First afterschool

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Feb 4, 2025 12:35 am
On seeing the commotion unfold, Luna couldn't help but be flabbergasted at the sudden turn of events. "Aha... I guess the hunt will have to wait until tomorrow." There was an underwear thief to catch apparently.

I suppose that's an acceptable reason for a delay.

Responding to Sumeryu, "Sorry, my talismans are focused on exorcism and combat. I don't think they'd be of any use for this..."

However, Ibuki's actions did catch Luna's eye, and she was curious about what Ibuki would do next.
Feb 4, 2025 5:46 am
Ibuki will place both her hands on the ground holding her beads and begin praying "We gently caress you, the Earth, our planet and our home. May you restrict those who seek to escape from what is just" as she prays she will infuse power through her prayer beads into the soil itself infusing it energy
Using witchcraft magic at level 3 on the ground since I can bewitch objects to curse the ground with slow 3 in order to stop rikishi from getting away
Feb 4, 2025 6:26 am
" We don't know where he went. Can you fly? Or curse him with bad luck without seeing him? Then maybe he'll trip over something, " the dragon answers Konomi.

"Point him out when you find him!" she encourages Lin. She is simply assuming, with confidence, that Lin can find Rikishi or at least indicate where he went.

"How far can you shoot from?" she asks Luna.
Feb 4, 2025 4:04 pm
Ok, Ibuki must spend 20 END, and must roll over Rikishi's resistance, using her Curse Magic ability


Rikishi's resistance to Ibuki's curse - (3d6)

(643) = 13

Feb 4, 2025 5:45 pm


Sealing designation - (7d6)

(6454635) = 33

Feb 4, 2025 9:45 pm
Would giving myself Sixth Sense be helpful here?
Feb 4, 2025 11:00 pm
Hmm... In this particular event, it would, at best (well rolled), give you a clear understanding of Rikishi's power, and how to counter it. DN 8
Feb 4, 2025 11:49 pm
I will give it a shot then
Sumeryu says:
"Jing-san, Dr. Matsuyama, do you have any powers or spells to track fown Rikishi? What about you, Ibuki, Luna? Sutras or charms?"
Hanami nodded. "I do have something that might help." She held her wand up and took a deep breath. The tip of her wand glowed as she used it to rapidly weave complex patterns in the air, layering rune after rune into a dense magic circle that floated before her. She started to chant, her words barely audible at first, but as her voice rose, the magic circle glowed brighter. "Lift the veil from my eyes!" She finished. The magic circle's energies washed over her, and as it disappeared, her awareness expanded.

She picked up Rikishi's glasses and used them to help focus her intention as she tried to gain insight.
10 Endurance for +2 Sixth Sense


Sixth Sense - (4d6)

(2662) = 16

Feb 5, 2025 12:51 am
Her eyes sparkle with arcane gleam as her conscience is expanded, a magical circle on the ground encircles her, depicting a roll of this symbol in its border:
In a burst of inductive reasoning, she links all pieces on her head, in an instant, the glasses on her fingers the key to all that:

Rikishi's power isn't invisibility, but making things vanishing from people's mind! That's why he could disappear from Yasuo's and Katsuya's memories, along with the stolen pieces... Hanami also notices there's a limit to the amount of things he can make vanish at a time. That she inducted from his first appearance, where he claimed to have X-ray vision, which was in fact him vanishing the girl's clothes from his own mind. In that occasion, he mentioned a limit of two objects he could 'look through'; him wearing glasses reducing that to just one.

Finally, she concluded that, to fully disappear, that is, both his body and clothes, he must be at his limit, and that's why he shortly reappeared after passing behind Konomi, as his power only works on the closest thing between the vanished object and the person whose perception is being tampered by. Thus, apparently, any obstacle more substantial than air between her and him, would make him reappear.
Feb 5, 2025 7:34 pm
"I've got it! I figured out how that bastard works." Hanami proceeded to verbally communicate her epiphany to everyone. After she finished her explanation, she slipped Rikishi's glasses into her pocket for now. "Tracking him down will be difficult, but not impossible. He might be able to vanish from our senses, but he should still leave tracks, especially if he left in a hurry."

Hanami headed in the direction that Konomi came from and started looking for footprints, disturbed vegetation or broken twigs, any traces that Rikishi might've left behind.
Last edited February 6, 2025 1:11 pm


Tracking - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Feb 6, 2025 12:51 am
Luna watched Hanami run off in the supposed direction Rikishi went. Luna thought she seemed to be an excellent detective.

