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Jul 31, 2024 3:52 pm
The automated mini-ballista takes aim at the closest flock of gulls as they descend upon Shadow. A whirring sound is followed by a loud twang as a bolt pierces right through the flock.
Lorenzo shouts, bearing his shield in a defensive position.
Slow turn for Lorenzo.
Last edited July 31, 2024 3:58 pm


Bolt Thrower - Attack - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Bolt Thrower - Damage - (3d6)

(255) = 12

Jul 31, 2024 3:54 pm
Didn't realize I had gotten near a flock. Oh well.


Agility - (1d20-1d6)

(18) - (1) = 17

Jul 31, 2024 4:08 pm
MaJunior says:
Didn't realize I had gotten near a flock. Oh well.
The flock came to you! :)
Aug 1, 2024 4:59 am


Agility - (1d20-1d6)

(17) - (3) = 14

Aug 1, 2024 6:04 am
Caranthir opened up a void over the greatest concentration of gore leftover from the birds, snapfreezing it, and the water in the air around him as he creates several icy, gory shards. Flinging the first into the morass of seagulls going berserk around him.
[ +- ] Ice Shards | Water | Attack | Rank 3 | Castings: 1 | Target/Area | Duration: 1 hour or until the last shard is expended; see effect


Will - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Extra Damage - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Agility - (1d20-2-2d6h1)

(2) - (22) - 2 = -2

Aug 1, 2024 7:14 am
@Jomsviking Don't forget your agility challenge roll (with one bane)!

Shadow is remaining to post (and will also have the agility challenge roll).
Aug 1, 2024 2:43 pm
For tracking damage, it's located under the Status tag. I have the sheet calculate your healing rate and injury status automatically, so please fill in your damage here. You can also use this to track any status effects you might have, like Impaired or Frightened.

You can also pull up your Snippet and have the sheet post your combat status on your sheet, using this field located at the top of your sheet on this page:

Rolling here for both Caranthir's bane on that will roll, and the damage for the end of the round effect.


Caranthir Impaired Bane on Will Attack - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Caranthir Damage for failed agility roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Aug 1, 2024 2:58 pm
Round 1 - End of the Round

Lorenzo's bolt thrower fires into Swarm 3, hitting the birds! (As this is an attack roll, the birds take half damage).

Sigrid, Hugh, and Fachtna manage to avoid the swarming animals, but unfortunately Caranthir does not! The spoiled seagulls scrape and bite alla bout him, forcing him to slow down.
Caranthir is slowed for 1 round. "1 round" is defined as "until the end of next round." Being slowed means you must act on slow turn, and you can only move half speed. Caranthir's spell will go off on slow turn for round 2.

We will skip Shadow's potential for fast turn, and she will go on slow turn. Shadow - don't forget your agility challenge roll with appropriate banes, or take 1d6 damage and be slowed.
Enemy Status:
Flock 1: 9 damage, spatter talent used (reuse in 6 rounds), 1 boon on attacks against this flock next round
Flock 2:
Flock 3: 6 damage

Round 2 - Player Fast

With Sigrid's attack and then Fachtna's rebuke, the flock dissolves into ash from the light.

Round 2 - Enemy Fast

The spoiled seagulls attack Shadow (Flock 3) and Sigrid (Flock 2)!

Shadow manages to avoid the birds' attacks, but Sigrid is bit! (4 damage to Sigrid!)

Round 2 - Player Slow

Caranthir's spell strikes at the nearest flock, hitting it directly! (As this is an attack roll, the flock takes half damage).

Hugh, Lorenzo, and Shadow are up!

Enemy Status:
Flock 1: Destroyed
Flock 2: 6 damage
Flock 3: 6 damage


Flock 2 vs Sigrid (1 boon) - (1d20+3+1d6, 1d6)

1d20+3+1d6 : (18) + (1) + 3 = 22

1d6 : (4) = 4

Flock 3 vs Shadow (1 boon) - (1d20+3+1d6, 1d6)

1d20+3+1d6 : (4) + (5) + 3 = 12

1d6 : (2) = 2

Aug 2, 2024 2:45 pm
Hugh will move directly away from these damnable birds and their filth before taking another shot at the flock and reloading his pistol.


Attack (Pistol) - (1d20+2+1d6)

(5) + (3) + 2 = 10

Damage - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Aug 2, 2024 3:03 pm
Don't forget that reloading a pistol is an action. You will also trigger a free attack from the flock if you leave their reach, if you weren't already aware.
Aug 2, 2024 3:46 pm
If your willing to eat the free attack from the flock, moving out of their reach, then your best bet here is to attack with your sword, then move, and attack with your sword again on the second flock. As a warrior you can do that.

Or you can stay here and attack with your sword.

Or you can use an action to move away and avoid the triggering a free attack from them.

Or you can reload your pistol.
Aug 2, 2024 3:51 pm
Wait, when I asked if I could reload last round you said yes. Wouldn't my pistol already be loaded?

Also, I'm still not sure why I'm right next to the others, but that's fine. I had just been trying to avoid getting close.

