Against the Cult: Meet Me at the Bar Fight (1.9)

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Jan 21, 2025 8:20 pm
Having survived this encounter, each of the present and living Dungeon Busters - Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha, and Theran - gains 150 XP.
Note that this puts at least two of you at the point where your characters could train to gain a level...with their trainers back in Hochoch. When you decide to return to Hochoch and do so is a topic for the group to discuss...probably in private.
Jan 22, 2025 2:17 pm
Myrtha softens her stance once the last combatant let go of his weapon. "You're going to be fine, lad. Help me see if your friends can be saved," she stated, sheathing her sword and kneeling by Traver's body.
Myrtha wants to make sure that if the two fallen men in the corridor aren't dead, that she attempt to staunch their bleeding. Whenever that verification is over, she will pick up the enchanted spear and lead Lhari back into the room the three men had been in so he can talk away from all the dead bodies. Either that, or take him into Derek's torture chamber, so he can be confronted to the evidence of this Evil...

As far as next steps, Myrtha is at 250xp, so some 50xp shy of levelling. Personally I'd prefer that we return when she's over the line, but I'd understand if the majority wants to fall back. She's bit too brittle as she is now, doing a round-trip now, and having to return after the first couple of encounters seems counterproductive.
Jan 22, 2025 2:23 pm
Unless I forgot to add XP somewhere, Theran is a ways away from leveling also.

Now that the fight has ended and Chase seems stable, Theran returns to grab the lockbox he found, bringing it to the room with the others and seeing about opening it.
Jan 22, 2025 4:06 pm
Derek, Melano, and Traver are all dead.
Myrtha confirms this fact with Traver, and finds that he has nothing of value on him (though he does have the green spiral tattoo high up on his left biceps). Myrtha retrieves the +1 magic spear and lantern, then leads Lhari back up the hallway to the doors he'd used before: the one the party blocked, and the other one. They lead to adjoining rooms. The room on the left is a common bedroom; the type that a group of friends, a party of adventurers, or a small family would rent to stay together for the night. There are five beds here; two are unused and neatly made (the Dungeon Busters move Chase into one of these so that he's no longer on the floor), and the other three show clear signs that Traver, Melano, and Lhari were all still asleep when Derek started yelling: rumpled with the coverlets thrown aside.
While Myrtha takes the disarmed Lhari in there, Aanbo examines the other room. It seems to have been used as a common dining area. Two tables and eight chairs take up the center of the room, and each table is covered with used plates and mostly-empty mugs: probably the dishes from last night's supper.
Theran steps back into the room with Derek and Melano and quickly examines the bodies: they are both dead. Melano only had the club and candle on him. Derek, however, had quite a bit of stuff on his person. He has a standard short sword, and a long, nasty stiletto (which came from a concealed sheath worn on the nape of his neck). He has particularly fine black leather armor, a money pouch (containing gems and coins), and three small bottles wrapped in velvet tucked inside his armor. Theran notes these items for the future and goes back to the bed to retrieve the lockbox. He takes it into the dining room with Aanbo and sets it down on one of the tables with a thud and a clink of coins within.
Jan 22, 2025 4:36 pm
Aanbo considers the state of the fallen. "Let's leave their bodies where they lie," he suggests. "People should know that this inn had the secret passage, and that these killers knew about them."

After Theran collected the useful items, Aanbo says, "Can you stay with Chase, my friend? Myrtha could use your help, too. I will go downstairs to secure the place, as well as be on alert for anyone coming."

The monk then whispers his intentions to Myrtha's ear so that she is aware, and waits for confirmation from both her and Theran before he heads down.
Jan 22, 2025 5:33 pm
"Only on the condition that if you meet with trouble you don't face it alone. Run back here, we're stronger together," Theran cautions his fellow Dungeon Buster.
Jan 22, 2025 5:58 pm
"Why did your group attack us, lad?" Myrtha asked as soon as the verification of the corpses had finished.

