"Thank you..." Hanami mutters to Ibuki. She appreciates the attempt to preserve her dignity, even if it's mostly in vain.
Hanami is relieved when her clothes start to appear, but when she sees who's being revealed in her stead, her face becomes twice as red.
"S-S-Sumeryu!! Your..." Hanami begins to stammers out a warning, but she stops when she sees that Sumeryu is wearing bold black lace underwear, just as she
fantasized during lunch. The revelation makes Hanami lightheaded, though that might just be from overuse of magic. She covers her eyes with her hands as her nose starts trickling blood. But she isn't strong enough to resist peeking through her fingers anyway.
"How dare you!? You should be ashamed!" She scolds Rikishi, as flustered as she is furious.
"Don't look so damn pleased!"
Last edited February 10, 2025 3:40 pm