As you all make it to shore, you notice something overhead. It is unmistakably a blue dragon, likely an adult by the size. You all manage to evade its notice, but it is clearly on the lookout. After it flies away, you realize that the lair is nowhere to be seen. The island isn't too big, but is might take a decent portion of the day to find. All the while, if you wish to save resources, you may want to avoid being seen by the dragon or anyone else who may be here also on patrol.
Here is what I'm imagining. Unless you find some way to just know where the lair is, which would have to be magic, this will be a skill challenge. For those unfamiliar, here are the rules:
[ +- ] Skill Challenge Rules
A skill challenge is when you use skills and abilities to overcome environmental obstacles.
Skill challenges use rounds like combat, where each PC will attempt 1 skill of their choice that can help achieve the stated goal. All checks are made against the same DC, and the DM may give advantage for uniquely creative ideas or disadvantage for ideas that seems like a stretch but are still allowed.
The goal is for the party as a whole to amass a total number of successes equal to the number of PCs before getting 3 failures total amongst the whole group. On a success, the party achieves their goal, but which may be modified but how many failures were gathered. On a failure, the party suffers a huge setback or fails to avoid something on the way to their overall goal.
There are 4 main rules about the skill you choose, beyond being relevant to the overall goal:
1. No 2 players can use the same skill on the same round.
2. No player can use the same skill more than once in the same skill challenge.
3. On round 1 and 2, you must use a skill you are proficient in.
4. If you cast a spell or use a class feature, you may be asked to make a relevant ability check to see if everything goes as planned.
Goal: Find Hythonia's lair without getting caught by the dragon or Hythonia's worshipers.
Skill DC: 18
Ability DC: 13
- 0 failure: Party finds lair undetected and quicky
- 1 failure: Party finds lair, but 50% chance was spotted on the way in
- 2 failure: Party finds lair, but was spotted on the way in and it is getting dark
Failure: Party is spotted by the dragon and worshipers, but will find the lair afterwards.
I will use the
Current Battle Information thread to keep track of successes and failures.
Feel free to ask any questions.