Hey Aline, you can do that only if you want to, alright? Nothing is barring you from focusing just on one scene at a time. My thought process for coming with more concomitant scenes, is to not leave some or a group of players on the cold, while they've already finished their scene and must wait for another, etc.
Could eltesla roll to see if she can't withhold her mind going to dirty places to avoid nosebleeding? Roll modified by her Iron-Willed +2 (wait, she doesn't have lecherous?!), DN 4
By the way, I would like to know if there are anyone in here who would like and allow me to roll for then, in situations like these, in name of game swiftness.
I don't mind you rolling for me when it's appropriate. I would like to be able to burn endurance for certain rolls. In particular, I want to burn endurance to avoid mental attacks. I was going to take iron willed but someone talked me out of it.