She stopped, and began an again. "No no, first : What’s your name, lad?"

"Our business was with Derek, the torturer," she added with a tone of finality and a wisp of regret in her voice. All the killing was taking its toll now. She let those questions sink in for a few moments

"We came looking for a friend, he was taken by some of your folks by the abandoned barn. Know where they’d have taken our friend?"
Myrtha is observing Lhari’s reactions closely, but all aggression has left her, for now. Her tone is soft, as if she were trying to elicit a secret from a young her brother who’d done something stupid and was afraid and ashamed.
Last edited January 22, 2025 6:02 pm
Jan 24, 2025 6:37 am
Aanbo heads back downstairs, navigating without light with his darkvision until he gets back down to the common room, where the fire in the fireplace has burned almost down to coals. H.A. has not moved from where he lay, with Chase's bonds intact. The bloody smear still leads behind the bar to Bertram's corpse. Nothing has been disturbed. Either there are other guests but only the one person woke up, or there are few other guests in the Inn.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Theran continues to examine the lockbox while Myrtha tries the soft touch with the surviving fanatical brute and Chase sleeps on.

"I-I'm Lhari..." the man replies, half defiant, half fearful.
For a sense of how much he's going to divulge with this soft approach, roll a CHR (Persuasion) check, DC15.
The lockbox is a sturdy little chest. Theran opens it extremely carefully, and is relieved to see that whoever used it last did not take the time to reset the poison dart trap on the clasps. Inside are thousands of seals. Running his hand through the wealth, Theran sees that there are golden eagles mixed in among the silver, as well as some exotic coins he doesn't recognize.
Note that, if the party will take enough time here, Chase can take a short rest and spent his hit die (if he still has it) once someone uses a dose from a healer's kit on him. There are a few hours until sunrise yet. If you don't want to wait that long, you could apply the healer's kit, rest for an hour, and then move to someplace else once Chase is conscious again. If Chase does NOT still have his hit die, then it's going to take longer...
Jan 24, 2025 2:34 pm
"So, Lhari. Me and my friends came looking for someone of ours who's been taken by some of your folk," she stated flatly, looking intently at the prisoner. "We thought to look here, 'cause Bertram had tried to poison us earlier. We ran into Derek, downstairs. We knew Derek had tortured and killed someone the day before, so we wanted to catch him. He killed a friend of mine, downstairs," she added, calmly, though a soft choking could be heard in her voice at this point.

"As the coward that he is, he fled, leaving your other friends to die in his stead. I think one of your friends still breathes... Bertram, well, he should've stayed in bed, I guess,"
there was some more iron in her tone again.

"So did you see our buddy here? Small fellow, a halfling? And once you've told me what you know about that, why did you come out to fight for that foul butcher, Derek?"
That's a fail on persuasion.
Last edited January 24, 2025 2:35 pm


Persuasion vs DC 15 - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Jan 24, 2025 4:31 pm
"I haven't seen no halfling. We were just asleep, minding our own business, when we hear Derek yelling about how you killed Hamiff. We jumped up and came out to find you busting up the Inn, killing guests." Lhari's words are surly, but there is a whining undertone that indicates his fearful certainty that you're going to kill him, too.
Note that I looked it up. Aanbo and Chase used the healer's kit and a hit die each after the street fight with Grover the constable and his two armored goons. Though he has enough XP to train to 2nd level, Chase is still a first-level character, so he only has one hit die.

So FYI: for Chase to revive will take magic (spells or potions) or a long rest to restore his hit die which he can then spend to heal with a healer's kit application.
Jan 24, 2025 5:50 pm
Aanbo considers what to do, now that he is in the common room. He can't think of anything that would shift blame away from them; the corruption appears to be deeply rooted in the very nature of some villagers. It doesn't help that the Dungeon Busters are complete strangers that have not yet earned the trust of Orlane.

