A Grave reprieve (Felix)

Apr 18, 2024 11:12 pm
[ +- ] Felix
Welcome to the game @Nuttyartist
Apr 18, 2024 11:20 pm
Having set out for a grand life Felix followed his ancestors advice and soon picked up work as a caravan guard. One thing lead to another and Felix ended up moving further and further from his homland only to find that most of the world looked much as where he had come from.

Taking a job that promissed to broaden his horizons Felix looked forwards to his first ocean voyage. Rising early he had alrady broken his fast and headind to the dock to find Bjorne. The boy who had told Felix of this job insisted Felix would be able to identify the old man from his description alone. Which mostly boils donw to being th loudest and most creative cusser on the dock.
[ +- ] Bjorne
After some encuraging other features were also described. Old. Hairy. Big. Oh, and he has a beard.
Apr 19, 2024 2:19 pm
Using a fish bone to pick his teeth clean Felix sauntered towards the dock. Carrying all that he owned in various small satchels and pockets (such as his deck of cards, 2 flasks filled with whatever is strong and trendy, and a hair brush), but what stood out were the cross weapons on his back. One, his ancestral great sword (haunted by Florial) and the other not actually a weapon but his spade (tool of his trade). This spade was also passed down his family line of grave diggers and was magical in nature.

Various ships, boats and other sea bearing vessels came into view. Gulls and Pelicans harassed the fishermen, like a flurry of giant mosquitoes or a gaggle of fan girls. Felix squinted his eyes, scanning the docks.

Old. Hairy. Big. Hmm, well to a boy most people are big.

He walked amongst the dock workers until he almost bumped into a man who had been bent over. The old sea dog stood up with a scowl on his face. He had a massive beard and a nose like a potato. His scalp was pocked with moles and blotches.

Good morning there, maybe you can help me. I’m looking for someone who….you actually fit the description of…but named Bjorne. You look more like a Pierre to me.

Felix gave a friendly, if silly, grin.



Apr 19, 2024 4:49 pm

The man look at you with a scowl, his base expression from what you can tell, and snaps Bjorne's leaving from the west pier. Best make haste. and he spits to the side before turning back to the side to continue mending his fishing nets.

Saying your thanks and farewells to the 'kind' man you make your way further west down the oceanfront. Though early the are is already busy as dock hands move crates and barrels, porters drive wagons to and from warehouses and boats, and urchins loiter while other children work alongside grown men. Roll a test as you look for your prospective employer
[ +- ] Tests
Apr 19, 2024 5:38 pm
Felix strides towards the west pier, using his hand to shade his eyes as he looks for Bjorne. His sword and shovel clank together from time to time.

EDIT Sorry, I entered the roll text wrong initially. I think I got it right the 2nd time.
Last edited April 19, 2024 5:41 pm


Looking for Bjorne on the busy dock. - (2(d6))

(4) + 2 = 6


(54) = 9

Apr 19, 2024 7:23 pm
As you move through the bustle you feel a tug at your side and instinctively drop your hand to your pouch to find it gone and a youth running back to the jumble of buildings, alleys, and shacks. That had most of your gold. Thankfully your ancestor told you never to keep it all in one, easily accessible, spot.


pickpocket - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Apr 19, 2024 8:49 pm
You little bugger!

If I hadn't been so focused on finding Bjorne I woulda caught that rapscallion. At least he didn't take my Whiskey flask, or my flask with Sundown Scorcher in it. He coulda hurt himself.

After resecuring his remaining possessions Felix doubled his efforts to find the West Pier and Bjorne

I really need a job now. At least I already had breakfast


Finding West Pier - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Apr 19, 2024 10:57 pm
You let the youth go with 3 of your gold and all your smaller coins. Forging on you find the west pier and soon after spot a large, old, man with a profound mastery of cursing that relies little on foul words but instead takes creative licence with adjectives, similes, and metaphors.
[ +- ] Random Cussing
You approach the man who is directing several men loading cargo onto a small boat. Several other "adventurous" characters are loitering outside the organized chaos. Some look bored, others hung over, and one cowers in a corner clutching their book. As you get neat the mas whirls on you. What you gawping at lad? Never seen a conductor leading his orchestra?
Rolling test is not always needed, ex: finding the last pier/house in a row but rolling in advance does speed up some situations and let a touch of random influence the story
Apr 20, 2024 12:32 am
Not at all sir! Trumpet reporting for duty, sir!

