Session Zero

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May 21, 2024 1:56 pm
Stats Roll!

....guess it's Standard Array time! :P
Last edited May 21, 2024 1:57 pm


Rolling for Glory! - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)

4d6H3 : (5223) = 10

4d6H3 : (6141) = 11

4d6H3 : (5421) = 11

4d6H3 : (6251) = 13

4d6H3 : (5262) = 13

4d6H3 : (2222) = 6

May 21, 2024 3:33 pm
Stat roll for my Druid



(3236) = 12


(5514) = 14


(4511) = 10


(3544) = 13


(3342) = 10


(3463) = 13

May 21, 2024 4:51 pm
They see me rollin'...

Edit: point buy it is
Last edited May 21, 2024 4:52 pm


Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)

4d6H3 : (2313) = 8

4d6H3 : (1163) = 10

4d6H3 : (3114) = 8

4d6H3 : (5524) = 14

4d6H3 : (5624) = 15

4d6H3 : (1225) = 9

May 21, 2024 4:55 pm
@KoldikSteelskin Don't forget to update starting gold to 750 and to equip your starting equipment.

If it helps with roleplaying, you can assume that the townspeople enticed you to come with a gold advance and you came with standard equipment you plan to trade in with the gold when you get to the town. Before you guys reach town, you will be stopping at the inn the influential townspeople have asked you to meet at.
May 21, 2024 6:52 pm
quilltid says:

OK, I will take making maps for our one-shot into consideration.
Thanks a lot! :D
From what I understood from the rules, there has to be at least 2 players on opposite sides of an enemy within 5 feet doing melee attacks for flanking to work. If this is incorrect, please let me know!
Completely correct. :)
All right, let's put adding free feat up to vote!
Always love a good democracy. I casted my vote already. :D
May 21, 2024 6:59 pm
I am so torn on my stats...on one hand. I could have an easy 20 Dex at level 5. On the other, I have two under 10
May 21, 2024 7:04 pm
How will the building legos skill be implemented? What is the attribute to build a flight of stairs? A catapult? A raft? If someone posses the prof. in smith tools, mason tools, carpenting tools, ... does that help in any way? Could you give us an example, please?
May 21, 2024 7:11 pm
valdattaMadun says:
I am so torn on my stats...on one hand. I could have an easy 20 Dex at level 5. On the other, I have two under 10
Do you want specialization or versatility? ;)
May 21, 2024 9:37 pm
probably versatility, skill monkey type build (psionic Knack)
May 22, 2024 1:17 am
I know we're missing one vote, but it seems like majority is good with free feat so go ahead and add that to your character builds!
soises says:
quilltid says:
From what I understood from the rules, there has to be at least 2 players on opposite sides of an enemy within 5 feet doing melee attacks for flanking to work. If this is incorrect, please let me know!
Completely correct. :)
Flanking rules can be a part of the game. I will keep that in mind for the fights and if maps are included to help you with that.
soises says:
How will the building legos skill be implemented? What is the attribute to build a flight of stairs? A catapult? A raft? If someone posses the prof. in smith tools, mason tools, carpenting tools, ... does that help in any way? Could you give us an example, please?
Yes, good question! You can add one inspiration to your character sheet if you like to remind you that you have a build left. You will get an additional build available with each scene, which will be a new thread to help keep track. Total of six scenes expected if that helps you to plan.

I was thinking that you guys explain what you would like to build and I would let you know what 1d20 roll would be needed for success based on the situation, what you are building, and if you can source your bricks (like it might be difficult to make a catapult if you are in a field with just a tent at your disposal). You can certainly explain in what you are building that you have the tools or proficiency in it, which may lower the number needed to roll a success.

Rolling below the number needed for success would be a failure and you may not get the results you were aiming for. Meeting the number would be a partial success so you get what you wanted, but a complication may pop up. Rolling above the number will be a success and you can describe to the group what successful result occurs!

Please let me know if you think there is a better way to implement this or what would make the builds more fun for you guys.

Example: I would like to build a rickshaw to cart an NPC. DM sets success roll to be 10 and up. I roll a 1d20. Roll 1-9 would result in a failure, which could be something like I end up only having enough bricks to build a unicycle instead. Roll 10 would be a partial success, which could be something like you make your rickshaw but the enemies are inspired to make their own builds and improve their bows to crossbows to chase you. Roll 11-20 would be a success and the DM lets me describe the amazing success I decide on, which is to cart the NPC away and run over one enemy for some damage.
May 22, 2024 2:35 am
What do we have so far?

- Druid -- Adrasthea
- Paladin -- KoldikSteelskin
- Wizard -- soises
- Ranger / Rogue? -- valdattaMadun

I'm undecided but will come up with something very soon. Maybe a Warlock/Sorcerer or maybe Bard or Fighter???
May 22, 2024 2:45 am
My Plaidain is leaning very very heavily on the fighter side, FYI, if that helps decision making but don't let that pull you away from fighter if it's where you're leaning.

750 Gold is enough for Plate, do you have a problem with me having bought that out of game?

If so I'll drop the Chain Mail, and take plate additionally can it be assumed I have already summoned stead?,1000_QL80_.jpg
Last edited May 22, 2024 2:48 am
May 22, 2024 2:52 am
Yeah going rouge, though still a little bit of fiddling with the build. Probably rouge with Int secondary skill set. Ranged attacker
May 22, 2024 10:28 pm
@KoldikSteelskin Sure, if you'd like to use your gold advance for non-magicked plate armour, that is fine. If you'd like to enter the scene next week on your summoned steed, that is fine too. Quick question, do you want to try riding your steed into the inn or wait to summon it again when you go outside?
May 23, 2024 9:26 am
Going to build a Warlock. Figure Druid + Paladin should get us by with healing??

What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
May 23, 2024 12:44 pm
quilltid says:
@KoldikSteelskin Sure, if you'd like to use your gold advance for non-magicked plate armour, that is fine. If you'd like to enter the scene next week on your summoned steed, that is fine too. Quick question, do you want to try riding your steed into the inn or wait to summon it again when you go outside?
I'd Imagine I would stable the Steed, leave it somewhere outside, basically I want to avoid needing to prepare/cast the spell, for as long as I can.
May 23, 2024 1:37 pm
Dhakhan says:
What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
Since we're already allowing flying and summoned steeds, it's fine to take pact of the chain for the warlock. For now, what are you hoping your familiar/pet will be doing in game?
KoldikSteelskin says:
I'd Imagine I would stable the Steed, leave it somewhere outside, basically I want to avoid needing to prepare/cast the spell, for as long as I can.
Sounds good!
May 23, 2024 1:39 pm
Before we start next week, the recruitment thread noted some people may be interested in following along. How do you feel if this game is public?

Let's make this game public!

Vote to view results.
Vote to view results.
May 24, 2024 1:53 am
quilltid says:
Dhakhan says:
What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
Since we're already allowing flying and summoned steeds, it's fine to take pact of the chain for the warlock. For now, what are you hoping your familiar/pet will be doing in game?
Nothing crazy, I guess. Just thinking about small invisible intellegent scouts, or even ones that that the Warlock could see through. Haven't settled on eldritch invocations.
May 24, 2024 4:12 am
Certainly, take your time!

And it looks like we are moving this game public as well.

Food for thought until we start, how do your characters know each other? Have you met before or did you bond on the journey to the Inn? Did you become friends, rivals, somebody owes someone else money now?
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