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Feb 2, 2025 8:32 pm
Moyreau says:

It is my understanding that, in face of the inactivity from these last day, that interest on the game has dwindled, at least from most players. Thus, I'll be ending the game for now.

It's more that we were waiting for an advancement on the plot, but it never came. Still, thank you. I had lots of fun with everyone, and I'll be here if the game returns.
Feb 2, 2025 8:35 pm
I think we just confirmed four players retaining interest, which is traditionally already a decent party size. I think I may have phrased things in a way that makes the subsequent posts hinge more on the dragon's reaction. So how about we reconsider the pacing and try to keep this campaign alive, @Moyreau?
Feb 2, 2025 9:22 pm
It's only natural that you would consider my opinion first!

I mean


Yes, friendship and stuff. We should definitely keep playing in some form.
Feb 2, 2025 9:41 pm
Well if that is an option it would be amazing. But I would not want to push some one to run a game they think is not going to work anymore.
Feb 2, 2025 10:36 pm
Oh... So is most everyone up to play?

Sorry for my confusion, I think I missed a post or two and that lead me to this conclusion...

Gee... I'm so embarrassed X_X
Feb 2, 2025 10:42 pm
I forgive you. But I don't speak for the clan. They might not.

Do your best to make amends!
Feb 2, 2025 11:04 pm
Feb 3, 2025 1:08 am
it would be nice if it continued, but it's understandable if it doesn't... >.>
Feb 3, 2025 4:42 am
Um sorry I may have gave of that impression, I was kind awaiting for the plot to advance because I wasn't sure how ibuki would be able to participate in the spiritual level stuff. That was my bad I see i should have tried to be more proactive, I was just to anxious to intterupt
Feb 3, 2025 4:54 am
Uh, no problem tacokarp, that's completely understandable.
Feb 3, 2025 8:29 am
Now that the campaign is saved, at least for now, here are my thoughts and observations on pacing and style:
- This campaign very much started out with a 'let the PCs loose on each other' style. Normally I saw this in 24/7-open IRC RPs, where it inevitably collapsed into 'an occultist, a barbarian, a cyborg, and a ninja walk into a bar and start chatting'. But here most players seemed to want to engage each other in wacky comedic ways and it mostly worked out. (If anything, I probably was one of the worst players at that, but partially due to focusing on a PC who went inactive too soon and subsequently getting too tied to a thread that went nowhere.)
- The GM seemed to post rarer than the players, making the 1 post per 24 hours pace look too optimistic. Especially now, we should probably shift to hoping to get one post per PC per 48 hours on average instead of per 24h.
- After my latest post, I was mostly waiting for the dragon's reaction because that was the interaction that I think made sense, but Genie can't post frequently, so once again I put a limitation on myself.
- Picking Shyness in this kind of campaign was a mixed bag of a decision. On one hand it contrasts against the more extroverted PCs which is good. On the other, in this campaign style exaggerated extroverted interactions are strongly encouraged and that means I'm locking my PC out of a lot of stuff. I'm thinking of shifting the portrayal somewhat, making Lín still anxious about big companies, but more inclined to put herself on the spot and then fighting against her nature with mixed success. Hopefully that's reasonable - after all, it's just a level 1 flaw.
Feb 3, 2025 10:48 am
Ah, sorry, I'm almost as dense as Sumeryu and just kind of didn't process that you were waiting for me. I'll do my best to carve out more time.

My mother's business is going to have to close since she can't work anymore, which will be sad but will also free up some of my time again.

It sounds to me like you've come up with a way for Lin to grow and mature as a person in play. Bravo! (Feel free to use Sumeryu as an excuse for Lin to open up.)
Feb 3, 2025 11:29 am
BlondeDragonGenie says:
Ah, sorry, I'm almost as dense as Sumeryu and just kind of didn't process that you were waiting for me. I'll do my best to carve out more time.
Well, Lín started reacting to the events by now, so if you don't want to narrate Sumeryu's reaction or don't have the time, that's OK too.
BlondeDragonGenie says:
My mother's business is going to have to close since she can't work anymore, which will be sad but will also free up some of my time again.
BlondeDragonGenie says:
It sounds to me like you've come up with a way for Lin to grow and mature as a person in play. Bravo! (Feel free to use Sumeryu as an excuse for Lin to open up.)
Mature not really (then again, I think she's one of the least kid-silly characters in the roster). But more confident yes (but it's something she's been working on since before enrolment, just not very successfully).


Edit: other than the initiative, I should probably delay my action-post until the evening, to consult the rulebooks.
Last edited February 3, 2025 11:43 am
Feb 3, 2025 12:22 pm
Hi! I thank you for the feedback, Vicky, it's very welcomed. In fact, I'd love to hear others feedback and expectations to.

In fact, I do have the tendency to write a megapost reacting to everyone's action at the same time. Though honestly, it is something I'm still feeling out as to finding the way it works for me. Curiously, my classes will return today, which mains I'll have more idle time, and maybe be more active in here.

I'm still experimenting with ways to make the game go smoother.

As for your character, I don't think a shy character is bad per se. the player could, in a kind of nice metagamey way, throw her at every situation with a good enough excuse, even if character motivations wouldn't really bring her there.

