Out-of-Character Posts Thread

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Oct 14, 2016 3:12 pm
m^2, planning to announce failure results before the roll in general? In this specific case (ear for voices)?
Oct 14, 2016 3:34 pm
Yes, good point. So probably the best/most fluid way to do it will be - if you want to propose a roll, do so with your proposed task/intent and other modifiers included. Then I can say "ok, (insert negotiated obs here if applicable), and (insert failure condition here)." Does that cover it?
Oct 14, 2016 7:23 pm
Sounds good. Stupid, traitorous dice have been rolled.
Oct 15, 2016 6:49 am
1. Is shughr here, checking the forums?
2. Is Niclas here, in the Cistern?
3. Where precisely is the Cistern, in particular is there an exit to a back alley or is it by the river? (spirits)
Oct 15, 2016 3:20 pm
RE: shughr, I don't know. Haven't heard from him in several days.

Niclas is there at the Cistern, but as yet has just sat in the shadows, voiceless. Nulgha would not know whether he is there or not.

On the map I linked in the Player Resources thread, the Cistern is below the building marked with T1. It has many entry/exit points and yea, Id say it definitely has one of each.
Oct 15, 2016 6:12 pm
Woah, excommunication! I am talking about rebelling against the acting guildmaster, but that seems a little harsh. If this were the start of a Duel of Wits, I'd say the stakes were too unbalanced, Nicastro's sounds like I lost without a compromise and mine sounds like I got a minor-medium compromise.

That said, I wasn't clear from your post what you were suggesting the roll be. Sounded like Nulgha's Ugly Truth with a Rhetoric FoRK and advantage from anger and disadvantage from Writ against Ob his Will, so that'd be 6D vs Ob 6? Combined with the stakes that sounds like the least favorable interpretation I can get, so I'm gonna lobby for a change. :D

Here are the four options that I see:

- I get way more upside than "he calls his own leadership skills into question", like maybe there's literally a vote of no confidence or equivalent.

- Ugly Truth test. Base Ob 4 "truth about a complex political situation", no advantage due to anger or disadvantage due to Writ because both are already baked into "complex". He outbursts, embarrassing himself and calling leadership into question, or he's fine and excommunicates me because those are the consequences of rebellion.

- Ugly Truth versus test. He wants to excommunicate me, he should roll for it. Oratory or Rule of Law or Command or something. Advantage for me due to anger, advantage for him (maybe +2D) due to the Writ.

- Ugly Truth against an Ob of his Will. Here he's just resisting the outburst. I'd have advantage and disadvantage from anger and the Writ. My failure means he is not fazed and people see it; in the story he may follow up with excommunication but that's a different Obstacle which I may be able to resist in some way (e.g. Writ-wise, Oratory, Sword, etc.)
Last edited October 15, 2016 6:12 pm
Oct 15, 2016 6:46 pm
I had interpreted the stakes for him already being basically embarrassment and a loss of faith amongst the Capos (not just himself), you won't get an actual vote out of an incident like this, it's just not a situation that would warrant it, but if the seed was planted with your first defiance, this would take the tree to budding in spring - so to speak.

As for your stakes, I mean Nicastro is basically the owner of the company, right now. What would happen if you said something so insubordinate to the owner of your company (or an employee said something like that to you if you're the owner), in front of your board of directors, when you have no workers rights to protect you?

How about, you succeed you get as above - embarrassment and loss of faith amongst the capos, he's too flustered to take retribution. You fail he still outbursts, embarrasses himself, causing a loss of faith amongst some of the capos, but obviously maintaining some respect and an air of command with the excommunication?

