First afterschool

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Feb 8, 2025 7:03 pm
vicky_molokh says:
Moyreau says:
Fine, but remember that 2 actions mean you get a penalty equal to the total number of actions you plan to make, thus a -2.
Yes, which is why I rolled 5 dice and not 7 despite previously casting 5 levels of Sixth Sense.
Oh right! I just saw it on your sheet. I would ask you just write the level of your casted abilities, ok?

The DN for teleporting to the mall is 5, as it's a bit distant, but not 'across the city' distant.

Lin Jing successfully spots Rikishi, wandering conspicuously inside the mall. She also notices the other girls closing in on him, still unnoticed; though the jarring gasps and cheers of admiration summoned by Sumeryu's presence will make that not last much.
Feb 8, 2025 7:08 pm
Here goes nothing.

While still invisible, Lín Jìng picks a spot in the mall not far from Rikishi where minds used to be, but where there are none now. Hopefully that would minimise the chance of collisions with people or hitting a wall.
Only three dice to teleport instead of five. Rolled a 6, should be successful. But now something else can happen before Lín can act again.
Last edited February 8, 2025 7:15 pm


Teleport to the mall (DN 5). - (3d6)

(346) = 13

Feb 8, 2025 7:12 pm
Woa! Rolling really good!
Feb 8, 2025 7:23 pm
Her great size allowed her to keep up an excellent pace, and if anybody flagged behind, she simply picked them up and kept going.
Depends on how literal you take that. XD
Feb 8, 2025 7:47 pm
Just checked with her, and it is in fact literal!
Feb 8, 2025 8:15 pm
Sumeryu will literally carry Konomi in a princess carry and run with her if Konomi doesn't object to it.
Feb 8, 2025 11:32 pm
Himeji Sumeryu says:
"As long as we have something between us and him, then, his ability doesn't work on us? Is that right?" she asks Hanami as they follow Rikishi's tracks.
Konomi Watanabe says:
"Hmm... If all it takes is something between us an him, just wearing glasses should allow us to see him? Right?" Konomi suggests, as Sumeryu carries her along.
"Yes, Sumeryu, but it has to be something fairly substantial. A normal pair of glasses isn't enough, or I would've been able to see him," Hanami points out in response to Konomi. However, it does give her an idea. "His glasses might be special though..." She figures it's worth a shot. Hanami takes off her glasses and puts on Rikishi's. She hates how she looks like a complete and utter nerd with his glasses, but she bears with it. Heading deeper into the mall, she looks around for Rikishi, squinting through the glasses.


Look for Rikishi - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Feb 9, 2025 3:17 am
After putting in the boy's glasses, and looking like a dork. Hanami heads for the mall, leading the group. It was somewhat crowded by students at the time.

After setting her eyes on the boy, he also notices her, gasping in a startle, he points a finger at her.

"Ha! Take this, you crazy hag!" He says, his eyes full of vengeful spite (probably something to do with those zaps!) as Hanami's clothes start vanishing in front of her eyes! Leaving her in underwear amongst the crowd, as the rest of the her friends reach the area, along with Ling Jing, who appears out of nowhere.

Rikishi is still in view though. And now he appears to everyone, having directed his powers to Hanami's clothes.
Feb 9, 2025 3:56 am
Ibuki is slightly taken off guard by the presence of a shopping mall right next to the creepy haunted forest and seems to have taken some mood whiplash as she processes this
Feb 9, 2025 4:18 am
"Pff, was that supposed to be an attack? ...AHHH!!" She shrieks as she looks down and notices what Rikishi's done. Her frilly pink underwear are on display for all to see. Her entire face goes beet red as she grits her teeth in pure rage. "You just made a huge mistake! Get him!!"

She pulled her wand from her now-invisible clothes and launched a nasty hex that would weaken his power! He needs to vanish his body and clothes to disappear entirely. If I reduce his limit of two objects down to one, he's not going anywhere!
Casting Suppressed Power -1 on his Vanishing for 5 Endurance. That takes me to 0 Endurance.


