A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Two

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Sep 27, 2016 8:53 pm
Since the summer vacation, the milk bar seems to have installed one of the new Seeburg Juke boxes and it plays Jazz in the background.

Sep 28, 2016 8:24 am
Everyone heads off from the milk bar to enjoy the last of their vacation. Jon and Mathis return to hospital before hitting the books, Joseph and Angel return to their homes and family homes.
Can everyone confirm for me where they're from and where they reside now?
Sep 28, 2016 2:14 pm
I think my family lives an hour away or so. I live on campus.
Sep 28, 2016 2:17 pm
I hadn't laid it out before this, but it would somewhere rural. Lets say Montana. So he definitely lives on campus.
Sep 28, 2016 10:32 pm
By September 8th everyone is back on Campus. Jon and Mathis have been knuckling down in the Orne Library which opened up early to allow students prepare for the new semester. It is there that everyone meets up and Joseph brings along his classmate, William Loftus.
Sep 29, 2016 1:25 am
Angel pauses as he notices this new person whom Joseph has brought along. He looks at Joseph and raises an eyebrow. "Who's this?" he asks, guardedly.
Sep 29, 2016 5:36 am
Joseph looks around the group before speaking. "This is William. He and I have some classes together and I thought he might be able to help us with....our investigation"
Last edited September 29, 2016 5:36 am
Sep 29, 2016 6:27 am
Know (Edu) roll from Jon, Mathis and Angel
Sep 29, 2016 12:21 pm


Know (Edu v 80) - (1d100)

(5) = 5

Sep 29, 2016 12:53 pm


Know - (1d100)

(74) = 74

Sep 29, 2016 1:50 pm
Rolling v. 52


Know - (1d100)

(45) = 45

Sep 29, 2016 2:22 pm
William is a awkwardly tall and thin man. His face is sunken a bit and his complexion is pasty. He is well dressed and adjusts his stance and tie with an obvious compulsion disorder.
He is a bit like Lurch from Adams Family.
He has a slight rasp in his voice. "Salutations. Thank you Mr. Locke for your introduction. To be completely honest, my willingness to help you is driven by my curiosity of this ridiculous rumor of monstrous encounters. I am no stranger to absurd gossip. However, I have found that many strange fictions have hints of truth. I have researched a great deal into everything super natural. Please, how can I be of help to you?"
Sep 29, 2016 6:21 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Shark_Bone,irvanovich
Sep 29, 2016 6:23 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Kaosanddoom
Sep 29, 2016 9:33 pm
Angel nods and give Father Bill a hard smile. "A pleasure, " he says, though his tone leaves no doubt that it is anything but. Twirling his gold pen in his fingers, he asks, "So, what do you know about what happened? "
Last edited September 29, 2016 9:33 pm
Sep 30, 2016 5:21 pm
William pushes his glasses up with one finger, "Since all I have heard are whispers and hearsay I can state with confidence I know absolutely nothing. This would be my first opportunity to find out anything substantial from a personal witness. It seems you were on the annual archeology trip to the state of Vermont and you came in contact with something otherworldly. I would have dismissed the account if it were not that last years trip ended in tragedy. Also Mr. Locke was a member of your team and I have found his work, in classes I have had the pleasure of sharing with him, very reliable and accurate.
Sep 30, 2016 5:23 pm
Pretty much everybody dismissed our accounts, one more wouldn't be surprising.

Mathis gets up and offers his hand to shake.

My name is Mathis. I'm the resident lunatic. Don't believe me, just ask them.

Mathis thumbs over towards the rest of the group, indicating he thinks that they all think he is nuts.
Sep 30, 2016 5:25 pm
"We experienced some weird things, Bill. We're still researching into it a bit, but the things look something like this," Jon slides Bill the sketches of the rat creature and toad thing they encountered in the woods. "On top of these...things...we all shared the same dreams night after night. Very disconcerting..."
Sep 30, 2016 7:13 pm
William seems a bit surprised and honored to shake Mathis's hand. "A polite lunatic at least, sir." He looks over the sketches and removes his glasses to rub his eyes. They are a bit blood shot.
Does anything come to mind looking at the drawing and hearing about the dreams?


maybe an occult roll (60) - (1d100)

(65) = 65

Sep 30, 2016 9:10 pm
SKetches can be seen here

Knifesedgegames sent a note to metagamegate
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