You can check on their Character creation threads, but so far we got:
BlondeDragonGenie: Dragon-girl
Jollycooperative: Succubus
tacokarp: Witch
Eltesla: Kishin.
And a (wallflower, now more than in the initial conception) yasha.
I'm curious, is there any place where I can get the Manga?
From a quick Googling, both the original manga and the sequel (dubbed Season II) are available on Viz. The first three chapters are free to preview, but after that you'd need a subscription. You can also easily sail the seven seas and read it that way, though I won't post links since I'm not sure about the site policy on that.
I'm curious, is there any place where I can get the Manga?
From a quick Googling, both the original manga and the sequel (dubbed Season II) are available on Viz. The first three chapters are free to preview, but after that you'd need a subscription. You can also easily sail the seven seas and read it that way, though I won't post links since I'm not sure about the site policy on that.
Thank you! I will give Viz a look at some point!
On a side note, I hope we can have fun together in this game ^^
I won't post links in here for the same reason stated by Eltesia, but I'll say my favorite site to read manga is called ComicK (the logo has a little unicorn). I've read R+V in the official translation in high quality in there (they also have an app, I believe).
I like the romcom,will they won't they, slice of life parts. I think further then that is when things get awkward
I think will-they-or-won't-they is not interesting in itself unless the outcome is genuinely unknown at the outset. There are many things that can be interesting and funny that are built upon the foundation, but I don't think the foundation itself is interesting. (I consider Better Off Dead to be perhaps the most enjoyable example of building an unorthodox and funny story upon an overused foundation.)
I'm content to know you're excited. I'm currently working on some world stuff, we may start soon, probably still in this week (so I gently ask everyone to finish their characters, if they want to be present since the start).
I also agree with tacokarp, furthermore, let's keep this in the romcom level at most, at least until the very end of things, that'll even capture the full essence of the series we're basing the game off.