Felix stood rigid upright, only moving his eyes to observe the others who presumably were there for work too. Or perhaps just transport.

Uhh, does this boat take us to a bigger boat? Felix asked hopefully.
Apr 21, 2024 12:16 am
The boat has but a single mast and looks to have slots for oars and a length of over 50'. Not being a boatsmen Felix can only compare it to the other, larger boats in the harbor with multiple masts and many sails.

Bjorne chuckles then turns serious. No lad. We need a small boat for what we will be attempting. You see we will be sailing up river and a bigger boat won't do. Me and my crew will handle the wind and water. You and the rest of the louts and he waves vaguely at the adventurers standy by handle the rest.

Bjorne continues directing the crew and dockhands and soon the chaos of loading moved entirely onto the ship as the crew tied things down and shifted items to the likening of Bjorne. All aboard who want to get paid. calls the captain as he strides onto his ship and heads for the stern. Stay out of the way till the mate gets you settled.

Hopping the short distance to the boat you stumble a bit as it pitches and rocks on the water. The crew herd all of you to sit on a small platform that has nothing on top of it then quickly set sail and cast off with several of them on the oars. The boat quickly makes way and you turn, heading west and south along the coast line.

Big Al
Ernst Larnak

The five of you have little to do and are for the most part ignores so get to know each other with a large muscular man, calling himself Al, getting things going. Pog, short in stature and temper due to his hangover says little but you can tell he listens. Pontus seems to be new to the adventuring life and instantly joins himself to the overwhelming presence of Al. The scholarly fellow seems an odd fit, being well educated and quite neat and well dressed, but also does not seem to mind not fitting in and chats easily with the group.

Big Al

The big and friendly man goes around the others before turning to you and asking And you? That's quite the sword you have there. I hope you know how to swim with that on your back and he chuckles, joined by Pontus. What brings you to travel our way?
Apr 21, 2024 2:10 am
Felix made himself as comfortable as he could on their platform, and was happy that see his new companions were being friendly with each other.

I recognize that look Felix glanced at Pog. Hey Pog..right? Pog. My name’s Felix. I have a little medicine here that might help put a smile on that face he held out his tarnished steel flask that was wrapped in a leather grip. Felix gave the flask a little enticing shake.

Big Al spoke up, addressing Felix.
Yes, big sword, check. A bit awkward, I’ll give you that, but it wasn’t exactly my choice. As for swimming, I’m sure i’ll float as my mom always told me I had a block of wood for a head

Felix ran his fingers through his hair, and squinted into the sun.

This way was as good as any other. Heard about a job, ate some fish, got pickpocketed by a 2 year old aaannndd here I am. What about you? Is there some kind of Strongman competition further up this river?

Big Al


Apr 22, 2024 12:10 pm
Big Al

The large man laughs No, not really. Though they do pay for muscle. I'vev been where we are going. This is the first time going this way though. Glad to have you aboard. Sorry to hear about your coin. Personally I don't mind a bit of financial redistribution, mans got to eat. The trouble with cities is that there is always someone else skimming off of your efforts. and he snorts in disgust.

As you chat the boat travels along the coast but gets further and further from shore. The sight of all that nice firm, solid, not moving. stable land just fading in the horizon combined with the rocking of the boat is doing weird things to your stomach and ballance.

Roll a save Test, 2d6, vs sea sickness.
Apr 22, 2024 3:55 pm
Felix felt a pressure build up in his stomach. He tried closing his eyes, but when he opened them again they couldn't focus on anything.

maybe my cod omelet wasn't cooked properly

One moment he had that thought and the next he had flung his head over the side of the boat. Much clanging and scrabbling had occurred without much awareness from Felix.


He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked sheepishly around, slightly embarrassed.

a little swig of Sundown Scorcher will help set me right
He said as he pulled his 2nd flask, this one a bronze color, and put it gingerly to his lips.
Last edited April 22, 2024 4:04 pm


Sea sickness save - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Apr 22, 2024 10:57 pm
Several days pass on what you view as teh open sea. Only every time you do the crew laughs and rebuts that you are barely out os fight of the coast and in "shallow waters".