IMO, the only other option is you tone down your rhetoric to be less directly insubordinate.
Oct 15, 2016 6:57 pm
Sounds good! I'm not toning it down, no way. :)

So to confirm: without artha, it's Ugly Truth, Rhetoric FoRK, +1D advantage against Ob Nicastro's Will, +1 Ob disadvantage?
Oct 15, 2016 7:49 pm
Yeah, that sounds fine. What Artha are ya gonna put into it?
Oct 15, 2016 8:38 pm
Persona of course. And failed: do your worst! :D
Oct 15, 2016 10:57 pm
I leave you two alone for a few hours and look what happens. :D Cannot wait to see the outcome.
Oct 16, 2016 5:29 am
Ok, response posted!
Oct 16, 2016 9:03 am
If Fight! were in play I'd be tempted to Aura of Fear, lock him up, and leave on my terms, even with Power B3.

I think I'm really lucky Fight! is not in play.
Oct 16, 2016 5:38 pm
Notes and questions:

I can in fact spirit bind without a tongue! The spirits do not talk, negotiate, etc., it's just a mind + force of will thing. So for example you can bind spirits to do something in the middle of Fight! even though you could only say a few words if you had to speak. It'd be at +3 Ob, but you could do it.

Superstition: Sounds like you're saying it would have been Superstition-wise Ob 4 (uncommon knowledge) to establish something like this as a fact, but instead you're saying Yes and that these thieves don't subscribe to it even if they know about it. Is that right?

Circles: Ob 3, okay. Affiliation with Thieves Guild still applies, I assume, though after this scene I suggest we drop the Affiliation down to 0 dice and add an infamous 1D reputation among people who were at this meeting. Is my Port Stonehold Reputation applicable? Breaking through war embargoes might be a reason to follow me out.

Enforcers: Eep! Time to run, for sure. My plan is to make a break for it after they start coming, and as soon as I'm up the stairs and into the alley, binding the spirit of a few of the stairs to Hinder the lead enforcer. That'd be Strength 2 to hinder +1 Ob, no penalty for specific medium, +1 Ob for here-and-now since I assume they're going to be testing Speed to chase me. Total Ob 3.

Summary, please confirm, is I roll Circles B2 plus 1D Affiliation Thieves Guild of Greyhawk plus (if applicable) 2D Reputation Shepherded Supplies through the Siege of Port Stonehold against Ob 3 to have someone follow me out, then Spirit Binding B5 versus Ob 3 to hinder.
Oct 16, 2016 8:16 pm
Epigone says:

Superstition: Sounds like you're saying it would have been Superstition-wise Ob 4 (uncommon knowledge) to establish something like this as a fact, but instead you're saying Yes and that these thieves don't subscribe to it even if they know about it. Is that right?
The latter. Keep in mind you have business with Dwarves. I'm trying to keep things moving (which rolls slow it down and take up lots of attention) while not shutting down your PCs "thing".
Epigone says:

Circles: Ob 3, okay. Affiliation with Thieves Guild still applies, I assume, though after this scene I suggest we drop the Affiliation down to 0 dice and add an infamous 1D reputation among people who were at this meeting. Is my Port Stonehold Reputation applicable? Breaking through war embargoes might be a reason to follow me out.
I agree regarding TG Affiliation, and Infamous. And absolutely your Reputation applies.
Epigone says:

Enforcers: Eep! Time to run, for sure. My plan is to make a break for it after they start coming, and as soon as I'm up the stairs and into the alley, binding the spirit of a few of the stairs to Hinder the lead enforcer. That'd be Strength 2 to hinder +1 Ob, no penalty for specific medium, +1 Ob for here-and-now since I assume they're going to be testing Speed to chase me. Total Ob 3.
I don't think you have a Domain that would allow you to bind a spirit in the sewer system's stairs (please let me know your thoughts on that, as I think we're all new to this parsing of Domains thing...), but you can do the door onto/off of the alley?

Any Retribution will be Enmity Clause (reckoned as appropriate based on test result), and beyond that if the test is failed the Enforcers will have you then and there, as there was nothing to slow them down and you don't have that much of a lead.

