3-1: Beneath the Streets

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Jul 15, 2024 2:09 pm
Hm. I did not tell it to run off like that. I'll have to determine why it did that and make corrections so it doesn't repeat that mistake in the future.

Attempting to assess what happened with his constructed companion, Adran nevertheless takes another shot at the foul (literally) monster.


Attack (Hand Crossbow) - (1d20+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Damage (Piercing - Magic) - (1d6+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Jul 15, 2024 2:34 pm
MaJunior says:
Hm. I did not tell it to run off like that. I'll have to determine why it did that and make corrections so it doesn't repeat that mistake in the future.
I apologize; I should have clarified it with you. To explain: the Steel Defender needs to be adjacent to the attacker in order for the Deflect Attack ability to work. Since the otyugh is not adjacent to Adran, the command to Deflect an Attack didn't make sense unless the Steel Defender moved to be in a position to perform that ability.

If you wanted it to stay adjacent to Adran so that it could only defend Adran if the otyugh moved closer to him, we can retcon it because I made an incorrect assumption.
Jul 15, 2024 2:36 pm
runekyndig says:
don't stop the flow to wait for me to roll a save. You are welcome to roll it on my behalf.
Thank you for the reminder!
Jul 15, 2024 2:54 pm
Nah, roll with it. But Adran's intent was to use the Defender... ah, "selfishly" let's say. Lol
Jul 15, 2024 3:07 pm

"Noooo! Dare to hurt my friends! Die,die, die!" Frothing at the mouth, Ishi cleaves the monster's blobby body (otyugh takes 15 damage).
Eozindra reloads her crossbow and looses another bolt (otyugh takes 5 damage), calling out to the unconscious Elowin "We’ll get you out of there!" (Elowin is healed for 6 HP).
Morik the bear roars and digs his claws into the blubber and tears it open, then he sinks his jaws in and tears the foul flesh, ripping off one of the tentacles. (otyugh takes 23 damage).
Elowin is stunned.
""No, please, stop," Elysia closes her eyes and stabs the monster again, sinking her rapier up to the hilt in the roof of the hideous mouth. (otyugh takes 18 damage and dies).

As the creature shudders in death spasms, the Steel Defender wriggles free of the grasping tentacle, and the party uncoils the one grasping Elowin. Elowin regains consciousness as everyone who'd gone in climbs out of the channel, dripping fecal slime. Taking stock of their surroundings, the adventurers realize that this section of the tunnel is backed up with sewage because the otyugh had made its lair here; it had created a dam of sorts from the remains of previous victims to create a foul pool for it to luxuriate in. The dam is mostly bones, but other indigestible items may be mixed in, too.
After the combat, the party members' HP are:
Ishi (18/35), Eozindra (15/15), Morik Bear (34/34), Elowin (15/24), Elysia (24/24), Adran (26/26), Steel Defender (12/20)


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 15, 2024 5:14 pm
Casting a quick look over Elowin, she's happy to see her okay and conscious again. Turning away, trying to get control of how she feels, she gives the Steel Defender a gentle pat on the head with a quiet, "Thank you" as she passes by it. She tries to hide the quiet sniffle, not liking the way the events that just occurred rattled her. It's not often that she feels as young as she is. In an effort to distract herself, she goes to see if any of the indigestible loot is salvageable. She's already gross, she figures she has nothing to worry about.
Jul 15, 2024 5:50 pm
Adran calls the Defender back, and kneels by it before casting Mending (multiple times as needed). He will then be happy to use Prestidigitation to clean anyone and everyone he can, as well as anything... salvaged.
[ +- ] Relevant part of Prestidigitation.
Last edited Jul 15, 2024 5:52 pm


Mending - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Mending - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Jul 15, 2024 7:46 pm
Ishi slashes around with his sword in the piles of muck hoping to find something useful He is calming down, but he keeps muttering 'muckface, muckface'
Jul 15, 2024 11:05 pm
Crossbow still in hand, one bolt in the other ready to be loaded in, Eozindra sprints towards her sister and flings herself against the dark-haired half-elf in a most unladylike fashion. Though Elysia had turned in an attempt to hide her unease, there are things kin do not need to see to understand. Paying no heed to the mess, the bard wraps her arms around the rogue’s shoulders from behind, hanging like an additional cloak for the unnerved thief. With her cheek pressed against Elysia’s shoulder, she whispers "Are you alright?"
Jul 15, 2024 11:36 pm
Morik stomped away from the creature, sick and disgusted at his fecal covered fur. He ambled over to Adran, who was magically everything cleaner, and raised his dirty paw and began moaning.
One order of Super Deluxe Bear Wash please.
Jul 16, 2024 12:29 am
It says it's limited to one cubic foot. The question is... will our GM allow multiple castings to clean larger items, or if a thing is bigger than a cubic foot, does the spell simply fail?
Jul 16, 2024 3:06 am
Adran begins repairing his metal canine companion and continues for a couple of minutes. Then he begins creating a fizzing, sparking wand that has gears in the handle for some reason. He waves this wand over the party members, and everywhere the wand passes, the muck is cleared away. Elowin removes her boots and pours out the sludge, and Adran gingerly and thoroughly cleans out his sister's footwear. Then the artificer begins to work on Morik's thick, shaggy fur: a big job.
Prestidigitation lasts for an hour, so you can continually apply one effect after another. In this case, it's clean an item after clean another item after clean yet another item after clean that item there...and so on, though you could intersperse other effects in between cleanings. With regards to a single creature/object larger than 1 cubic foot, I think you clean 1 cubic foot at a time and then move on to the next area of the creature/object. If you did nothing else for an hour, you would have 600 discrete cleanings: far more than enough to clean the bear and the items of the three PCs from the waist down.
Meanwhile, after Eozindra and Elysia comfort each other, the rogue gently extracts herself from the bard's embrace and wades back into the muck to join Ishi in searching the dead otyugh's lair. It takes some time, digging through the bones, pulling out various objects and shaking them off to see what they are, then tossing them back if they're not of interest...after a while, the water begins to flow more thoroughly as the two disassemble the grisly barrier, and a fair amount of the waste begins to float away once more. As the water clears somewhat, the two are better able to identify the different kinds of bones. Most of them are animal bones, though some of them imply stories of their own ("This is surely a horse's thigh bone!" Ishi exclaims at one point. "How did a horse get down here??"). But mixed in amongst the other bones are definite traces of humanoids that ventured too close and met their end in the maw of the beast: here are the bones of a halfling or a human child, here are buckles that once adorned a belt or a pack, here a bracelet. The items are mostly metal, quite pitted by digestive enzymes, often scored or rent by gnashing teeth: too brittle or marred to be of use. Here's a hilt with a snapped off blade. But at one point they find a cable; pulling on it, they find it attached to a small bag made of chain links: some bravo of the past undoubtedly thought it made a striking pouch, for it is heavy with the weight of old krugerrands bearing the likeness of the old King, Queen Sophia's father. The party gains 90 krugerrands, protected from being defaced by the bag, which took the brunt of the digestion (Adran can clean the coins now or later).
Note: the cleaning and the searching will take quite a bit of time.