You learn, in one of your more lucid and stable moments that you will be sailing up the river for a couple of days. It goes through a swampy region fore a coupe of days then should move onto grasslands for a day or so before reaching your destination. The captain and crea manage to avoid any major weather, not that this keeps everyone warm and dry, and the ocean leg is mostly uneventful.

You can choose how long it takes to recover, some people never do, and chat on the boat with the other adventures and crew if you wish. Put a post up with any ocean activities and preparations for yoru time on the river etc and i will move into the river trip next.
Apr 23, 2024 9:48 pm
The next two days passed rather uneventfully. Felix attempted to sleep off his sea-sickness, and gained a sunburned face for his troubles.
But when he awoke on the second day his stomach, though empty, didn’t churn and turn. He sat up, turned his head left and right, smacked his lips - Well alright, I think I can hold something down today.

Most of Felix’s belongings were bundled together (including his shovel and sword) and tied to part of the platform he had been occupying. Stretching his legs he found the food store and helped himself to a little salted meat, cheese and an apple.

With his belly feeling satiated Felix pulled out his deck of cards and small sack of his remaining coins, then turned to his new companions;

Anyone fancy a game? Low stakes, just a bit of fun really, something to pass the time.

Wouldn’t hurt to make up some of my lost coins in winnings too
Last edited April 23, 2024 10:26 pm


Sea legs? Sea-sickness test after 2 days. - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Apr 24, 2024 4:28 am
Big Al

I'll join inthe boysterous adventurer proclaims. He convinces Pontus to join in to pass the time. Pog watches for a while before joining in and seems to be targeting Pontus's purse. However a couple subtle comments and a glare from Al has him tossing in his hand for the day. He joins the next day again but this time keeps it light and you while away the hours playing while Ernst reads a book and the crew manages the boat.
You can roll for gambling. Any number of dice, backed up by your coin. 1= lose 1 silver, 2= loose 1 copper, and due to bein insightful 4= gain 1 copper 5= gain 5 copper, 6= gain1 silver.

After the days at sea pass you head towards a large delta covered win swamps and marshes with a variety of beasts to be seen.

Big Al

Those large ones are called "Dinosaurs". They are common to this region though I wonder why they do not move to other areas? Likely it is the borders.


Look lively lads. Those beast usually leave ships along, once they learn we have teeth too. Be prepared to teach anything fool enough to glance our way to stay far off. And brace yourselves, Al has the right of it.
We will pass a Border in a moment.

Pog and Pontus both get crossbows ready,while Ernst looks through one of his books muttering and Al pulls a cover off a quiver of javelins. Seeing you do not seem to have any ranged weapons he offers a couple should the need arise.

Let me know any preparations and arrangements you make

As you near the shore the ship passes through a shimmer in the air, and you feel strange as you look around and for a moment see you ancestors spirit slip from the sword with a scowl before sinking back into the weapon.

Roll a save test for your reaction to crossing the Border.
See the Reference section on Setting for details on Borders and other things.
Apr 25, 2024 1:05 am
Psybermagi says:
I'll join inthe boysterous adventurer proclaims. He convinces Pontus to join in to pass the time. Pog watches for a while before joining in and seems to be targeting Pontus's purse. However a couple subtle comments and a glare from Al has him tossing in his hand for the day. He joins the next day again but this time keeps it light and you while away the hours playing while Ernst reads a book and the crew manages the boat.
You can roll for gambling. Any number of dice, backed up by your coin. 1= lose 1 silver, 2= loose 1 copper, and due to bein insightful 4= gain 1 copper 5= gain 5 copper, 6= gain1 silver.
Before Felix could actually put any money into the pot he had to exchange some of his gold for some smaller coins - the pick-pocket had taken everything but 6 gold. After some compliments and persistence from Felix Ernst begrudgingly changed some coin - if only so he would be allowed to return to his book.
If you want me to roll for the Ernst interaction let me know
Sitting down with the others, wiggling his butt to settle in properly, Felix grinned; Who’s deal?

