'll have to take it from their cold dead hands. Are we comfortable with slaughtering the group?

Also, to help the decision, how many appear to be in the "owners" group? Five? Ten? Twenty? That could heavily affect whether we think we can kill them all. And the fact that they are charging up A-cells means they are likely armed at least as well as we are.
May 28, 2024 3:52 pm
This substation has been successfully commandeered and is now "owned". If we want to do anything with it, whether take the core, or do anything else, we will have to fight the current owners for it.
The Drive-4 engine core is not here, just the sled. We probably posted simultaneously.
Also, to help the decision, how many appear to be in the "owners" group? Five? Ten? Twenty?
You dont know yet. Hank can further investigate how many people are here In Character.

To hack their surveillance cameras, gimme a Int/Program roll. As always, failed rolls have consequences :D
May 28, 2024 4:58 pm
I say we can try to get the sled and maybe cycles and leave
Ps. I might be able to talk out way through this if we need. I have a couple thoughts.
Last edited May 28, 2024 5:13 pm
May 28, 2024 7:10 pm
Hank thinks to himself, Well, to figure out the best course of action, we need to know what we are working against. So, he tries to hack into the surveillance cameras.


Hank Heron: Program - (3d6h2+1+1)

(615) + 2 = 13

May 28, 2024 7:21 pm
Hank stared at the terminal, fingers poised above the keyboard.
"Well, to figure out the best course of action, we need to know what we're working against," he muttered to himself.
He began to tap into the substation’s surveillance system, his eyes narrowing with concentration.

The screen flickered as the security feeds unlocked one by one, displaying various sections of the substation. Hank toggled through the different camera angles, searching for any sign of the scavengers. His breath caught as the feeds resolved into clear images, sucessfully revealing the presence of three individuals.

The first camera showed the maintenance bay. Two men were there, working diligently on the gravsled. The bay was a large chamber, dominated by the sleek forms of 2 hovercycles and the partially disassembled gravsled. Tools and diagnostic equipment surrounded the vehicles. The men moved with a practiced efficiency, clearly familiar with the machinery they were working on. One of them was tall and muscular, his face set in a focused scowl as he tightened bolts on the sled’s chassis. The other was shorter, with a wiry build and quick, precise movements, his hands deftly connecting various components spread out on a workbench.

Hank switched to another camera feed, this one showing the main control room. A young woman sat at a console, her attention fixed on a series of electrical output charts and computer monitors. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she monitored the fluctuating power levels and system diagnostics. She seemed to be alone, her posture tense as she occasionally glanced at a screen displaying the status of the substation’s security systems.

Hank continued scanning through the feeds, but there were numerous blind spots. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that he might be missing someone. The substation was vast, and there could easily be more scavengers hiding in areas not covered by the cameras or hidden in places that he didn't notice. Either way, he was also sure that nobody noticed his access. Yet.
What do you do?


Hank Heron: Notice - Observing camera feeds (Unskilled) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 28, 2024 7:31 pm
Well, we're not sneaking to get that gravsled. I think we talk first, then shoot. Want to send me in in point with some firepower as backup?
May 28, 2024 9:01 pm
I only see three people, but I am sure there are likely to be more. If we go to talk, there's an excellent chance they'll call for backup. I think we need to take the command center first, and take out the sole occupant. Whether that means killing or subduing is up to how fast either option would be. We have to move fast, as I'll be found out soon enough and there won't be a chance to talk then.
Hank knows he won't remain undetected forever. Can he silently override the security system so that it looks clean, but is really just not working?
The command center and maintenance area are adjacent. If we do something in one area, the other will hear. We have to hit them at the same time.
May 28, 2024 9:14 pm
If we kill someone, it will make any future negotiation harder.
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