QUESTION FOR THE PARTY: Do you want to extend that time into a short rest, so that people can spend hit dice and heal naturally, or do you want to continue on without further healing?
Jul 16, 2024 4:37 am
Morik snorts and nods his head up and down in a gesture of appreciation at Adran, profusely thanking him and feeling quite refreshed all nice and clean.
I'm fine either way, don't mind resting, and don't mind going straight away.
Jul 16, 2024 5:42 am
I’m a rogue, I’m down to rest if it means potential loot, but I’m also satisfied with finding 15gp for each of us. I like monies too. Up to the group.
Before extracting herself, she does end up having a small smile at the lack of decorum her sister has, yet she does feel better with the affection given. "Not quite, but better. That was indescribably revolting to experience. I may need to slide my bedroll up beside yours this night," she admits sheepishly.

Going through the strange amalgamation of items that had been ingested, she does try to throw any scrap metal that maybe could be salvaged towards Adran.
Jul 16, 2024 5:46 am
Elowin rubs her head. The knock on her head rattled her, but she can go on. I would rather we found a better place to attend our wounds and equipment.
She do transfer 15 krugerrands, her share of the coins, to her own coin pouch.
If they choose to stay, she would use 10 min to ritualise a detect magic, to help search the much for valuables.
Jul 16, 2024 6:16 am
Eozindra squeezes Elysia one last time before letting the rogue slip away. "My pillow is yours."

As the group examines the remains and clears the blockage through the sewer, the bard stows her weapon after giving it an approving nod; she felt far more useful with this than she did before. Then she looks to Ishi and Elowin. "Do either of you need to take a breath? Or would you prefer to do that somewhere … hopefully less acrid."

As she comments on the stench, a realization comes to her and she exclaims aloud suddenly, then digs in her pouch and produces a vial filled with a slightly clouded liquid in a pearlescent swirl of lavender and violet, flecked with a golden glimmer. She lifts the perfume bottle’s stopper and dabs the scent upon the gaiter of her cloak which she then secures high on her neck.

Finding the result passable for the current situation, she offers the same to all her companions; for Morik, she volunteers to press a few drops delicately onto the sides of his snout. "Until you have a cloak to use it on."
Zin will play her Song of Rest either way when the group does take a break to give everyone an extra D6 on their HP recovery. She feels like resting now or later should be primarily Elowin and Ishi’s decision since they got the worst of it.
Jul 16, 2024 9:22 am
Ishi would like to rest.
Jul 16, 2024 1:07 pm
Adran will simply continue cleaning everything he can until they are ready to move out. Coins, boots, armor, weapons, bits of metal, whatever.
Jul 16, 2024 3:32 pm
With the water now clearing away the fecal flotsam and no confidence that they'll find a cleaner place any time soon, the party moves a little ways down the tunnel and rests for a bit as they each get cleaned up. Elowin's ritual reveals no magic in the area other than what the party is carrying - Eozindra's armor glows, which may be surprising. As Ishi emerges first from the muck to get cleaned up and rest, he dumps the assorted metal bits he and Elysia had found at Adran's feet. Either Eozindra's perfume is particularly powerful, or the reek has become so omnipresent after two hours that the PCs hardly notice the smell of the sewer anymore, but whichever it is, the essential oils of the lavender are particularly strong and fill the air with the floral aroma. Morik sneezes a couple of times: great big ursine detonations that echo in the enclosed space. The party spends the rest of the time peacefully chatting and enjoying one another's company in the glow of the mild post-combat survivor's euphoria that they are starting to get to know well. At the end of the rest, Morik reverts back into his dwarf form, completely clean of all but a bit of grime on his boots.
Ishi, Elowin, and anyone else who wishes to should declare the number of hit dice they are going to roll, then roll them with an additional 1d6 added from Eozindra's soothing music.
Everyone should decrement 1 ration.
@MaJunior, roll 1d6+1. That is the number of useful bits that Elysia and Ishi delivered that can be used as construct parts in future. The three of you can flavor them however you choose, if you like.
Jul 16, 2024 4:12 pm
Eozindra? Last time I detected magic your armor didn't glow. Now it does.
What is going on?

Elowin is just curious, there is no accusation in her tone.


Hitdice use 1 - (1d8+2+1d6)

(1) + (2) + 2 = 5

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