First afterschool

Dec 15, 2024 12:34 am
You guys can post your PCs actions for the after school in this thread, I figure we didn't need a scene for each character as they're not involved in anything specific for now (except for Hanami)
[Afternoon - April 1, Mon]
Dec 15, 2024 8:45 pm
Kanako takes the opportunity to withdraw into the library if she can find it and let off some steam by reading steamy material in a quiet corner. The nerd at the lunch table had ruined her mood, but that's nothing an hour or two of gratuitous fanservice panels couldn't solve.

If undisturbed, the Succubus will stay in her corner, only occasionally emitting an "Ufufufu~".
Dec 15, 2024 9:17 pm
Sumeryu goes to the woods to find the heaviest rock she can to do her afternoon weightlifting exercises. There is a strong chance there will be no rocks of sufficient weight to actually be even slightly difficult for her to lift, in which case she will go back to the LIBRARY PARKING LOT and do deadlift reps with a bus.
Dec 16, 2024 2:03 am
With classes having ended, Luna decided to use her free time to explore the campus. She had been curious about the shopping mall built for the student population. What kind of stores did it have? Was there a nice, quiet cafe to relax in?
Dec 16, 2024 10:49 am
Lín Jìng spends much of the afterschool time mixing study and wandering through the academy territories, getting a feel for the place and observing other students - sometimes using the invisibility spell she put up earlier.
She's got no specific goal yet, and needs to get more informed about everyone before being able to do some of the stuff she cares about (thus the wandering observation), but for now I think it's possible to just 'look for random events' and get involved in some appearing scene if appropriate/fun.
Dec 16, 2024 1:07 pm
Ibuki will explore the school grounds looking for a quiet and peaceful place to meditate, she's hoping perhaps for a nice waterfall or maybe forest clearing but anywhere that seems zen is fine with her
Last edited December 16, 2024 1:07 pm
Dec 17, 2024 11:18 pm
Konomi is interested in joining the culinary club, so she will check out their club room. After that she will head for the mall and explore that place.
Jan 2, 2025 4:58 pm
As Ibuki finds a nice clearing alongside the forest road, she gladly stops there to meditate. She can't though, as the loud noise of boulders crashing and cracking distract her. With little hardship, she quickly notices it's Sumeryu training, lifting the largest boulders and tree-trunks she could find. It didn't help that she was surrounded by fans, gushing over her and taking pictures.

While at that, Luna walked haphazardly by the road, appreciating the peaceful landscape, the red Sun plummeting on the horizon, casting hues of lilac and pink on the hovering clouds, while plunging the world in twilight darkness.

Also Lín Jìng was there, following rumors that the hideout from the terrible thief that's haunting the school grounds is around there, or at least where he stores his 'gains'.
As these people all meet by fate, at the same crossroads, a shriek interrupts any attempt at introductions! As everyone turn to look, half-a-dozen of Sumeryu's fans are suspended on the air, entangled in a myriad of branches, crying for help. Behind them, a large tree with a sinister look, carved in its trunk, grins at them, and five little mushroom creatures come out of its mouth, hasting towards the other girls, with mischievous grins.

As this scene unwraps, Hanami and her captives approach, seeing the commotion.
Ok, this will be our (and mine) first try at combat, let's see how it goes, if I need to change anything, etc. You guys can all declare your actions and roll initiative at the same time, I'll resolve them in order. When rolling to attack, roll your Combat expert/Agile as always, but also the target's defense roll.
Character Defense Initiative
Big tree demon 3d6 3
Kinoko spirits 2d6 5

Two of the Kinoko will attack Sumeryu and Ibuki each, them being the only two who are in the combat zone. If no one interferes, the other 3 will target the fans still unscathed.
kanako finally got her break, idling happily in the deserted library, reading her fanservice-ridden doushin to her heart's content. Her peace doesn't last long though.

She suddenly is startled by a chuckle, coming out of nowhere. "Oh my... What's that? What an interesting book!" And then, a small figure, the size of her palm, jumps from the corner of the book-cover, a fairy! It seems, at least.

Her iridescent wings flap cheerfully as she gives a good look at the contents on the pages, giving Kanako a mischievous grin, "Why, I want to read this book! Would you care to borrow it to me?!" She says, daftly grabbing it and taking flight, starting a chase!

