First afterschool

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Jan 22, 2025 5:48 pm
What did Hanami sense from the forest?
Jan 22, 2025 6:13 pm
Ahh sorry, I forgot. I will change it to a -3 then. I did not need to roll when cursing the bullies back on the road, so I thought it was not needed?
Konomi glances after the two girls that just ran past, then looks back at Kanako. "Well...?" She asks expectantly. Not really struggling against Kanako, just looking at her with a jaded expression.
Jan 23, 2025 4:12 pm
Moyreau says:
And like that, the clearing on the forest turned into a theater of supernatural forces, as Luna, on her side, seeks contact and harmony with the spirits of nature, while Líng Jìng extends her youki, a monster's lifeforce, to reach the boy's mind and look into his soul's memory, evading whatever it was that was blocking it.
Luna started her invocation first, while Líng Jìng harnessed her powers with the rich liturgy of her ancient rituals before doing her work.

The wind started gathering around Luna, bringing feminine voices of the spirits with her, more specifically, to Freya, who relates them to her. "The source of corruption is a foul creature who have taken habitation into the forest, it's motives unknown... The waning of the Moon is the cause of its empowerment (New moon will be in two days, I. e. Wednesday, will be a lunar eclipse). Seek in wet and boggy places deep into the forest, its aura will be more pungent as the Moon dies. We advise the search to be conducted on the fifth hour after sunset of tomorrow, or on the second of Wednesday night... But take care! For albeit it will be easier to find the creature, it will also be more powerful! Finally, follow the frogs ribbit!" The voices finish, dwindling with the music...
Having heard the spirits' warning, Luna relayed the message to the others before opening her eyes.

"Two nights until the monster reaches full strength under the lunar eclipse... It's hiding in the forest's swamp with a foul odor... but the frogs will guide us... It will be easier to find at night when it's more powerful..."

There's a bit of time left before we must take action, but let's hear what the others have to say first.
Jan 24, 2025 2:53 am
Oh, sorry Eltesla, I failed to see your last action of also trying to contact the forest spirits (in which you rolled pretty well), and ended up relaying most of the information to Luna. That being said, you couldn't have used your Arcane Magic to roll for that action. You should have casted spirit medium (like Luna). Arcane Magic shouldn't be used as an umbrella ability for rolls like that, specially when the game gives a very specific ability for that.
As Hanami also tries to detect something with her magic sight, she's able to perceive a dark aura coming from the northwest, like the shadow-light of a black sun looming over the horizon in there. Since a magical barrier encloses the school, that info surely check out lots of the forest grounds, and hopefully, facilitate the search.
Kanako raises herself from the ground again, rubbing her sore back. "Ouch! Bastards..." Her complains are cut short as she opens her eyes and sees Konomi, her "well..." sounding way too teasing for her, she cuts the distance between them both, yelling: "T-that was your doing?!! You really cursed me?!! Grr!! Lift that immediately! Or I swear I'll strap you runt to my back, and any infortune will fall on you first!!"
Jan 24, 2025 5:20 am
Got it, I'll remember that in the future.
Luna says:
"Two nights until the monster reaches full strength under the lunar eclipse... It's hiding in the forest's swamp with a foul odor... but the frogs will guide us... It will be easier to find at night when it's more powerful..."
Hanami opened her eyes and added her own info. "I'm picking up a major dark aura in the northwest, so we'll focus our search in that direction. A magical barrier encapsulates Yokai Academy, so what we're searching for won't be anywhere near here-"

She was interrupted by Rikishi's chuckle and his subsequent reveal of his true nature. "What are you talking about, bowl cut? Wait, are you-?" As her mind rapidly made the connection, she pulled out her wand. "You're not going anywhere, you damn perv!" She pointed her wand at him and casted a dazing spell. A burst of magic flashed at the center of his forehead as a temporary bout of dizziness threatened to cloud his mind.
Daze (Affinity: Magical, Will Attack, Ranged, No Damage, Stunning, Accurate x2)

It does no damage, but Stuns if the attack roll succeeds. Due to being a Will Attack, the Defense roll would use Iron-Willed (if he has it) rather than Quick or Evasive.


