OK, before anything else:
@CancerMan, decrement one use of the healer's kit (only if you restored it from earlier when you tried to use it too soon, though).
@mathias0077 - please FINALLY roll your hit die as Chase recovers it at the end of the long rest and then takes a short rest to use it!!! You wake up and immediately eat one ration, ravenously hungry.
In the process of moving to the secret room,
Myrtha retrieves the
lantern and uses another
flask of oil to relight it as it goes out over the course of the rest of the night. That way, she can see as she performs the rest of the tasks.
During the last hours of darkness,
Theran rummages through the kitchen, finding
three buckets and filling them from a water barrel in the kitchen (there's probably someone that
Bertram hired to refill the bucket from a well or the stream as needed).
Theran feeds himself and
Lhari and offers water;
Lhari sips eagerly at the cup.
Hamiff is out cold.
There is no latch on the trapdoor; like with the secret door to the west, it seems that the main defense was being concealed. The only door with any kind of other protection in the hidden meeting room is the barred door leading south into the tunnels.
Aanbo and
Myrtha open that door as they use the last hours of darkness taking turns guarding the
prisoners and retrieving bodies from all over the Inn to carry them down the flight(s) of stairs and through that door into the cold, foul-smelling tunnel. It's hard work for one person to carry a dead weight such a long distance (especially for Myrtha, who has to keep setting the body down, moving the lantern into the next room, and then going back to move the body), but they take plenty of rests, as they have so much time. They stack the bodies by the door.
Myrtha tries to get
Lhari (
Hamiff, like
Chase, is out for hours) to identify the mutilated body, but he shrugs.
"That's not anyone I knew. I don't think they're from around here." Myrtha puts the poor unidentified man's body into the tunnel pile and shuts the door again, replacing the bar.
Aanbo retrieves the finely-forged weapons taken from the
constable and his
henchmen (
three longswords, two crossbows) and stows them behind barrels in the
storage cellar. To remove further evidence, he does the same with all the weapons that
Lhari and
his companions (the murdered thugs) were carrying and the ones they didn't use that were still in their room:
four short swords, four light crossbows, four clubs.
Having handled so many of the corpses,
Myrtha is a little numb by the time she searches
Reptile's stiffening body. In death,
Reptile had dropped his trademark
battleaxe, but on his person, he still had a few other belongings:
four javelins, two handaxes, an explorer's pack, a battle horn, a badge, and a money pouch (containing
22 seals, 10 cubs, and 5 eagles).
After the others have finished moving the bodies and stashing the weapons,
Theran does his best to barricade the doors and settles down to take his long rest right around sunrise.
@MaJunior - take the benefit of your long rest. Decrement one ration. You regain one hit die (if you had spent any), your uses of
Wild Shape, and your spell slots. You can also change which spells you have prepared.
As everyone settles down after their labors,
Myrtha hurries up the ladder and through the trap door (the effort to shove back the rug would have been too much for any of the other characters, but she manages to do it with a hefty grunt), gathers
papers from Bertram's desk, and looks around the room before looting the
chest. She can see in the early morning light shining through the shattered back door, so she doesn't need to be carrying the lantern or a torch in this room.
@matmaisan -
please roll an INT (Investigation) or WIS (Perception) check.OOC:
Note that I'm playing a little loose with the order these things happened. I'm saying that Myrtha and Aanbo moved the bodies first, while they're still pliable and less awkward to carry than after rigor mortis sets in. I'm having Chase revive now, rather than after everything else is resolved, because the player has really waited a long time to get back in the game. Similarly, I'm having Theran perform his long rest in parallel with Myrtha's exploration of Bertram's room rather than waiting until afterward, so that he can get his spells/wild shapes back.
On that note, however: Chase has to take a short rest after the long rest to actually spend that hit die. But if anyone else has a hit die and wants to use it BEFORE taking a long rest, declare it, get someone with a healer's kit to use it on your PC, and then roll the hit die. You'll get at least one hit die back again after the long rest.