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May 29, 2024 10:28 pm
Sarah coughs delicately and brushes off her skirts.

"Ah, a flame is good. Maybe it'll show where an opening is."

She also takes out a paintbrush and wraps it with another linen handkerchief to act as a makeshift torch for now. She offers it towards the temporary light source.
May 30, 2024 5:54 pm
Now that you all can see, who wants to tell me what you see?
May 30, 2024 6:18 pm
The "room" formed by the rubbles the group was in was still very dusty. The group could see for now, but not very far until the dust settled... "Good. I assume this improvised torch should hold us up for a little while. If things get desperate, I do have flashes for my camera, but those last but for a few seconds each..." Waving the dust away from his face, Timothy tried looking around as best he could when he noticed that the rubble had left them a convenient way out: a dark gloomy tunnel going deeper into the complex. "Hey, everyone, look, that seems to be our way out... or at least to somewhere other than here..."
May 30, 2024 8:51 pm
Reem uses the darkness and chaos to go accidentally fish through the Investor’s pockets under the guise of being knocked out of the way by his guards. She’s not looking for envelopes of money, she’s looking for something more dangerous.

Do anything (Thief)


Do anything (Thief) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 31, 2024 12:51 am
Dmitry looked around in the dim, sputtering light. The tunnel Timothy had pointed out did indeed seem to be the only option. As he surveyed the rubble, though,he couldn’t help but think of the mummies the Investor had said were useless.

Perhaps the other mummies hold some clues to the burial chambers below, or a map to another exit. he said before beginning to sift through the debris.


Do Anything 1: Scrounge - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 31, 2024 11:50 am
Reem- The Investor is separated from you all by the rubble, but I'll let you make the pick pocket attempt during the rubble falling before you got separated. On a 2, you should not succeed, so gain 1 XP. However, I think it would be more interesting if you succeeded and got something bad instead.

So when you reach into The Investor's pocket, you feel the handle of a gun stored inside the inside pocket (where you can't grab it), as well as an envelope, which you manage to snag.

Opening it up and reading it by the light of the torches you see a note from The Investor to an off-site partner, confirming that the team was assembled and the dig was proceeding well. You also see at the end that The Investor was planning on "silencing" you all after the excursion was successfully completed (maybe that's why he didn't mind giving you all so much money- checks that are not cashed don't cost anything).
May 31, 2024 11:56 am
Dmitry- same for you. Gain an XP for the failure, and instead of finding nothing (which is boring and doesn't move the story forward), I'll let you find something bad.

Scrounging through the rubble, to find pieces of hieroglyphs that were written on the wall. As happened to several of the other PCs, your vision clouds over until, in a flash of magic, you can read the hieroglyphs!

This is the part where I will turn over narrative control to you and you can tell us all that you read. My recommendation is that, since we have already had warnings, you give us a bit of lore about the mummy and the curse that must be on him.
Jun 3, 2024 11:12 am
Dmitry watched as the hieroglyphs warped and twisted, showing him a vision of days gone by. He saw a man, a man who was the sole keeper of unimaginable, dangerous arcane knowledge, allowed himself to be mummified and cursed to eternal watchfulness.
Sorry for the delay in posting. I was having a hard time coming up with something appropriate/that wasn’t lifted directly from The Mummy. If this isn’t what we’re going for we can definitely change it. Open to suggestions.
Last edited June 3, 2024 11:29 am
Jun 3, 2024 12:29 pm
Dmitry- I love this! Very nice work!

Everyone else- what type of dark magic was this man keeping?
Jun 5, 2024 10:46 pm
While Dmitty is scrounging through the rubble and having visions of ancient magicians (and we wait for the rest of the PCs to help us define the magic in this world- I'm still waiting for someone to detail some cool magic), there is a sound coming from the rocks that has fallen to separate The Investor from the rest of the group.

Sommers- you wanted to make a roll to break out of the rocks. Tell us how you do this and roll!
Jun 6, 2024 2:39 pm
Reem reels against the wall, hands touching hieroglyphs that seem to flare to light, but only to her vision. The story is spelled out across the wall in glowing signals. The rise of the necromancer pharaoh, who perverted the rituals of resurrection, of nature itself, hollowing himself out to make room for eldritch beings from long before humanity’s rise.

The spells of resurrection wind through the entire structure, speaking of blasphemy, of wholesale death in service of raising the power of one man, one new god, to rule over all the Nile lands and the middle-earth sea beyond. As she recovers herself she realizes that she can see perfectly in the darkness of this ancient place.

She can also feel her own heart beat like a drum in her ears. Blood flows through her body like a torrent. But now…now it’s not HER blood any more. She’s just hosting it.

She looks at the others and something else watches through her eyes. Perhaps they glint with an unnatural green light in the torchlight. Perhaps the others notice, perhaps they do not.

She rights herself, tidies her adventuring clothes and stares down the hallway. "I think I know the way to come. Come." she prepares to go deeper.
Jun 6, 2024 3:35 pm
Sommers wakes up beneath the rubble, which somehow avoided crushing him entirely. Hearing voices ahead, he groans and tries to muscle his way out from under the stone.


Push Aside Fallen Stone (Do Anything 1) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 6, 2024 3:50 pm
Reem- you posted your post three times, so I got rid of two of them for you.

Also a necromancer! That seems perfectly thematic! Where could the Mummy be leading everyone?

Do you want to make a roll to appear normal and nto freak everyone out?
Jun 6, 2024 3:52 pm
Sommers- looks like your trapped! You must have gotten battered in the fall, which is why you can't just muscle the rocks out of the way. Maybe some of the other PCs could help you out?

Also, you gain an XP for the failure, and you could use it now if you wanted. Since you didn't move the rocks, you could gain Stay Still Lv II or Full Cover Lv II or something like that.
Jun 6, 2024 4:25 pm
Sarah is about to follow Reem down the hallway when she hears the rubble moving. Worried about another fall, she turns to look and is surprised to see the bodyguard she attempted to sketch underneath it!

"Oh my, hold on sir. Hey, it looks like someone got caught underneath the stones!"

Sarah tries to lift off rocks weighing down Sommers.
Wow, great story telling everyone!


Strength (Do Anything Lv 1) - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jun 6, 2024 4:45 pm
Can Sarah use her remaining XP point now for strength skill?
Jun 7, 2024 12:38 am
"Step away miss Sarah, they must have been flattened by the stone and it must not be a pretty sigh—" Timothy is cut mid-sentence when he notices Henry is very much alive and still trying to get out from under the rubbles. "Oh my God, that's one of the investor's body guard... Hey Dmitry, come lend us a hand, we have a survivor over here!" Timothy then tries as best he can to free Henry from the rubbles.


Do Anything (free Henry) 1 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jun 7, 2024 1:23 am
Careful with the rubble! We don’t want to bring the whole structure down on our heads! Dmitry shouted excitedly as he rushed to help Timothy


Do Anything 1: Help - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jun 7, 2024 6:18 am
Reem grows impatient with the delay in seeking the depths.

Abigail thinks she sees something seething in her in the reflected light before it’s gone. (Fail)
Last edited June 7, 2024 6:19 am


Concealed Strangeness (Do Anything) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 7, 2024 2:02 pm
Tomas moves to help Timothy unearth our rocky friend.
Woot! Gains Skill Lift Boulders 2.
Last edited June 7, 2024 2:06 pm


Do anything (Lift Rocks) - (d6)

(6) = 6

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