As she leaves the library, carrying the book that's twice her size, she looks ahead and sees a small girl, Konomi, studying the the sign on the culinary's club door: We are currently busy setting up the café at the mall, please come later :)
Jan 2, 2025 6:19 pm
There she is. Hanami eyed Lin Jing as she approached, flanked by her two 'dogs' Yasuo and Rikishi, but before she could do anything, her attention was stolen by the sudden commotion. Seriously? She scoffed but shelved her current objective for now. She couldn't possibly just stand by in this sort of situation.

Noticing how some of the freshly regurgitated mushroom spirits seemed to be eyeing some of the Sumeryu fans that hadn't been grabbed yet, Hanami found herself rushing over as fast as she could. "Dogs! With me!"

As she leapt in front the fans, she whipped out her wand and conjured up a large barrier that stood between her and the kinoko spirits. "Get them somewhere safe, dogs!" She ordered Rikishi and Yasuo, gesturing to the fans behind her. As she trusted that task to her temporary lackeys, she analyzed the attacking monsters for any potential weaknesses.
Maintaining a barrier as my action, so I'll be able to roll double the dice when defending. I am temporarily applying Area Effect (+10), Ineffective (-5) and Featherblow (-5). The barrier can Defend for up to three fans near Hanami, but her Barrier level is one lower due to Ineffective and cannot inflict Complications in the event of an Amazing Success. My defense roll is 10d6, and any fan in the barrier's range would benefit from the same roll


Initiative - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Analyze Tree Demon and Kinoko Spirits (Smart) - (4d6)

(6533) = 17

Lín Jìng / 林静


Jan 2, 2025 10:53 pm
Lín Jìng's first reflex upon hearing the scream was to become invisible. Only after realising that this had nothing to do with her, seeing the unfolding kerfuffle, she extended an arm - still unseen, of course - reaching out with her mind to assault the evil mushroom with a force as unseen as herself.

"FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TRIAD PRINCESS!" shouts Lín Jìng, flickering into visibility for a fraction of a second as she flilngs the little mushroom into the sinister tree.
An attack roll of (1,5,5,1,4), I believe that's a 10 from the 5+5, against a defence of (4,5), i.e. 5, for a total of 5 margin of success times 4 DX, or 20 damage.

Edit: Ugh, I messed up the initiative thing. My attack should happen after the spirit's action, but you can just give one of the other mushrooms an extra action to compensate/fix this, right?
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited January 2, 2025 11:01 pm


Initiative (no modifiers) - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Basic TK attack (Will-based 2+3 dice, 1+3=4 DX) - (5d6)

(15514) = 16

Defence by Kinoko spirit (mushroom) - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jan 2, 2025 11:11 pm
"Aww... what a shame. Well, might as well see what they are up to at the mall."

Completely oblivious to all the fighting going on, she heads for the mall. She was going to go there anyways.
Jan 3, 2025 8:32 pm
Luna's enjoyment of the nature around her was cut short by the screams she heard. Surprised by the sudden commotion, Luna stood in place like a deer in headlights as the kinoko spirits rushed towards Sumeryu's remaining fans, and by extension her since she was close by.

Quit standing around, Luna! Those fungi are heading our way next! A voice echoed in her head.

"R-right! We should help them!" Luna spoke out loud to herself as she pulled out a few paper talismans from her school bag. With a seemingly practiced motion, Luna tossed them over the heads of Sumeryu's fans and right in front of the kinoko spirits.
The intention is to throw out the talismans to defend/block the kinoko's path. I'm assuming they're not running fast enough to take damage from running into it, but I'll do a defense roll anyways.

Multiple talismans were thrown so there's an area of effect (cost +10). Barrier dice are added to defense dice so it'd be 4d6 for the barrier strength.


Initiative - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Barrier (area of effect) - (4d6)

(2646) = 18

Kinoko Spirit defense - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Jan 4, 2025 5:19 am
Ibuki is slightly stunned at the presence of hostile living trees and mushrooms and combined with having sat down to meditate does not move in time to dodge taking both mushroom attacks to the face

Slightly annoyed by this in retaliation she will try and grab one of the mushroom creatures and throw it into the other
no defence roll as ibuki is caught off guard she is armored 2 though, using her cation she is using her multi target, strength based, ranged attack with elaborate gestures where she picks up one enemy and uses it as a projectile for 10 endurance
if i remember how combat works correctly the one being thrown takes 10 damage and the other one avoids the attack
Last edited January 6, 2025 11:53 am


Initiative - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Throw - (5d6)

(34214) = 14

Kinoko spirit defence - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Second spirit defence - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Jan 5, 2025 6:21 am
Sumeryu was doing her best to ignore the crowd gathered to cheer her on and take pictures and videos of her. She is busy picking up and setting down huge rocks and logs. Naturally, this makes quite a lot of noise and gives her a decent reason to pretend not to notice the many, many students admiring her.