Instead, Aanbo searches for the spiral symbol on Bertram, exposing it into view if he finds one. He then grabs HA to check if the man is still alive, and takes him back upstairs to join the others.
Jan 24, 2025 8:55 pm
"Good news then that Hamiff ain’t dead, Lhari. We beat him senseless, but he’s alive. Which just goes to prove Derek wasn’t only a torturer and a brute, but also a lousy liar," Myrtha continued, trying to prod at the man’s uncertainties.

"So, you were just sleeping here, minding your business while Derek tortured and killed two rooms down? Did you take turns torturing, Lhari?" she added, suddenly standing up as if she had lost her patience. "Take off your shirt.".

She expected the order to be followed immediately and suggested as much through posture and tone of voice.
It would, of course, be totally perfect if Aanbo showed up with the unconscious and bound Hamiff just about now, to drive home the point that they were not wholesale killers on a rampage…

You might consider her last words as an intimidation attempt, though she is also deliberately flipping gender roles and trying to make him uncomfortable.

Myrtha is actually trying to figure out how involved Lhari was to the actual torture and poisoning. She’s also looking to see if there are any spiral tattoos or necklace on Lhari as well.
Last edited January 24, 2025 8:59 pm
Jan 25, 2025 5:57 pm
Bertram's corpse actually has a spiral branded on its upper arm, the burn scars still raised but not red or infected anymore. Aanbo hefts the limp unconscious body of H.A. and begins staggering with the beefy human up the stairs. He tries not to hit the man's head on the wood paneling of the stairwell as he goes, but he's not entirely successful.

"I've never tortured anyone, nor murdered anyone either. I'm not responsible for the actions of others, any more than you're responsible for the people that one has killed," he nods at Chase asleep in the bed, "Or than he's responsible for the people you've murdered." But he recoils when Myrtha stands up and he is reminded just how uneven the power balance is here. He whips off his nightshirt at her command and Myrtha catches his eyes flicking toward the clothing, shields, and weapons that Theran and Myrtha collected from the footlockers and piled by the door out of his reach. Lhari has a green spiral tattooed high up on his left deltoid.

Aanbo arrives in the dining room and hits H.A.'s legs on the door jamb. "Whoops," the monk mutters, puffing from the exertion of carrying this big loaf up a flight of stairs and down the long hallway. He nods to Theran, who remains absorbed in looking through the lockbox and doesn't immediately leap to his feet to help carry the dead weight. Aanbo sighs and steps through the adjoining door into the barracks with Myrtha and Lhari, being careful to not bang the human's legs...but this means that H.A.'s head bonks against the door frame instead. "Ouch." Aanbo remarks, and then heaves the unconscious and bound man onto a bed with a groan. He stretches his back with an audible crack. Seeing that the other captive is alive just as Myrtha had said, Lhari cries "Hamiff!" with surprise and relief.
Jan 25, 2025 6:04 pm
Aanbo looks at the green drawing. "So," he says, pausing to again catch his breath, "what does that mean?" He wants to point at Lhari's tattoo, but his hand aches from the recent battle and portage of weight so it just looks like a dismissive wave as he absently traces the spiral in the air.
Jan 25, 2025 7:15 pm
Theran had been looking at the coins he didn't recognize with curiosity... so much so that he realized Aanbo had returned with the other combatant. Shutting the box and turning his attention to what was happening around him.

"Apologies. There is a good bit of coin, and some coins I simply do not recognize."

Turning to the... hostage... Theran awaits his answer as to the symbol and its meaning.
Jan 27, 2025 5:58 am
Lhari would smile if he wasn't quite so nervous. "It's the mark of a true Orlane patriot! It means the pride of being an Orlane native, devoted to our community and our god." He looks at the door where Theran enters as he's making that last remark...and frowns, puzzled. "Coin? Where did you find a 'good bit of coin'?"
Jan 27, 2025 1:05 pm
"Hm? Oh. The strongbox Derek had hidden in his room. Why do you ask?" Theran's voice is very nonchalante, but something in his eyes says he just realized... these coins may prove more valuable than originally thought.
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