Hugh will eat the AoO and move away to reload.
Last edited August 2, 2024 3:52 pm
Aug 2, 2024 4:03 pm
Sorry, it looks like I had a typo in my post. I said it requires an action, so you can [typo] can't reload the same turn.

That's where the confusion lies, and I apologize for it.

You get one action per turn. You used your action to fire your pistol. It requires another action to reload it, which would happen on your next turn.

As for placement, I asked you where you wanted to move to, but since I never got an answer I had to guess. I had assumed you'd want to be close enough to use your sword next, as I thought you wouldn't want to waste a full turn reloading the pistol. Please let me know where you'd want to move to. The map is located in this post.
Edit: Also, please note, you're skimping yourself on some damage with your pistol. If you're not using Combat Expertise to make two attacks, then instead you get +1d6 damage on a single attack.
Aug 2, 2024 4:26 pm
Move me wherever.
Aug 2, 2024 6:15 pm
"Drive them back! This plague must be eradicated at its source!"

Lorenzo shouts, watching one of the flocks be completely annihilated. This disease turning the creatures rabid has to have originated from somewhere, and the best clues would be their nest. Such things couldn't be allowed to propagate, especially if Rock Rump is about to attract so many visitors. He hoped the New God would help prevent such a disaster. With another quick word of power and a shift of his shield, the spare parts from his wagon fly into his hand. A small, almost imperceptible device of some kind is formed before being flung into the horde of ailing birds.
[ +- ] Unfailing Tracker | Technomancy | Attack | Rank 0 | Castings: 4 | Target: One target or object within short range | Duration
Action to cast Unfailing Tracker. Triggered action for Prayer. I will use fortune if the roll failed.
Last edited August 2, 2024 6:17 pm


Int attack vs. Agility - (1d20+3+1d6)

(6) + (1) + 3 = 10

Aug 2, 2024 9:17 pm
Slow Turn

"By the Terrible and Stormy God, this smells worse than a Kraken's beak!"

As he channeled the bleak cold of the furthest realms, five shards of ice formed at each finger of his left hand, drawing all moisture from the air around him a frost formed, then was drawn into Caranthir. The single gory spike he formed initially was cast, as if by some telekinetic force, from Caranthir's extended finger. It exploded as he curled his index into dozens of shards slicing through the swarm. The ice instantly disintegrating what it touched. It became a fountain of the foulest fluid imagineable. It was a purple hued sludge, effluvium, when it landed on the ground it quickly beaded into a black wax.

The utter disgust and disdain at the situation evident in the tone of his voice. But with it he was exhilarated, a new experience and chance to explore the source of his power. His red eyes glowed, like beads of fire in his skull, as he traced the runes of Mimir's skull which also began to glow. Pupils dilating, Caranthir's mouth did not move but a terrible voice spoke through him. "Villini vieðan." He croaked in the guttural tongue of his ancestors, his voice even deeper now scarcely in the audible range at 11hz.
Last edited August 2, 2024 9:34 pm
Aug 3, 2024 12:55 am
[ +- ] GM Note: For Round 3


Strength - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Aug 3, 2024 1:44 am
Round 2 - Player Slow

Hugh rides away from the flock and reloads his gun. Lorenzo casts a spell and marks one of the flocks, allowing him to know where they will go for quite some time.
Hugh has left Flock 2's reach of his own accord, and has not used his action to avoid an AoO (called a "Free Attack" in this system). The flock will use their Triggered Action to make an attack against him! (Hugh - Take 1 damage)

Meanwhile, I am botting Shadow at their request.
Shadow attacks Flock 3 with her scimitar, gaining 1 boon from trickery but suffering 1 bane from impaired. The flock weaves around the attack, avoiding harm.

Round 2 - Enemy Slow
No Enemies to go on slow

Round 2 - End of the Round
Caranthir and Fachtna both lose their impaired status from the seagull spatter.

The Bolt Thrower can make an attack!

Those within 1 yard of a flock must make an Agility Challenge Roll with 2 banes (one for the spoiled seagull talent and one for impaired) or take 1d6 damage and become Slowed until the end of their next turn. PCs affected: Shadow, Sigrid, Caranthir.

Enemy Status:
Flock 1: Destroyed
Flock 2: 6 damage
Flock 3: 6 damage

Round 3 - Beginning of the Round

Please make any appropriate rolls from the end of round 2, and then declare Fast turn or Slow turn. Those on Fast can post their moves or actions right away!


Flock 2 vs Hugh (1 boon) - (1d20+3+1d6, 1d6)

1d20+3+1d6 : (20) + (4) + 3 = 27

1d6 : (1) = 1

Shadow: Scimitar Attack (trickery boon, impaired bane) - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (8) + 2 = 10

1d6 : (6) = 6

Aug 5, 2024 6:28 am
Checking in - everyone is up! Any questions so far?
Aug 5, 2024 6:50 am
Sigrid avoids the swarming seagulls as she slashes at the next swarm with her sword!
Fast, attack swarm 2.

Health: 48 Damage: 4 Injured: No

Last edited August 5, 2024 6:51 am


Agility - (d20-2d6h1)

(19) - (62) = 13

Sword - (d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Damage - (3d6+2)

(621) + 2 = 11

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