In summary: First he loses 1 copper; then he goes all-in, but Pog has the same hand as Felix so they divided the pot in 2. Then, after several uneventful hands, Al checks before and after the flop and Felix completely fell for it (very unlike him). Oh now you want to bet, huh Al?
Boom - 1 whole Silver heads in Al’s direction.

Demoralized, Felix soldiers on, and grinds back 5 copper. Not bad…

Not sure whether to quit while he was only slightly behind or keep going Felix gazed out at the changing landscape.
Last edited April 25, 2024 2:09 am


Poker hands - (4d6)

(2315) = 11

Border Crossing Save - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Apr 25, 2024 4:37 am
As you near the shore the ship passes through a shimmer in the air, and you feel strange as you look around and for a moment see you ancestors spirit slip from the sword with a scowl at you. The odd thing is as you look around you see your body lying on the deck beneath you and a startled Al looking between you and your body. Before anything else can happen Florial Flordenlord grabs Felix and thrusts him back into his body before sinking back into the weapon.

Felix blinks his eyes as his entire body aches beyond belief, his eye are unable to focus, and he has no strength to move. As you stare blankly at the side of the boat Alls large face moves into view. Um you ok? he asks.

No one else seems to have seen Felix's odd reaction but the after affects of crossing Borders is well known and though you receive much pity, little is though of it by the others. Al sits with you as you recover and the boat makes its way slowly towards the shore. Several of the crew were also affected harshly by the Border crossing as was Pontus but the rest seem to only be mildly discomforted. Soon the shore draws near and you make your way into the mouth of a river and the boatmen break out the oars to drive the boat faster up river.

The rest of the afternoon is spent watching your surrounding but fortunately the local beast leave you alone for now. At sunset Bjorne sets a guard rotation. One adventurer with one boatman and you draw the pre dawn lot and so fall asleep quickly.

Big Al

Again you awake to the muscular man's face looking at you a little too closely Your shift is about to start but we think something is out there and he waves to the darkness beyond the small patch of firelight near where the boat was tied up.
Apr 26, 2024 1:21 am
Felix opens his eyes to find Al looking down on him with a pitiable expression.

I’m ok. But I don’t think boats agree with me. I just about get used to the motion of the ocean, and then that shimmering barrier rips me a new one

What an experience that was. If Florial hadn’t been here would I have just floated away? Felix brought the hilt of his sword to his face, grinned, and gave it a big wet kiss. Exhausted from the effort it took, he lay back down and napped.

The next day passes in a bit of a blur, but Felix did notice that it was a river now instead of open sea. Something about beasts being close by, which didn’t worry Felix that much because it didn’t seem to affect his sleep.

Finally Felix awoke feeling more like himself. He stared at his hands, focussing his eyes. Al was there, yet again. must have a crush on me.

Ok ok I’m up, shift time. Well did you see something? What could be out there? Bandits? Big grey dogs?

Felix made sure his great-sword was on his back and loose in the sheath. Also the Javelin quiver was close by in case he needed it. Felix had never thrown a Javelin before, but he had of course thrown a few spades. And Florian might give him a few pointers.
Last edited April 26, 2024 1:22 am

Big Al


Apr 26, 2024 12:53 pm
Big Al

Al replies softly Not sure, but it got too quiet then I heard somethin moving in closer. Lets go check it out. The sailors will stay here to rouse the others if needed.

You see two sailors, one scanning the area with loaded crossbow in hand and another groggily rolling from his sleeping mat and grabbing a crossbow lot load it.

With the moon and stars in the sky and only thin cloud cover it is not pitch black. Though the fire lights the area immediately around the shore where the boat is tied, up the brush and trees that grow along the riverbank give plenty of places to hide unseen but close to where your camp is. Most of the sailors are on the boat itself, which is run ashore but can be pushed back into the river current by several men easily enough. The adventurers and a couple sailors sleep nearby with the fire set to give a bit of light but not be seen easily from the river.

Al stands ready and waits for you to get up and ready before heading out beyond the firelight to "check the perimeter"


Al moving Quietly - (2d6)

Al searching for threats - (2d6)

load next

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