Besides that, it's totally cool to want to 'reform' how your character acts, in face of the latest developments.
Feb 3, 2025 2:10 pm
Yeah, the megaposts can be difficult to parse at times, I get why you do them though.

I think some one suggested making NPC "characters" and posting as them to make it more clear who is speaking/acting. While that would be cool, it also seems like a lot of work. Maybe you could split up the megapost in to a bunch of smaller posts. Like, still post them all at the same time but instead of one blob of text it's a bunch of smaller blobs.

Another idea could be to structure the game around "episodes" that focus on just a few or maybe even one character at a time. With everyone else being in the background. That way you could focus your attention on just one thing at a time, instead of GMing two or three scenes at once. The background characters could either play along, do their own little thing (Limited to something that does not need much GM attention, such as slice of life stuff or characters hanging out together) or even take a break entirely.
That way everyone could get some time in the spotlight, If some one needs to go AFK for some time, it's not a bit deal. And it might make GMing a bit easier.

As for Konomi. I kind of like her. :)
I might want to make one minor adjustment though. I had planned to play her as a very mature character who just looks young, but ended up playing her a lot more childish and clueless than planed. Not a big deal, it works well I think.
The entire "being mad at people for calling her small" thing is getting a bit out of hand though. Just about half the interactions she has with other characters end up being exclusively about that.
So I would like to reduce the sensitivity(being treated like a child) weakness from -2 to -1 and add the naive weakness at -1 to better reflect how I ended up playing her and prevent the sensitivity from overshadowing her entire character. Would that be OK?
Feb 3, 2025 2:16 pm
Aline says:
I think some one suggested making NPC "characters" and posting as them to make it more clear who is speaking/acting. While that would be cool, it also seems like a lot of work. Maybe you could split up the megapost in to a bunch of smaller posts. Like, still post them all at the same time but instead of one blob of text it's a bunch of smaller blobs.
I'm not sure about full-fledged NPC entries, but single-line NPC configurations (name + avatar) are easy to set up - you just need to paste an image right into the textbox and slightly adjust the syntax. You might need a 'narrator' 'character' for that though, to put those lines into that character. It's how I do switching between open and closed third eye for Lín Jìng - just click the character below the post, and click one of the portraits at the bottom.
Aline says:
one could get some time in the spotlight, If some one needs to go AFK for some time, it's not a bit deal.
Speaking of which, my days may become busier soon, which might make catching up harder.
Aline says:
The entire "being mad at people for calling her small" thing is getting a bit out of hand though. Just about half the interactions she has with other characters end up being exclusively about that.
Might want to try to interact with Lín Jìng more - she has a more indifferent reaction to others' traits like that.
Feb 3, 2025 8:17 pm
Thank you for your feedback, Aline, I really appreciate it.

In fact, I see more and more the usefulness of having NPCs, though, from my little experience, it seems my narration leans much more heavier on descriptions than actual dialogue. But I digress. The reason I'm delaying the implementation of NPC avatars isn't because of the hardship of setting it up, but of finding all the different images for them!

As for your idea of episodes. I have to think about it, because I don't think it would be a good idea put others into the background while focusing just on one or some PCs. Overall, I think that as the group starts bounding and getting closer to one another, the game dynamic will change a lot. We're still just on the first day, heh. Akin to a tavern scene that opens any DnD game, where no one knows each other.
Feb 4, 2025 6:19 am
I'd like to request a bit of clarification and ensure we're on the same page:
Moyreau says:
Lin Jing extends her psychic senses to search for the fugitive, in a bout of great effort and ability (she being almost exhausted by this point), she can tap on all consciences on the area, clearly distinguishing their identity. Weirdly though, she can't find Rikishi's, It's like he really vanished!

Almost! As, at the instant he bumps Konomi, and she get's between Lin Jing and him, her conscience suddenly vanishes from Lin's senses, and Rikishi's appear! That's just an instant though: as Konomi moves and he gains distance, he vanishes again!
I see there wasn't a roll. If you'd like to just have the 'antagonist' escape to end the episode that way for the sake of drama, should I just play along with this plan? I went along with magicing a supernatural sense to defeat the invisibility and tried catching him because I thought that was a good plot direction, and it would be interesting to see whether Lín succeeds or fails, but if you'd rather have me not, I can stop trying. (If it's a misunderstanding, I'm curious why there's no opposed roll, if that's okay to ask.)


Also, if we are to continue chasing, please signal when it's appropriate to make action posts again, as I'm unsure whether the new round has began or not.
Last edited February 4, 2025 6:36 am
Feb 4, 2025 6:20 am
I'm guessing that he's not there anymore, that he teleported rather than went invisible, but I'm confused about it too!
Feb 4, 2025 2:29 pm
Oh, sorry for the confusion.

Well let's see. First, sometimes I use a fixed DN for the check instead of doing the opposition one, specially in this case: The gist it being - and I only narrated it that way, and am now explaining it, only because she rolled very well.

She would manage to tap his mind, but the nature of his power made it impossible to do so, until that circumstance with him passing behind Konomi happened. This should be a clue as to what his power is, and how to deal with it.

He's technically still running away.
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