The screams, however, disrupt her workout session. Which is not a good idea on the evil tree's part, since she is currently armed with a rock that weighs more than a car and was just using a tree the same size as a barbell. With out hesitation, the gigantic, gorgeous redhead plants her left foot, raises her right, and hurls the 4000-pound boulder like a softball. At 1200 miles an hour. It leaves a wind tunnel behind itself, a sonic boom pulling debris along with the projectile.

Take that, evil tree!
I am going to make up an attack! Wooo!

Ranged, Strength-Powered (duh) +5
Strike-Through (it's a big rock) +5
Stunning (it's a big rock) +10
Ammunition 3 (she's only doing it once because there's not very many rocks this big) -15
Unwieldy 1 (hard to dodge in a pitcher's stance) -5

Total endurance cost is 0, because this is a one-off attack using the environment.

Initiative: 4
Attack: 6
Tree defense: 5
Sumeryu defense against attacks later: 5

Her margin of hitting is only 1 (boo), and her DX is 1+3+4=8. So the evil tree takes 8 health damage. Must've just barely clipped it. And it will be stunned if it has 32 or fewer Health.
Last edited January 5, 2025 6:25 am


Initiative - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Throw big rock - (5d6)

(62543) = 20

Evil tree defense versus big rock - (3d6)

(351) = 9

Sumeryu defense - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 6, 2025 10:13 pm
"You get back here, you oversized cicada!

Broken out of her stunned surprise, Kanako rushes into the scene, practically bowling over Konomi on the way to catch the meddlesome fairy.

"If you want to read the latest volume of Thurible+Frankenstein, buy it yourself!"
Jan 7, 2025 4:39 pm
Character Defense Initiative
Hanami 2d6 6
Ibuki 2d6 5
Kinoko spirits 2d6 5
Sumeryu 4
Líng Jìng 5d6 4
Luna/Freya 4d6 3
Big tree demon 3d6 3

As Hanami studies the creatures on the other side of her glowing magical barrier, she concludes they're creatures of spiritual corruption, lesser spirits of the forest fallen into darkness. As for weaknesses, they should retain their natural vulnerability to fire and dryness, besides, their new nature as uncleansed spirits, make them particularly vulnerable to holy powers. Besides, it's clear that their hat is hard and armored, but the rest of their body is soft and squishy.
As her underlings pull the scared girls away from danger, Hanami is left with a single defenseless girl at her side, protected by the barrier. The mushroom monsters, about a meter high, lower themselves, like springs, gather strength, and fling themselves with great power towards the barrier, their hats stony hard.

As they hit the barrier, it pulses at their impact, the waves dispersing the attack, as they're flung back, Hanami and the girl safe.
Ibuki is taken completely by surprise as the one Kinoko that targeted her comes flying like a bullet at her, the impact raising a cloud of dust. But, as it's lifted, Ibuki is holding the creature close to her, she barely bruised, as the monster's attack, being square on, is absorbed by her armor, she only takes 6 damage.

Taking advantage of the position, she spins the mushroom, still carrying momentum, and then throws it away with her full force, aiming at the other one, currently targeting Sumeryu. It smashes the target, throwing it to the ground, looking stunned. The other who was thrown, stands up, seeming unscathed, but shocked by the sudden force that normal looking girl throwed him with!
Then, Sumeryu finally throws the huge boulder she was holding, it flungs full speed at the three, but unfortunately only grazing it, yanking a chunk of its bark, the sinister face on the tree grimaces in pain and fury. The girls in its tendrils screaming and gasping at the sudden turbulence!

The boulder can be seen flying away on the horizon, leaving a trace of mayhem in its path.
I'm presuming that Líng Jìng is willing to spend 10 Endurance on Multiple targets to also damage the tree on this awesome attack? Like Ibuki did? If not, you can just ignore part of this description.

