Out-of-Character Posts Thread

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Oct 22, 2016 6:07 pm
Yea, I was never impressed with the choices for ships. It goes from a like 30' single mast ship for 30 RPs, to like a 90' 3 mast ship for 60? Ok...

If I were to be a part of a more sailing focused campaign, I'd want a little more resolution.
Oct 22, 2016 6:30 pm
Like what? Stories of past smugglings ended up as my Reputation, contacts are Circles, successfulness is Resources, a good example of my previous activity shows up in my Belief, my nuts and bolts sailing experience is reflected in my utter lack of sailing related skills except Navigation... :D

Happy to provide more if you want, just let me know about what.
Oct 22, 2016 7:50 pm
As far as gang membership, I thought we were all part of the same gang. Is that not the case?
Oct 22, 2016 9:36 pm
Epigone says:
Like what? Stories of past smugglings ended up as my Reputation, contacts are Circles, successfulness is Resources, a good example of my previous activity shows up in my Belief, my nuts and bolts sailing experience is reflected in my utter lack of sailing related skills except Navigation... :D

Happy to provide more if you want, just let me know about what.
You misunderstand, I'm talking about ship choices. So when I say I'd "want more resolution" I mean I'd want to work out more ship choices along a more gradual RP cost spectrum.
Shark_Bone says:
As far as gang membership, I thought we were all part of the same gang. Is that not the case?
You're not. At least the original three were not. It was proposed, but it just didn't work out that way.

You could choose to be with either Gord or Nulghas, if you wanted. You'd fit well enough as a fence.

But basically here's the structure of the Thieves Guild:

Originally in ye olde days, Greyhawk had 100 different criminal gangs and families, doing 100 different private/separate "businesses", thieving from each other, killing each other, and generally just being a big drain on each other as they warred over turf and business. Well, some 100 years ago this guy comes along and uses murder, bribery and any and all other coercions and persuasions imaginable to unite those 100 gangs under 1 banner - the Thieves Guild, so that they could all operate more efficiently and peacefully and therefore prosper more, together. This is "the Old Alliance", structured around "the Writ". The laws of the Thieves Guild.

As a part of the Old Alliance, the main gangs/families of each District got to retain their identity, and absorbed the lesser ones therein. Each district has 1 manager (a Capo), overseeing all of its various operations, whom is directly responsible to the Guld Master, pays her/him dues and generally maintains the order amongst his thieves, trains them, recruits, deals with "non-Member" thieves and operations in his District, etc.

Some Capos/Districts allowed many of the gangs under them to maintain their identities, as well, and they maintain some form of "middle management", some Capos did not. It's however that Capo wants to structure his organization as long as it works.

You guys are somewhere in that "middle management" area. And in the character burning process it just kind of became apparent that everyone was just doing their own thing.

You can decide where you sit tho still, Shark.
Oct 22, 2016 11:33 pm
Yeah i think I'd like to have a connection to another PC. That'll give us another reason to work together and stick close to each other during this situation. I think, as a money lender (loan shark) i can probably fit in anywhere.
Last edited October 22, 2016 11:34 pm
Oct 22, 2016 11:56 pm
Shark_Bone says:
Yeah i think I'd like to have a connection to another PC.
That was why I was trying so hard to get shughr to have Beliefs that tied him into the others/the main conflict.

You can choose where you set up shop (which doesn't have to be where you live), so yea which one do you want? Your choice: under Capo Porton in the River Quarter? Or under Capo Nenshen in the Slum Quarter?

