Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

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Feb 23, 2025 3:06 pm
The Final Herald's prophecies were unnerving, but Aurelia pushed those bad thoughts from her head as she reveled in their success and the loot they found.

"I am so looking forward to this production, Fallenta! I wish the path had been a little easier, but we are all the stronger for it."

Aurelia was all ears when Horace mentioned long-term accommodations. It would be nice to have even a small room to herself. Despite being healed, the efforts of fighting had tired her out.

"And a meal to celebrate!" she suggests.
Feb 24, 2025 8:42 am
"With all the money we found down there we should be able to afford a castle!" Ramank says excitedly in reply to Horace, having no idea what a castle do cost.

"If the old boys in the clan could see me know. From begging in the street to making operas. I'm going up in the world!"
Feb 24, 2025 9:36 am
"As coproducers of the opera, I'm able to pay for your accommodations and provide you with a fine standard of living for the duration of your stay here," Fallenta says. "I have a suite here at the Feathered Fox. It's a lovely inn, and I'm sure you'd find the rooms much to your liking."
Now that you have convinced Fallenta beyond any shadow of a doubt that you're the right ones to inspire her next big work, the famous director and writer is ready to get started on actually creating the opera’s libretto. She expects to work on this project for quite some time and gently declines any requests to help with writing the libretto; she points out that as coproducers, there’s a lot of equally important work you can tackle while Fallenta works on the booklet.

After recovering from your audition, Fallenta calls for a meeting at her suite at the Feathered Fox. Fallenta begins the meeting by explaining she’s chosen to write this opera in the classic style of Chelaxian operas, in no small part because it delights her to use that nation’s traditions to debut her latest work in Ravounel, but also because she’s long admired this particular style of opera. She further notes that Chelaxian opera is further subdivided into three categories: histria (spectacular operas focusing on epic tales), prepostera (comedic operas focusing on more lighthearted fare), and verita (dramatic operas that seek to depict the truth and reality of life). For now, the specific style of opera isn’t important.

Fallenta goes on to say that while she’s heard plenty about your adventures—certainly enough to convince her that your story would make an excellent opera—the time has come for you to give her full details on your stories. She explains that the opera will begin with an overture, the instrumental theme that sets the mood for the piece, and that each of the opera’s three acts will be interspersed with an intermission. As for the opera’s structure, Fallenta wants to use the three acts as follows.

• Act I will deal with your early adventuring careers, including how you initially came together and began your first great adventure, but also spending time showing the genesis of your enemy.

• Act II covers the bulk of your great adventure, potentially including your first direct clash with your enemy.

• Act III focuses on your harrowing final adventures and culminates with your final battle against your enemy.
Play this section out by simply having the PCs recount their adventures. The players can get as deep into this section as they’re comfortable. In particular, for each act, Fallenta asks each PC to recount their most harrowing moment and their greatest triumph. If your players haven’t actually played out this adventure, they can feel free to make these details up as they see fit. There’s no need to roll dice or attempt skill checks here, and it’s perfectly fine for more outspoken players to chat up the triumphs and defeats of less talkative players.
Feb 24, 2025 2:43 pm
Bekassine scratches her head in thought. Then she takes a deep breath and sighs, knowing this is going to be a day of more talking than she's normally used to. She starts with, "Well I'd know how I would tell the story around a fireplace, but I'm not sure how the opening would work on a stage. We all started the story in separate locations when the missing moment happened. Unless you plan to introduce the main villain before we learned of them? That might help build suspense before the audience, to see how long it takes us to find out what's really going on in the background. I'm curious operas don't normally have narrators do they?"
Feb 24, 2025 2:53 pm
"Not a narrator, per se, but most operas have a chorus," Fallenta explains. "These are singers playing the part of bystanders who comment on the action as it occurs. I'd like them to respond to your group's formation in the first act. So I'd like you to come to a consensus on the most important part of your formation. In particular, what is it that brought you together, and why did you stay together?

"And yes, I plan to introduce your nemesis early on to increase the stakes!"
Feb 24, 2025 2:57 pm
"But that's very good though, Bekassine! Don't sell yourself short. A story is a story no matter where it is told."

Aurelia feels her inspiration rising. "We could have a scene for each location, within the acts of course, and maybe one for the villain, and then bring it all together for a grand finale!" Clapping her hands excitedly, she looks gleefully at the others for their ideas.