Initiative (if necessary) - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Daze (Iron-Willed, Accurate x2) - (6d6)

(454321) = 19

Jan 24, 2025 6:54 am
Moyreau says:
In the millisecond Ling Jing sends that telepathic question, before the other girls can react, he just adds: "You'll never catch me, hahaha!" (Continuing with already was previously narrated)
Note: this wasn't meant to be telepathic, which is why I didn't use the brown thought-italics format, and used the bold-quoted brown LJ-speak text instead. I narrated that she 'let the words be heard' because an active fifth-level invisibility also nullifies other senses, not just sight. So everyone could hear Lín Jìng's words and react to them freely.
Last edited Jan 24, 2025 6:55 am
Jan 24, 2025 1:18 pm
Oops, sorry, let me fix that.

In fact, in that case I'll wait for the other's actions to narrate them all.
Jan 26, 2025 3:59 pm
She laughs off Kanakos complains: "I was just kidding you know, there is no ways things like curses are real, right? Don't tell me you actually fell for that? It's a coincidence, nothing more."

Turning around she prepares to leave once again.
Jan 27, 2025 11:28 pm
At Konomi's teasing over Kanako's nervousness, the girl turns red, her gasping mouth clenching shut, as she wanders away, silently.

Konomi is now free to do as she choses!
Jan 28, 2025 6:20 am
When opening their spiritual senses around Sumeryu, observers would notice the towering pillar of youki rising into the sky, a flaming beacon at least a hundred feet tall, coruscating with lightning. Her aura competes with the darkness beyond the school's barrier for dominance of the skyline.

As Luna starts speaking, Sumeryu produces a pen and pad from a backpack one of the captive students had dropped and starts to write down what the other girl says, nodding and making "uh-huh" and "I see" comments to indicate she is listening. She does the same in regards to Hanami. She deposits the notes in Victoria's Secret Compartment, her enormous chest more than large enough to accommodate the small notepad, and then she puts her hands on her hips and quirks an eyebrow at Rikishi.

Her question, however, is directed at Hanami and Lin Jing. She keeps her stare fixed firmly on Rikishi, as if the weight of a glare alone could pin a person in place. "What did he do, steal underwear? Rope Momochichi-san into his schemes? What else?"

Her stance did not suggest she was ready for combat, probably because she was very proud of herself and thought she could take whatever Rikishi could possibly dish out, then beat him into submission with his own arm.
It occurs to me that magical characters might have youki auras when you're looking for them, so there's one for Sumeryu. The intent is to convey that she has a very large amount of elemental youki and isn't proficient in using it for tasks other than unleashing the explodeys.
Jan 28, 2025 9:58 am
Lín Jìng realised that the dragon is talking to her.

Uh-oh, that means all of her fans will be looking this way now. Never mind. Only the four of us are talking. Yasuo, Hanami, Rikishi, Sumeryu, me. Only the five of us are talking. The crowd is just standing far away.

Lín Jìng, adding a bit of gangster swagger into her step, moved to Rikishi's side, thus putting Sumeryu between herself and the gathering of fans the latter just talked to.

"I* saw that Yasuo saw someone looking like a thoroughly clouded Rikishi ordered Yasuo to take the goods from the fox, after which Yasuo. There was a lot of mind-clouding going on, but hey, you heard what Rikishi just said."
* == Lín Jìng is a bokukko. Not all the time, but certainly in this moment.
Last edited Jan 30, 2025 1:21 pm
Jan 28, 2025 11:01 am
With Kanako dealt with, Konomi heads for the mall. "I wonder what sort of nonsense I will encounter there." She says to herself with a sigh.
Feb 3, 2025 2:10 am
"Not so fast, little witch!" Rikishi says, as he throws his glasses at Hanami. While she recovers from the distraction, which cancels her incantation, the boy simply vanishes!

"Hahaha! What? Surprised?" His voice coming out of nowhere, it's source seemingly moving away. "Well, you girls discovered my plan but you won't take me today! Bwahahaha!!"
Konomi wanders through the peaceful pathways of the school grounds. The path leads to the borders of the forest, following it.

As she reaches a corner on an elevated spot, she can see the mall at distance, a big building, it's neo-classical façade raising around an enclosed plaza, fully climatized and full of nice stores selling all kinds of stuff!

She can also see an old and seemingly abandoned neo-gothic chapel above a green hill, crowned by colorful fields of flowers; contrasting with the unkept chapel, where grass and bushes take ahold of its corners.

Finally, she hears some commotion from a nearby clearing on the forest.
As she keeps walking, she hears hasting footsteps coming towards her, and before she can react, something bumps into her! A boy, which flashes as they touch, and then vanishes again!

