Chapter 6: Calamity Caves

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Feb 7, 2025 3:58 pm
Iroven was not expecting an explosion when the mold was burned with fire. Did the cave really have flammable gas inside then? They were lucky to save themselves then. But, within moments, he heard the roars and footsteps—something dangerous was approaching them. He took out his sword and unbuckled his shield, prepared to face whatever was coming his way.


Initiative - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Feb 7, 2025 9:16 pm
Artesia covers her ears when the explosion sounds, letting out a small squeal. She uncovers them just in time to hear the roar. "Uh oh. Sounds like we woke something up." She readies herself to meet the foe.


Perception - (1d20+10)

(5) + 10 = 15

Feb 8, 2025 1:09 pm
Koram and Haitith prepare for whatever is coming their direction.


Perception - (1d20+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

Perception (Haitith) - (1d20+8)

(3) + 8 = 11

Feb 11, 2025 8:47 am
Waiting on initiative from Tomas, @mindgoneferal
Feb 11, 2025 4:59 pm
Tomas springs to action


Perception - (1d20+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

Feb 12, 2025 12:36 pm
You can see a creature coming running through the tunnel in a combination of panic and anger. It's very damaged, and its fur is missing in several places where boils from the burn can be clearly seen. It screeches in pain as it squeezes through the tunnel that is just slightly too small for it, and its blistered skin touches the rock. You may wonder for a moment what creator would make such an explosive creature that's can't resist its own explosion.
Iroven can act.

Round 1:
Character Initiative AC HP Statuses
Lagofir Red 21 18 5/55
Iroven 17 21 (23) 56/56
Lagofir Blue 15 18 30/55
Artesia 15 17 42/42
Koram 15 18 / 20 (Haitith) 60/60
Tomas 11 20 64/64
[ +- ] Picture of creature
[ +- ] Battlemap
Feb 12, 2025 1:02 pm
Iroven was not expecting these creatures to come out of the caves. He could see that the creature was damaged. He immediately sheathed his sword and moved back, lowering his and trying to make himself as non-threatening as possible.
If these are the Lagofirs aren't we supposed to tame them and use their oil? They also seem to be hurt from the explosion. I guess we should just befriend them. Who has the highest Nature skill? I am just trained in it. I will do a recall knowledge and then an aid action to help.


Nature (Wis) - Aid - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Feb 12, 2025 9:32 pm
"Awww! They're hurt! They look so cute! Maybe we should heal them."
Feb 13, 2025 11:00 am
Iroven is unable to recall anything more about lagofirs. Then you see another of the creatures. It is in better shape than the first one, though it seems to be panicking as well. It rushes through the tunnel as fast as it can, and is able to pass above the first creature.
Artesia, Koram and Tomas may act. Iroven may roll another Nature for the aid, if you get a 15 or higher, you give an ally a +1 to an attempt to calm them (+2 on a crit successful).

Round 1:
Character Initiative AC HP Statuses
Lagofir Red 21 18 5/55
Iroven 17 21 (23) 56/56
Lagofir Blue 15 18 30/55
Artesia 15 17 42/42
Koram 15 18 / 20 (Haitith) 60/60
Tomas 11 20 64/64
[ +- ] Battlemap
Feb 13, 2025 11:29 am
Nature check for aid.


Nature (Wis) - Aid - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Feb 13, 2025 1:04 pm
Nice roll. That's definitively a +2 if someone wants to try and calm them :P
Feb 13, 2025 5:15 pm
Tomas will forward to calm the creature.


Nature (Wis) - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Feb 13, 2025 7:38 pm
Koram steps back and watches to see if his companions can calm the creatures.
Feb 13, 2025 10:02 pm
Aristina waits until the creatures get within 30 feet, if they come within that amount, and then releases a healing blast, targeting the more wounded of the two.
[ +- ] Clerical Font: Heal (x4) > to >>>


Healing font - (2d8+16)

(23) + 16 = 21

Feb 14, 2025 10:55 am
Tomas is able, with Iroven's and Artesia's help to calm down the creatures. The hurt one skin starts to stitch together. Though they are calmed, they still seem afraid of you and keep a distance. You should be able to gain passage through the tunnel now, and with most of the oil burned, it should be safer.
It would take another DC 16 Nature Check to command the now calmed animals. Then you could guide them back to the following and Imek's care or keep them at bay while investigating the cave.
Feb 14, 2025 2:10 pm
Iroven crouched down and offered some cooked meal that he carried from the camp in the morning while keeping distance. He wanted to show that he had no aggressive intentions, and he only wanted to help. Slowly but surely, he moved closer to them without trying to scare them. Then, when he was in hands reach, he fed them food and caressed them by gently running his hand on their fur. Once they understood he was not a threat, he held another food and lured them out of the cave.
I don't know if Iroven carried any food, but let us hope it's the morning rations he took from the camp.
Last edited February 14, 2025 2:15 pm


Nature (Wis) - command animal - (1d20+7)

(18) + 7 = 25

Feb 15, 2025 5:55 am
Koram nods approvingly at Iroven and Tomas's skills at display with the creatures. He and Haitith relax, as it seems they will not have to fight these creatures after all - a boon for them, and for the animals themselves. "Well done. Masterful, both of you. And you, Artesia, with that healing. I am ever grateful to have such good-hearted friends to venture into danger with."
Feb 15, 2025 3:38 pm
Artesia smiles shyly. She isn't accustomed to being praised for doing what comes as naturally to her as breathing.



Feb 17, 2025 11:42 am
The laogfirs hungrily lap up the food. You are able to lead them out of the cave and back to Imek's pens.

She squeals in joy at seeing the creatures. "You always bring me the best gifts," she says with a wide smile.

"Imagine everything we can use the oil for," she says. "And they're so cute."
For increasing the following by two lagofirs you all receive a hero point.
Feb 17, 2025 2:56 pm
Damn! The hero point is a sweet bonus. I am thinking whether I should consider beastmaster archetype.
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