"Of course this is very basic. We'd have to fill in the details, but it could be a framework to start with within the suggested three-act set up."
Last edited February 24, 2025 2:58 pm
Feb 24, 2025 3:00 pm
"We had no memory of what happened when we entered the gates. Then it was Dr. Ritalson who brought us togheter," Ramank adds. "My greatest triump was to finally accept that me and Yarth here is stuck together in good times and in bad. No longer trying to rid myself of him."

"You got it wrong, the greatest triumph was the meals on Castrovel, especially the unplanned ones in the jungles," the dragon replies.

"You mean when you ate whatever tried to kill us?" Ramank asks and the dragon nods vigorously.
Feb 24, 2025 3:25 pm
"Oh please let me design the dragon costume!" Aurelia blurts out to no one in particular.

Turning towards Ramank she offers,"You can always make up a story of what happened when you entered. I too remember nothing."
Feb 24, 2025 4:53 pm
Bekassine says; "Alright, how about this for the opening? You show Osoyo, or maybe just glimpses of them, making the gates. Then you can quickly show each of the stories characters enter a gate. The doctor, the druid, everyone. That way you'll be able to introduce most of the cast during the overture."
Feb 25, 2025 1:37 pm
"Yes, yes, this is all good stuff," Fallenta says, scribbling notes in her journal.

"Now, let’s talk some about Act II. Tell me of your trials during the bulk of your great adventure. I suspect this Act will be the longest, so I would like to include a ‘spotlight’ moment for each of the actors playing you. They’ll each have a chance to perform an aria—a solo song that encapsulates your essence. So I’d like each of you to single out the most important event in your adventuring career and contextualize its emotional impact. Was it a fearful moment? A joyous one? A shameful one? A humorous one? Something else? Inquiring minds want to know!"
Feb 25, 2025 1:54 pm
"Well, where in the show will you want to reveal the Dr is a villain? And how will act 1 and act 2 end?"
i am way too emotionaly invested in this opera, lol.
Feb 25, 2025 2:19 pm
"We're still just brainstorming here," Fallenta says with a chuckle. "But I think we'd end Act I as you are about to head through the gateway to Skywatch where you met Sakuachi. And I think we'd save the Doctor Ritalson reveal for a cliffhanger ending of Act II!"
Feb 25, 2025 11:17 pm
Well, I'm not sure if it 'encapsulates my essence', but at some point after meting Sakuachi, when we learned just how big the task we'd take on was, I really wanted to give up. I'd given, and lost so much, we all had really. I don't know why, but something compelled me to press on . ." at this, there's a frustrated 'yip' from Fox. "Oh alright, Fox and something else, compelled me to press on. My patron? My Friends? Fate? Whatever make the best song I guess." She says with a shrug.
Feb 26, 2025 7:40 am
"For me it was Castrovel," Ramank remarks. "It was so impossibly far away from home. When we found out I despaired, thinking I'd never see Golarion again. And it was before we learnt about Osoyo, so it felt like I'd left the planet for no reason."
Feb 27, 2025 9:48 am
"I think for me, it was during the trials we faced for the Sarkorian god, Ruun. Particularly our fight with Malgamon. I nearly died there, but Bekassine brought me back into the fight and seeing everyone down to their last ounce of strength, I found a great sense of fear...but also the courage to overcome that fear.

I realized in that moment, I had been afraid nearly my whole life. Afraid of the unknown and the dangers in the dark corners of the world. I had tried to study and learn what I could to face those things, but it wasn't until those final moments, when nearly all hope was lost, I plunged my sword into Malgamon's back and the demon fell. I knew then, study and learning would help in knowing those hidden dangers, but only by facing those things with strength of spirit and companionship, can the shadows be vanquished.

The rest, of course - Sakauchi's triumph and the gift bestowed on her - would become pivotal to the everything happens next."
Last edited February 27, 2025 9:50 am
Feb 27, 2025 11:14 am
Fallenta takes more notes. "Alright, now let's move to Act III. The final act is the opera's climax, and I want the majority of it to be an epic reconstruction of your final clash against Osoyo. But before that battle begins, I want to afford the enemy performer an aria as well. So, tell me these two things: the greatest danger your nemesis represented and the greatest weakness it harbored."
Feb 27, 2025 2:39 pm
Aurelia’s hand rushes to her throat. "Osoyo for me. She had my mind in her grasp and I was helpless to pull away. I hear her malicious whispers from time to time and fear it could happen again, twisting my artistic talents to do her bidding, and I, impotent to stop it."