And where is your house?
Oct 23, 2016 1:03 am
Yeah, Gord's base of operations is in the Slum Quarter. However, I was envisioning the fences to be a group within the guild since you need merchants that ask no questions all over the city to move the variety of goods stolen throughout the city.
Oct 23, 2016 2:50 pm
I think I'll be in the River quarter. That's where my house is and I operate out of it. My original thought was that the house is my own, bought with my ill-gotten gains and completely separate from the properties my family maintains. So, when I'm concentrating on guild business, I'm at my house in the river quarter. On the rare times I have to go and be a good little noble, I'm spending time at my family properties. I would love for you to create some pressures between my thief life and my noble life, if you can work it in.
Oct 23, 2016 6:55 pm
Verrain says:
Yeah, Gord's base of operations is in the Slum Quarter. However, I was envisioning the fences to be a group within the guild since you need merchants that ask no questions all over the city to move the variety of goods stolen throughout the city.
The fences (and smugglers and whoremongers and gambling houses, etc. etc.) do have a lesser type of organization (lesser than say a Capo's organization or even a directly subsidiary gang) which they coordinate rates and things through, but it's less binding and of lesser importance w/i the Guild than a gang-level organization.
Shark_Bone says:
I think I'll be in the River quarter. That's where my house is and I operate out of it. My original thought was that the house is my own, bought with my ill-gotten gains and completely separate from the properties my family maintains. So, when I'm concentrating on guild business, I'm at my house in the river quarter. On the rare times I have to go and be a good little noble, I'm spending time at my family properties. I would love for you to create some pressures between my thief life and my noble life, if you can work it in.
Sounds good to me, S_B. And I will absolutely be finding ways to entangle your Relationships with the other plots.
Oct 23, 2016 8:36 pm
Super OOC: Finally had our first session of my meatspace game yesterday, went pretty well, but I'm gonna have to change up my standard GM practices with 5 players, that's a ton of Beliefs to juggle. Spirit Binder didn't pull anything too crazy, just a helping die here and there and one Reveal To Me. I think he was scared of Retribution. :D
Oct 24, 2016 2:21 am
Awesome. I'd love to get my group into BWG, but the one time i got to run it for them, they wanted a tour of the system and it didn't go well because none of us had the Hub and Spokes down.
And I will absolutely be finding ways to entangle your Relationships with the other plots.
I look forward to it!
Oct 25, 2016 2:22 am
I tried to do a campaign burning session with my table once, with the thought that I could flesh out the setting once we had the main points down while we rotated through a couple other GMs turns. But I did it with basically just a 15 minute speech on the basics of the system, no one had read any part of anything, and it just didn't work. What they came up with would have been a great Pathfinder campaign or something, but I felt like it just missed the mark when it came to BW... or maybe I just didn't have a good enough grasp on the system to see how it could work. It was very adventure oriented and I wanted to do the more dramatic, character driven thing...

Was really discouraging, and then as I read through the hub n spokes again, and started on the rim, and now have the Codex, more and more I couldn't imagine trying to run it for our normal 5-6... I've been slowly trying to get a couple of guys to read the Hub n Spokes, and poke around on Charred, but not much doin' yet.

Moral of the story is, I am very excited to be having the most successful PbP I've ever participated in here w/ you guys using BWG.
Oct 25, 2016 2:52 am
I love the Sword as an intro scenario. Tell everyone it's explicitly more PvP than normal in the interest of having rules come up, muscle in a DoW and Fight! and again hang a lampshade on the fact that the situation isn't quite ideal (if it's not) by saying it's to demonstrate rules... You get easy forgiveness for some rules awkwardness and players tend to take the scenario in the direction they like.

Even if BW starts as a dungeon delve, because of beliefs it has a great chance of morphing into character drama.

Glad you're excited! I'm very interested to find out if Nulgha is/becomes a hero or a villain. :D
Oct 25, 2016 8:55 pm
I'm super stressed and worn out today from work. I was planning on posting today, but I'm going to take some time to relax and recover. Thanks.
Oct 25, 2016 9:12 pm
Shark_Bone says:
I'm super stressed and worn out today from work. I was planning on posting today, but I'm going to take some time to relax and recover. Thanks.
Thanks for the heads up, S_B!
Oct 27, 2016 9:13 pm
Turned into two days, sorry. Turns out i was sick, not stressed.
Oct 28, 2016 9:34 pm
No problem yesterday was my IRL gamenight, so I wasn't around to respond to anything anyway.
Oct 29, 2016 1:34 pm
Epigone has seen that note, Nulgha has not, and it's cryptic enough that I will almost certainly forget what it said if it's edited out and shared secretly.
Oct 31, 2016 6:47 am
Meta: here's my at least one post per day ;)

Less meta: Nulgha will want to do the following in the next few days, assuming the situation with Nicastro remains unchanged: meet up with Tomas in secret, watch her house to see if anyone is watching her house, meet up with Zachary as a fellow River Quarter thief who she thinks didn't attend the meeting, and meet up with her Capo who she's guessing is just fine with her right now. Feel free to frame me into any of that, or whatever, of course.
Last edited October 31, 2016 6:51 am
Oct 31, 2016 6:18 pm
While I want to minimize temporal disparities from when IC posts are made/occur, and where the present conversation is, I think there are a couple things we could proceed with for you Epi. Pretty much any of your "to dos" except the meet with Zachary I'd say?
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