Líng Jìng goes out of hiding and grabs, with her telekinesis, one of the three Kinoko that just attacked Hanami, throwing it violently at the big tree! Despite having less impact than the boulder that was just hurled at it, this unfortunate kinoko kit square on the tree! Passing through it and leaving a whole at it's trunk! The Kinoko was never seen again, going to the same realm that boulder ended up in.
Hey @SpeckTech, your action seems to have been made redundant by Hanami's, if you want to modify your action, like changing the effect of the talismans before the beginning of the next round, feel free to. If not, I'll make your barrier roll (which was great!) count for the defenses of anyone the kinoko attack, if they're lower.

Finally, the tree doesn't move, still overwhelmed by the boulder and the kinoko hurled at it. If only swings the girls in its branches around, while some free branches feel the damaged areas.
- Hanami: Feather blow only apply to attacks (as the description suggests) so it wouldn't be applicable in this case.
- Ibuki: Since she actively let one of the Kinoko hit her, even though she'd act before him, I expended his action, which he would probably use to attack Sumeryu.
Ok, that's it for the first round! going to the second now. There's three Kinoko remaining (1 next to Sumeryu and other 2 in front of Hanami's Barrier), along with the evil tree, which looks to be in it's last breath.

Kanako runs desperately, chasing the fairy, cursing along the way; Konomi was attentively reading the sigh, the fairy pass by, chuckling. As Konomi hears the footsteps and curses, she quickly turns to her left, seeing Kanako run straight at her! They colide!

After a momentary blank, Konomi opens her eyes, to see a furious Kanako tangled with her, while the fairy runs away with her book!


Hanami's barrier - (10d6)

(6164361245) = 38

Kinoko headbutt 1 - (3d6)

(553) = 13

Kinoko headbutt 2 - (3d6)

(233) = 8

Kinoko headbutt 3 - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Surprise attack on Ibuki - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Ibuki's defense (-1 roll: pick lowest) - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Jan 7, 2025 5:58 pm
Moyreau says:

I'm presuming that Líng Jìng is willing to spend 10 Endurance on Multiple targets to also damage the tree on this awesome attack? Like Ibuki did? If not, you can just ignore part of this description.
Since you've already narrated that hitting the tree with the mushroom had an effect on both, sure, let's go with it. (It wasn't originally my plan, which is why I used a simpler mechanic, assuming the impact would only hurt the weaker entity, but since you marked up her effect, sure, let's go with your mechanical interpretation. Marking 10 more Endurance spent.)
Jan 7, 2025 6:13 pm
Konomi snaps at Kanako: "You know you are not supposed to run in the hallways, right?" After a short moment she regains her composure. "Ouch... Oh it's you..."
Jan 7, 2025 8:57 pm
Moyreau says:
- Hanami: Feather blow only apply to attacks (as the description suggests) so it wouldn't be applicable in this case.
I'll swap Feather blow for Unique Flaw: No Complications (-5) then. Hanami's normal Defense roll is actually 6d6 normally, with 2d6 representing her wandless defense. I probably should've placed the 6 first on the sheet instead of the 2.
"Stay close to me." Hanami gruffly said to the singular girl under her protection. As she analyzed the spirits, she felt as if something was off. Spirits of the forest typically didn't rampage for no reason. More often than not, it was the symptom of a deeper issue. However, she decided it would be better to speculate after the fight, so she thought about how to quickly eliminate the biggest threat, the evil tree.

Her gaze then zeroed in on the exposed phloem on its body, thanks to the attacks of Sumeryu and Lin Jing stripping some of the bark away. There! Through those wounds, I could...

Dropping her barrier, she pointed her wand out towards the tree. "Wither!" A series of thin glowing magical tendrils burst from her wand's end and sought out the tree's exposed weak spots, intent on puncturing it and absorbing every last drop of moisture!
Wither (Affinity: Magical [Dehydrate], Ranged +0, Unique Perk: Add Witchcraft Magic to Attack Roll and DX +20, Ammunition x3 [1 use] -15, Featherblow -5)


Wither (1+3 = 4 DX) - (5d6)

(21141) = 9

Tree Defense - (3d6)

(432) = 9

Jan 7, 2025 9:00 pm
Oof! Spending 15 Endurance to add 3 drama dice to the attack pool.


Drama dice - (3d6)

(551) = 11

load next

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