Chapter 1: Something in the Water

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May 22, 2024 1:42 pm
Boat is easy to spot from the ground. If we all go underwater we can approach unseen.
That's how they cover ops in all the movies, isn't it?
Sorry, but I am not wasting my wildshape resource (which I can't get back in this custom 5e game ) just to work as mule.
More over I disagree a creature who can breath underwater but don't have natural swimming speed is worthless underwater. I would say even more - if something happens while we are in boat and we don't have water breathing potions on us - that's when we are screwed
If we don't want get wet I will stay with you in the boat. My ayes are better that Octopus
May 22, 2024 1:51 pm
What say you Kelnes, "Would you be willing to help guide a small landing craft through rough seas?"
May 22, 2024 1:54 pm
Just a heads up, runekyndig said he wanted to drop from the one-shot, so there are 5 PCs to account for, not 6. Since I originally planned this for 4 and invited 6, I don't plan to look for a replacement.

Since there are 5 active players, I'll progress the story when I see 5 votes or at the end of today, whichever I see first. If only 4 vote and it is a tie, i'll wait for the 5th vote.
May 22, 2024 2:24 pm
I will do what I can. The plan appears sound
dont forget we got argos for the skiff as well
May 22, 2024 5:39 pm
I see 3 voted for underwater and that is the majority
The captain listens to your plan. "Fair enough. I will lose less men if we don't come with, though I fear for the safety of the princess. You will need to get her back to the boat. Let us see how many potions we have. We don't normally keep a ton, as the hour they last is normally plenty and no 2 or 3 men need to go at a time. Unless you come up with another way to get her back here, the princess will need a potion too on your way back, let alone another round for each of you."
I am going to roll for how many they have. You will need 4 minimum for the 4 of you that aren't a triton. I will roll 1d10+3. If the d10 rolls a 6, there will be 9, enough for 4 now and 5 later. Anything less and you will have an issue to deal with at the end.

8, so one of you will need to figure out, on the way out or back, how to survive underwater for extended periods of time or else the princess won't have one


Number of potions of water breathing available - (1d10+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

May 22, 2024 6:02 pm
Wasn't the plan to have a skiff and a boat being pulled by those with a swim speed (plus rowing). With the two of us really doing what we can to really control the small boats movements on the rocks?

That way, we have a boat to get back. It just may be smaller and could break. So the water breathing potions would be more contingency
May 22, 2024 6:07 pm
the original poll has 3 votes for being underwater. The boat option got only 1 vote. I was hoping that would help since discussions like this can be hard over PbP due to speed. If the plan has changed since what I put in the poll please state your plan and have at least 2 other people confirm that plan
May 22, 2024 6:20 pm
oh I totally read the options wrong. I would have voted the other direction. I think we need a boat for sure
May 22, 2024 6:29 pm
Just a remider, we will have only 1 underwater, the Triton. The Druid prefers to save his use of wildshape for the moment. Whatever simple buffs we can provide the Triton or ourseves though could be helpful!
Last edited May 22, 2024 6:29 pm
May 22, 2024 6:37 pm
I really regret my attempt to come up with a smart plan. Let me try to recap my plan:
1. Isaiah waste his one of only 2 wildshape options to turn into swimming creature
2. Chironides, Omeros, Kadmos (and a Steed as much as I understand) drink water breathing potion to allow everyone reach coast underwater
2.A I was planning to cast Pass without trace just before transforming into octopus
3. When the battle is over we can get back to ship without a need to go underwater as we don't need to hide any more
May 22, 2024 7:04 pm
Based on your ideas, I say at this point there isn't really going to be any issue getting to the beach. I think just saying "You take the small boat and make it to shore" and skip to the next challenge would be better than the conversation that is getting people confused. Unless someone disagrees, I'll just do that. After all, the gorgon queen's lair isn't on the beach. You have to find it while avoiding the guardians, so dealing with that is probably going to be more interesting than this, which you all seem to have solved for the most part.
May 22, 2024 7:33 pm
Works for me lets go!
Chironides stomps the sand appreciatively and lowers his visor. Every inch of his body armored in perfectly fitted plate, the massive centaur war machine takes in his new surroundings and readies himself for battle.
May 22, 2024 7:57 pm
As you all make it to shore, you notice something overhead. It is unmistakably a blue dragon, likely an adult by the size. You all manage to evade its notice, but it is clearly on the lookout. After it flies away, you realize that the lair is nowhere to be seen. The island isn't too big, but is might take a decent portion of the day to find. All the while, if you wish to save resources, you may want to avoid being seen by the dragon or anyone else who may be here also on patrol.
Here is what I'm imagining. Unless you find some way to just know where the lair is, which would have to be magic, this will be a skill challenge. For those unfamiliar, here are the rules:
[ +- ] Skill Challenge Rules
Goal: Find Hythonia's lair without getting caught by the dragon or Hythonia's worshipers.
Skill DC: 18
Ability DC: 13
- 0 failure: Party finds lair undetected and quicky
- 1 failure: Party finds lair, but 50% chance was spotted on the way in
- 2 failure: Party finds lair, but was spotted on the way in and it is getting dark
Failure: Party is spotted by the dragon and worshipers, but will find the lair afterwards.

I will use the Current Battle Information thread to keep track of successes and failures.

Feel free to ask any questions.
May 22, 2024 7:58 pm
Kelnes takes a quick sip of the salt water and then stands tall, with a pat on Argos' head. Tell we return...Let us be stealthy but quick
I am just assuming Kelnes being an undersea based race doesn't suffer consequences for drinking salt water.
May 22, 2024 8:10 pm
If you all would rather have the fight, you can make a lot of noise, get spotted, have a fight, and then make the people you defeat tell you where it is, effectively taking the fail option automatically but waisting less time
May 22, 2024 8:17 pm
Kadmos will take a few moments to shift his weight as he stands in the sand, letting it crunch beneath his boots. As the dragon soars overhead he stops moving and watches it go.

"Time to get serious. For the glory of Iroas."

As they group gets ready to move, Kadmos starts noticing pathways that are challenging, but that keep them largely blocked from view -- at least from above. Not one to shy away from a challenge, he begins traversing the island: climbing inclines and jumping depressions in the ground.
My plan is to use Athletics to stay off the beaten path, using natural terrain as concealment from the watchful eyes of the Dragon (and hopefully others).


Athletics (STR) - (1d20+14)

(6) + 14 = 20

May 22, 2024 8:46 pm
What does Chironides know about Blue Dragons and their preferred lairs....


Nature - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

May 22, 2024 9:33 pm
It is fairly common knowledge that blue dragons (in Theros setting) prefer coasts and islands, like this, and are very bestial, though still intelligent. They breath lightning. As for as uncommon knowledge, Chironides does not appear to have any that come to mind.
May 22, 2024 10:02 pm
Kelnes works to get into advantages positions when the group stops. Climbing trees and climbing rock surfaces to get better vantage points for scouting.
Using his acrobatics to get into these places....


Acrobatics - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

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