Keleth says:
... And I've fixed the email bug. ...
I did not receive notification emails.
Posting to a thread in a game sent me to a Error 550 page, but the post was made. No email notifications sent.
Keleth says:
... So we don't want thread notifications in the top? ...
Mainly I don't want to rely on that.
It does not let me know that there is activity when I am not at the computer and checking the site.
It requires me to check the site manually, in which case I can see the threads with posts already.
Worse, it requires me to go to the homepage, which is slow and puts a lot of strain on the server.
It does not clear these notifications when they have been read. So they mount up and need to be cleared, all at once.
Personally, I have never found this feature useful, and would like a way of tuning it off. Users should have the option of choosing which notification methods they want to use.
Maybe those Notification items can be moved from the overworked frontpage to the User Menu? They they will be available from everywhere. Especially if the User Menu is being worked of for the Logout issue.
Maybe whatever notes the need to place an item in that area can also add a snippet of code to the post in question and clear the Notification when the post (or thread) appears on the user's screen? But that is an improvement for later, and not fixing a bug of staging behaving differently to production.