If you succeed they'll be Versus testing against the Alley Spirit holding the door shut? And you'll both make a Linked test, for the final "leg" of the escape.
Epigone says:

Summary, please confirm, is I roll Circles B2 plus 1D Affiliation Thieves Guild of Greyhawk plus (if applicable) 2D Reputation Shepherded Supplies through the Siege of Port Stonehold against Ob 3 to have someone follow me out, then Spirit Binding B5 versus Ob 3 to hinder.
The Circles Test is good to go.

Let me know your thoughts about the proposed summoning and chase after.
Oct 16, 2016 9:03 pm
Hey all, wanted to give you a heads up: I have removed shughr as a Player from this campaign. I had PMed him and still not heard from him on any regard, even to say "Hey I'll be out for a bit." for over a week. I want a third leg to make our story stand up and Shark_Bone was more than happy to join our story.

Thanks for helping us out, S_B. Let me know if you have any questions about the campaign. Feel free to chime in on the IC thread if/when you feel comfortable with where the story is at, otherwise I'll find a place to bring you in explicitly soon...

Thanks Verrain and Epigone for your active participation thus far. I'm enjoying the crap out of it, and hope you guys are too, as early as we are in things.
Oct 16, 2016 9:23 pm
Sorry to lose shugr but glad to have Shark_Bone on board.

As for my roll, my intention was to move while the crowd was distracted by Nulgha running off. Can I get +1D for the distraction?
Oct 16, 2016 9:25 pm
emsquared says:
I don't think you have a Domain that would allow you to bind a spirit in the sewer system's stairs (please let me know your thoughts on that, as I think we're all new to this parsing of Domains thing...), but you can do the door onto/off of the alley?
Ah, disconnect. I thought the layout was alley, stairs down, door, bar-named-Cistern. If it's instead alley, door, stairs down, Cistern-no-really-it-is-a-sewer, then yeah I'll definitely be cutting upon hearing "Cease her!" and running upstairs and out the door, then binding the spirit of the door to hinder.
emsquared says:
Any Retribution will be Enmity Clause (reckoned as appropriate based on test result), and beyond that if the test is failed the Enforcers will have you then and there, as there was nothing to slow them down and you don't have that much of a lead.

If you succeed they'll be Versus testing against the Alley Spirit holding the door shut? And you'll both make a Linked test, for the final "leg" of the escape.


Let me know your thoughts about the proposed summoning and chase after.
The way you've phrased it sounds like if I decline to spirit bind at all I get auto-captured?

I think Enmity Clause and auto-capture is double dipping the failure. Either just Hub & Spokes, Spirit Binding against an Ob of your choosing to escape or be captured; or Rim, Spirit Binding against Ob 3 to Hinder the lead enforcer, which is +1 Ob to the relevant physical test, and/or get retribution.

As I see it there are 4 legs here, 0-4 of which should be tested:
1. Do the enforcers capture Nulgha before she gets out the door? (Speed)
2. Does Nulgha bind the spirits of the door to Hinder? (Spirit Binding)
3. Does Nulgha escape the immediate chase of the enforcers in the alley? (Speed)
4. Is Nulgha able to hide somewhere so she isn't just quickly found? (Streetwise, Stealthy, or some -wise)

I think cutting my speech as soon as I hear "cease her!" should bypass #1, #2 should either [fully determine the escape intent without retribution like when you roll a Sorcery versus test for a wizard duel rather than casting a Rim spell] or [it should just determine whether there's hinderance and/or retribution], and your choice of #3 or #4 assuming we went with Rim for #2 (IMO #3 makes most sense)

Re: Observation, Messandier's help only gives a die if he has Observation opened (which he might, I dunno). 'course you can always say they have the advantage.

Welcome Shark Bone!
Oct 16, 2016 9:33 pm
Failed the Circles test. Heh, now losing the affiliation die lines up 100% perfectly with the book's suggestions. :D

Edit: oops, no failure set out beforehand. Well, I rolled. m^2, take it away!
Last edited October 17, 2016 1:17 am
Oct 16, 2016 9:38 pm
Oh, and Verrain, nice use of a Linked test to make it super clear Let it Ride is not in effect. I like it!
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