Initiative - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Inflict Suppressed Power -1 (Vanishing) [Witchcraft, Smart] - (7d6)

(5656612) = 31

Feb 9, 2025 4:23 am
oh, he already came out of invisibility to make your clothes vanish.
Feb 9, 2025 4:23 am
oh, he already came out of invisibility to make your clothes vanish.
Feb 9, 2025 4:30 am
I know, but the idea is that he won't be able to completely vanish again if his power's weakened. Basically a precautionary measure to keep him from getting away.
Feb 9, 2025 7:58 am
@Moyreau, I apologise, but I have difficulty figuring out when to post actions and when to wait. Especially after the issue of needing to reassess pacing expectations, I'm not sure what's the interaction between initiative, GM posts, skipped action declarations due to busy time followed by multiple-action compensations, and the like. I used to think a GM post concludes a round and allows declaring the next action, but now I'm unsure. Could you please help me out by posting clear end-of-round markers as part of your posts, and/or explaining in the big OOC thread?
Feb 9, 2025 9:20 am
The giant sets Konomi down with surprisingly delicate elegance.

Then she breaks into a sprint, with no hesitation whatsoever, and aims right at Rikishi's head.

"Haaa!" She stops just next to Rikishi and plants her feet, rotating through her hip and putting frightening power behind her hit to claw his face right off with her steel-sharp talon-like nails....

Except she's not punching or clawing! She's going to grab him by his head and lift him off the ground so he can't run. Less cool people would show off how strong they are by lifting from the neck, but Sumeryu can fit the boy's whole head in her hand.
I don't really know what kind of roll this would be since the game's rules on grappling are very vague, but I assume an attack roll to hit him will be required, so I'll do that for brevity. Wow that was absolutely awful and I got a 6.
Last edited February 9, 2025 9:20 am


Dragon grab! - (5d6)

(25221) = 12

Feb 9, 2025 3:26 pm
"Wah!" Surprised at seeing Hanami's clothes suddenly disappear, Luna couldn't help but blush from the second-hand embarrassment as she stood next to her. This surely wasn't something passerby would ignore, and it was prime time for students to hang out at the mall. She felt that surely there would be rumors flying around the school tomorrow about the exhibitionist at the mall...

Ignore the stares for now, and focus, Luna!

As Sumeryu attempted to grapple Rikishi, Luna went around the two to the other side of the path to block him in. Until the two of them broke out of the grapple, she felt it would be too dangerous to attack since she might hurt Sumeryu as well.
Feb 10, 2025 5:22 am
Ibuki, slightly red in the cheeks at hanami's state of dress will subtly position herself in front of her attempting to block the view from any onlookers and preserve some of the witch's dignity
Feb 10, 2025 1:52 pm
Sumeryu quickly reaches and grabs the clumsy boy, who were still appreciating the laurels of his 'victory' over Hanami. He didn't even got to notice the hex she put on him.
Heh, Hanami rolled an 18, I'm not bothering rolling for him.
"Gah!! L-let me go!!" He says, shaking and struggling like a worm. He quickly averts his power off Hanami, her clothes slowly returning into view, as Sumeryu's clothes now start to disappear!! "Hahaha!!! Now, if you don't want to expose yourself, you'll try to cover your body with your arms, and then I'll be free to escape!!" He boasted, even as the effects of being so close to the seminude statuesque figure now clearly shown on his cheeks (and bleeding nostrils).
About Vicky's question. I'm still experimenting on how to handle that stuff. But in this case, if in my last post, I narrated the fulfilment of someone's action, it probably means that they're free to act again.


Rikishi trying to slip out of Sumeryu's grasp - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 10, 2025 3:34 pm
"Thank you..." Hanami mutters to Ibuki. She appreciates the attempt to preserve her dignity, even if it's mostly in vain.

Hanami is relieved when her clothes start to appear, but when she sees who's being revealed in her stead, her face becomes twice as red. "S-S-Sumeryu!! Your..." Hanami begins to stammers out a warning, but she stops when she sees that Sumeryu is wearing bold black lace underwear, just as she fantasized during lunch. The revelation makes Hanami lightheaded, though that might just be from overuse of magic. She covers her eyes with her hands as her nose starts trickling blood. But she isn't strong enough to resist peeking through her fingers anyway.

"How dare you!? You should be ashamed!" She scolds Rikishi, as flustered as she is furious. "Don't look so damn pleased!"
Last edited February 10, 2025 3:40 pm
Feb 10, 2025 4:09 pm
"hmm this one might be more challenging to cover up..." ibuki seems to be actually contemplating her chances of success in the endeavour
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