We should follow her.

"Oh, right. Um, let's follow Miss Matsuyama. She seems to have found the trail." Not wanting to be left behind, Luna began to follow after Hanami while ushering the others to do so as well.
Feb 6, 2025 6:05 pm
"Wait for me!" Konomi also does not want to be left behind. She is not too sure if she can help, but she will not let some creep run free.
She follows behind the others.

Lín Jìng / 林静


Feb 6, 2025 6:27 pm
Lín Jìng stops, panting. Luckily, nobody could see or hear this.

She didn't really stop long enough to catch her breath - only long enough not to become exhausted completely. Then, with slightly shaky hands, she began doing mudras. Her motions were wide, and she took dance-like steps predetermined directions that could as well be random as far as other runners were concerned.

She wasn't paying attention to the surroundings, instead focusing on keeping the youki flow for the new spell as economical espossible - she could not afford to waste any, she had to weave the spell without committing any more motes of essence to it. If the key to Rikishi's stealth was mind-clouding, then the key to his detection was mind-shielding, defending against intrusive influences.
Arcane magic ritual casting (reduces endurance cost to zero, wide open to attack, elaborate gestures; I suppose someone might run into her accidentally, or deliberately). The trait gained is Resistance (Mind Shield), level 5.

I opt to keep the same initiative of 5 if it matters.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited February 8, 2025 7:21 pm
Feb 7, 2025 6:40 pm
As the girls run, following Hanami, Lin Jing stays back, and when out of anyone's view, casts a spell on herself, strengthening her mental resistance
On the meanwhile, the pursuers, following the dim tracks Rikishi left, mainly spots of grounded grass, they see themselves going to the same shopping mall Konomi was heading to.

And then, Hanami spots a glimpse of Rikishi, through the glass wall on its entrance! But when she circles it to enter, he was instantly gone! I quick check showed she could see him clearly through the glass, but not without it.

Rikishi, on the meantime, was walking idly through the mall, a relieved look on his face.
Hey, sorry for the delay. By the way, the Hanami tracking check, which she doesn't have any ability to help with, could (as an example) be assisted by her fellow friends, each willing rolling a die and adding to her roll (as an extra die).
Feb 8, 2025 3:57 pm
Suneryu would have stopped to scoop up Lin and carry her with the group, but Lin was totally undetectable and the dragon girl only knew she was there because Lin had been announcing herself. So, instead, the giant redhead assumed that Lin was coming along with the posse.

" As long as we have something between us and him, then, his ability doesn't work on us? Is that right? " she asks Hanami as they follow Rikishi's tracks.

Her great size allowed her to keep up an excellent pace, and if anybody flagged behind, she simply picked them up and kept going.
Feb 8, 2025 4:12 pm
"Hmm... If all it takes is something between us an him, just wearing glasses should allow us to see him? Right?" Konomi suggests, as Sumeryu carries her along.
Feb 8, 2025 6:08 pm
Lín Jìng came to her senses. I'm still here. Thankfully nobody bumped into me. Good.

Now properly shielded, she focused on her mind-sense once more, trying to figure out where Rikishi, or at least the rest of the commotion, might be, for the sake of teleporting there and catching up.
Two-action split. First action is an active 'sweep' in an attempt to find Rikishi with her Sixth Sense (Mindsense) on the premises. If she fails that, some sort of mental commotion would be a suitable secondary target. Once that is done, if either is detected, she'd try to teleport. I'm only making the first roll and waiting for the result, @Moyreau.

Oooh, double five = 10.
Last edited February 8, 2025 6:08 pm


Sixth Sense (Mind-Sense) sweep - (5d6)

(24552) = 18

Feb 8, 2025 6:50 pm
Fine, but remember that multiple actions mean you get a penalty equal to the total number of actions you plan to make, thus a -2.
Feb 8, 2025 6:51 pm
Moyreau says:
Fine, but remember that 2 actions mean you get a penalty equal to the total number of actions you plan to make, thus a -2.
Yes, which is why I rolled 5 dice and not 7 despite previously casting 5 levels of Sixth Sense.
Feb 8, 2025 6:52 pm
Wait, is Sumeryu carrying Konomi?
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