Her eyes turn distant. "Imagine a scene, a tortured mind, the actor flailing in dance across the stage, hands clutching her head. Oh it would be so wonderfully dramatic," she cries.

Albeit a little close to home.
Mar 2, 2025 4:45 am
"I believe Osoyo's greatest weakness was its own doubt and fear of failure. This was made manifest when we defeated Ogmunzorius, the waking dream, and took up Osoyo's fear and doubt in physical form. It was, in the end, one of our greatest weapons."

He takes a breath. "The greatest danger, of course, was Osoyo actually waking up. If it had, if it become free of their icy cage...all would be doomed, I fear. The world would have turned to servitude."
Last edited March 2, 2025 5:04 am
Mar 3, 2025 11:29 am
"Splendid! I think I've got a stronger grasp on your stories now," Fallenta says.
You have gained 1 Production Point.

With the basic framework of the opera settled on, Fallenta is eager to get started on writing—a process that will take time. As she writes, though, there’s still plenty you can do to help, and foremost on that list is to secure a venue for the opera.

Fallenta already has a venue chosen, but there’s a problem with it. Her choice is the famous Kintargo Opera House, as a significant premiere hasn’t taken place there since before Barzillai Thrune took control of the city nearly 10 years ago. After a time under the stewardship of the Silver Ravens, the opera house has spent the last few years under the care of Songbird Hall, Kintargo’s largest temple of Shelyn.

Further complicating things is Fallenta’s continued desire for her presence to remain secret. She wants to wait to announce the premiere of the opera until they have the venue locked down and she at least has a completed first draft—so as to prevent competitors from beating her to being the first new premiere at the famous theater.

It thus falls to you to speak to high priest Zachrin Vhast to secure the Kintargo Opera House for the upcoming premiere. While Fallenta trusts Zachrin with the knowledge that she’s writing and directing the opera, she impresses upon you that you should only mention her to the priest if you have to. It’d be best if they could secure a general "reservation" for the venue, pending further information. She expects you to lean into the fact that it’s about your own adventures and to rely upon your reputations to help convince Zachrin.

However, a wide range of poets, artists, directors, bards, and the like tend to court Zachrin, and he’s constantly being bombarded with requests to perform in one of the many venues the church controls (beyond the opera house and Songbird Hall, the church maintains well over a dozen smaller venues throughout the city). As it turns out, Zachrin will soon be hosting a fete at the Kintargo Opera House to celebrate several of the city’s painters and sculptors. Fallenta produces invitations to the fete for each of you, explaining that it’s a great opportunity to not only impress Zachrin, but to start building your reputation among the city’s artists! Once the party is over, you should be able to get a private audience with Zachrin to secure the opera house as a venue—and the better impression you make at the fete, the better the chances you'll have of success.

Fallenta also notes that most of the attending artists are bringing samples of their work to be put on display during the event, and that at the end of the event, Zachrin intends on running an auction for all of those in attendance to purchase artwork. Submitting a work of art isn’t a requirement to attend, but it’s a great chance for the artistic among you to show off your talents!

The fete in question is scheduled to take place in a week, so you should have 7 days to rest, recover, and prepare. Fallenta suggests that the you dress in your adventuring gear to help sell that you're heroes but simultaneously encourages you to "gussy up" and add flourishes to your outfits to impress.

Zahchrin Vest is a public figure, so it is easy to gather information about him. He’s a friendly man and well-known for his philanthropic works; he also takes pride in boosting awareness for talented but relatively unknown artists, which means that you might find yourselves at a slight disadvantage when pitching your proposal, being relatively well-known heroes already. While Zachrin never openly supported the rebellion during Barzillai’s rule, he was in a delicate position as the leader of the only non-evil church in the city allowed to openly worship—once the rebellion succeeded, he and his flock have been instrumental in helping Kintargo recover and find itself.
You can learn more about the fete itself by wandering Kintargo for 4 hours and attempting a Diplomacy check to Gather Information.

A PC who wants to create artwork to display at the fete and to place in the end-of-party auction can do so by taking the Create a Work of Art downtime activity below.
Mar 4, 2025 4:49 pm
Just the thought of a night of heavy socializing fills Bekssine with dread. But that's a problem for the future. Right now she decides to get some rest, and then try to figure out what would even impress Zachrin.
assuming it's ok if we rest for the night before starting. Also not sure which skill to use to learn about Zachrins likes/dislikes, so going with diplomacy, althou almost any other skill would ne better :D


Diplomacy - what does high priest Zachrin like? - (1d20+13)

(7) + 13 = 20

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