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Feb 25, 2025 3:03 pm
Are we doing okay as a campaign, both on the main thread and the side thread?

On the side thread, I'm not sure if I'm encountering the largely expected purely character-level reluctance (of Rikishi) to go along with Lín's zany scheme (in which case all's well, but it might be time for Rikishi to either entirely fold or entirely revolt, since the back-and-forth can get too prolonged), or a GM-level reluctance to play such a subplot (in which case we should steer away from it and I should probably steer Lín Jìng into the main thread's location).
Feb 25, 2025 7:53 pm
Hello. Do you think something's wrong with my roleplaying of Rikishi? I mean, besides the still lingering initial confusion about what Ling Jing wants, whatever it is, he would, in normal conditions, be utterly unwilling, but he's practically held at gunpoint right now, so is prone to suggestion. I don't know how I would've failed in representing that,
Feb 25, 2025 7:56 pm
You're representing reluctance very well, which is why I'm trying to make sure it's strictly an IC thing, and not an IC+OOC thing, heh.

Also I'm checking whether everything's OK with the pacing and there isn't yet another race condition problem.
Last edited February 25, 2025 7:57 pm
Feb 25, 2025 8:19 pm
Oh, right! Got it. Well, in that case, it's strictly IC. Honestly, I'd prefer to communicate any OOC reluctance OOCly.

As for the pacing, I didn't post in the other thread because I was waiting for more possible posts, weekend and all. But I'll proceed later if it keeps as this, no problem.

Also, if the Rikishi thing is being too convoluted, we could solve that OOCly too, like, offscreen!
Feb 25, 2025 8:26 pm
I think by now I posted enough bits on the Rikishi plan to convey where this is heading, though maybe some of the details are still fuzzy (certainly I haven't planned everything, and Lín Jìng is leaving various choices open to Rikishi, which does not seem to really 'work' since he of course does not really like any of the options discussed).

OOC, I'm hoping for one of the following outcomes:
- Rikishi rejects the pressure and the plan is dropped.
- Rikishi gives in to the pressure and the plan is enacted by the next scene played with everyone together.
- Rikishi gives in to the pressure and the plan is enacted soonish, with the duo showing up in the main thread soonish too.

Thing I would rather avoid: resolving the plan outcome just in time to show up in the main thread just as it's about to be closed.
Feb 25, 2025 9:10 pm
Oh, ok. I don't think it would make sense if the effects of her plan immediately take place, I think it would be sensible for them to occur at least in the next day. That, plus the fact the chronologically her talk with him would be much faster than the other scene, means I'd say she could appear in there immediately if we take the offscreen route. If you agree, of course.

I really would prefer if all that buildup could lead to something and weren't wasted. So, let's do this: make a roll, DN 6. If she passes, everything she plans will happen accordingly, if not, Rikishi is too awkward and anxious to even dream of doing any of that.
Feb 25, 2025 9:19 pm
DN6 did that roll? There are many traits involved in the plan: Psychic for the hints, Arcane for the transformation, maybe some share of social influence (mixed intimidation, persuasion, seduction) to get Rikishi to go along with the plan.

I'm fine going through the details of the implementation instead of joining the main thread, but I do indeed prefer not to have on-screen effort go to waste, which is why I asked about the plan either going towards execution, or crashing hilariously.

So what do you say, keep playing the plan preparation for the rest of the evening and watch the made-over Rikishi's role tomorrow?
Feb 26, 2025 1:24 am
Should we just wait in the group thread?
Feb 26, 2025 2:26 am
The roll would be primarily to 'convince' him of it.
Feb 26, 2025 6:35 am
Ah, so a social roll. Seems like my odds are pretty bad. I'll probably need to resort to a miracle to achieve that [EDIT]wait, I can't afford a miracle, I misremembered what I was hoping for[/EDIT]. And freeing up Endurance for that will require catching a breath and/or releasing some spells (unless some of the other expenditure has recovered already, such as the combat actions that I forgot). I'll need to consult the rules for my options in the rulebook when I have the chance and make a post later.

Oh wait. I have another idea how to approach it, which has a better odds of succeeding. I'll post when I can.
Last edited February 26, 2025 8:50 am
Feb 26, 2025 10:59 am
Gah!! Uh... If she pulls that off, I think she'd get a +2 bonus...

Feb 26, 2025 11:09 am
Moyreau says:
Gah!! Uh... If she pulls that off, I think she'd get a +2 bonus...

Though that'd be pretty tough itself... As the Teleport ability doesn't state anywhere you should be able to teleport other things other than yourself. I determine that would take an unique perk costing 10 Endurance, and the DN would be 6, for it being out of sight and you not know how it looks like (who knows, she risks teleporting away the wrong thing!)
I should write it down somewhere - the unique perk, that is. It's still a cool trick. I'll think whether to try it or to take the other approach (that I mentioned but did not name/describe). Sorry for the delays, I want to choose wisely since I am hyped for pulling off the whole radical make-over project, so am trying not to sabotage myself.
Feb 26, 2025 11:28 am
My personal opinion is that spending 5 END to roll an extra dice would be the best option? (unless you come up with a plan to increase your odds)
Feb 26, 2025 12:27 pm
Spending END is the way to go, but Lín Jìng is already almost exhausted, is still maintaining a bunch of Spells (some of which cast ritually, some for END), and didn't recover the 5-10 END that she spent on non-maintained stuff, so I painted myself into a corner. Luckily, she does have a plan/idea to improve her odds.

Now I just need some spare time to write a post. Edit: written.
Last edited February 26, 2025 5:48 pm
Feb 27, 2025 6:55 am
Ibuki wants to leave the cafe right away. Should we go chase the lead now or should we wait for Lin to be done with Rikishi?
Feb 27, 2025 7:06 am
Even if Rikishi ends up going along with Lín's plan, the make-over might take some while. Even if casting a spell is fast, there's either finding a place where the spell can be cast ritually (so, not a small changing room), or waiting to recover 20 END (the likely cost of granting 5 levels of appearance), since she's almost completely exhausted at the moment. And then there's some discussion for how to act, which may take not much in terms of in-game time, but might take multiple posts as Rikishi asks questions or replies indecisively even when guided through multiple-choice options.

I'm not sure waiting for me and my PC is wise.
Last edited February 27, 2025 7:06 am
Feb 28, 2025 12:00 pm
So, I have not been posting a lot lately. I feel like I have burned out on this game, so I think it is time for me to take my leave.

Sorry to drop this all of the sudden. I thank you all for the fun time we have had and hope to play with you again some day.
Feb 28, 2025 12:09 pm
In case there is another concern about a domino effect, I hereby announce that I'm as hyped to continue playing as I was.
Feb 28, 2025 7:23 pm
Well take care aline, I had fun playing with you and hope to see you again some day as well
Feb 28, 2025 11:54 pm
Thank you for playing, Aline. See ya around!
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