"Waa!! Watch your step little girl!" The voice says, hasting away.

As Konomi looks at the origin of the ruckus, She sees familiar faces on the clearing next to the road, girls she lunched with earlier.
Your use of the will attack for making a stun spell was a very appropriate use of the trait, Eltesla!


Rikishi initiative - (3d6)

(642) = 12

Feb 3, 2025 9:04 am
Lín Jìng takes a few seconds to realise what happened, and prepares to cast another spell or two before pursuing.
For now I'll just roll initiative.


Initiative - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Feb 3, 2025 10:10 am
"Who are you calling a little .... girl...." She looks around confused. "Whoa... what was that all about?"

Noticing the others on the clearing, Konomi rushes towards them. She is utterly oblivious to what is going on and does not even seem to care right now.

"Guys! Guys! Did you see a boy pass by here just now? I think he might be some sort of ghost." She asks the group, still indifferent to what is going on.
Feb 3, 2025 10:44 am
Oooh Japan deep lore. Nice. It's especially interesting because Lin isn't Japanese! I'm tempted to have Sumeryu refer to herself with the excessively flowery, archaic "watakushi," but she's not smart enough for that, I think.
The dragon's admirers have mostly taken cover or run away, but of course they set off fireworks to celebrate their idol's amazing fire breath attack that blew away a thousand square meters of woodland. Of course they set off fireworks. Fwwweeeeeeboom! Bang! Fweeeeeeeeeboom! Pop!

"Good work," she acknowledges and praises Lin. Then she smacks her right fist into her left hand.

"What do you have to say for yourself, misc-hey! Where'd he go?"

She looks left and right.

"Ah! Watanabe-san, that wasn't a ghost, that was Rikishi. He's been bullying people and stealing underwear. Help us catch him, would you?"

Charismatic leadership or an excuse for the cute Konomi to stick around? That's up for the audience to decide!

"Jing-san, Dr. Matsuyama, do you have any powers or spells to track fown Rikishi? What about you, Ibuki, Luna? Sutras or charms?"

Sumeryu only has one useful skill in this situation: keen eyesight. Which she is using!


Heightened Sense Sight: Look for the baddie! - (3d6)

(514) = 10

Feb 3, 2025 12:01 pm
"What? That's terrible! We can't let such a person run free!" She is fired up, but pipes down again. "Uhm... how exactly am I supposed to help though?"
Feb 3, 2025 4:19 pm
Ibuki who had been meditating as she waited for the more spiritually inclined of the group to work their magic will calmly get up and place a hand on her beads


Initiative - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Lín Jìng / 林静


Feb 3, 2025 6:49 pm
Lín Jìng, who was already somewhat exhausted from all the youki manipulation throughout the day, made a few hasty mudras and channeled her energy upwards, extending her already decent psychic abilities into outright Mind-Sense and jogged in the general direction she thought Rikishi ran.

"By now I know how you think, I can recognise you among other minds around here," she shouted, but nobody heard her, since her undetectability spell was fully active once again. Luckily, that also meant Rikishi would be unlikely to know he was followed.

She extended her mind-sense in search of the cowardly trickster, but given the haste, it would take another few seconds before she could bring the full brunt of her perception onto the task.

Lín Jìng / 林静
Double action, spending the first action to gain 5 levels of Sixth Sense (Mind-Sense) spending 20 Endurance (leaving her with only 5 Endurance remaining), and the second one to scan for the fugitive, taking a -2 die penalty to a 7-die pool, for a net 5 dice. Her defence is at -2 dice in case it's relevant, but her Invisibility (which at level 5 extends to other senses) is still up and provides a -5 dice penalty to attackers and detection.

Rolled two 4's, for a best score of 8 on the scan/detection attempt.
Last edited Feb 8, 2025 7:22 pm


Scan for Rikishi - (5d6)

(14643) = 18

Feb 3, 2025 8:30 pm
Lin Jing extends her psychic senses to search for the fugitive, in a bout of great effort and ability (she being almost exhausted by this point), she can tap on all consciences on the area, clearly distinguishing their identity. Weirdly though, she can't find Rikishi's, It's like he really vanished!

Almost! As, at the instant he bumps Konomi, and she get's between Lin Jing and him, her conscience suddenly vanishes from Lin's senses, and Rikishi's appear! That's just an instant though: as Konomi moves and he gains distance, he vanishes again!
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