Chapter 2.1a: Golden Grain Inn (Orlane at night)

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Feb 19, 2025 7:53 pm
Myrtha was surprised at the amount of precious metal Bertram had managed to hoard. She walked back to trapdoor after assessing the situation, and spoke softly down the hole : "Derek wasn't the only thug hoarding coin; there's about thirty pounds of coins here. Should I empty the chest down this hole?"
Are the coins just mixed up in a single mass of treasure, or did Bertram class them somehow, or use separations to keep the gold from the copper, so to say?
Feb 19, 2025 8:07 pm
"Might be a bit too messy?" advises Aanbo. "Let's take what we can, and leave the rest. We don't want to be too laden when we leave."
Feb 20, 2025 5:34 am
matmaisan says:
Are the coins just mixed up in a single mass of treasure, or did Bertram class them somehow, or use separations to keep the gold from the copper, so to say?
Yeah, they tossed all the coins in together.
Feb 21, 2025 3:07 am
"I don't have much in my ruck. I'm sure we can use that for the coin." He will remove the small items before handing his backpack up to Myrtha, so that the coins can be loaded for the trip home.
Feb 21, 2025 6:45 am
Myrtha takes Theran's rucksack and, as quietly as she can given that the shattered back door is hanging wide open and the morning sun is shining into the room, proceeds to grab fistfuls of coins and shove them into the bag. Soon enough she has retrieved all the money, swung the chest closed again, handed the now-heavier pack down through the hole, and follows it down the ladder, closing the trap door above her. The rug flops down back over the trap door, concealing it from any casual observers.

Each of the active PCs in Orlane - Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha, Theran - gains 48 more XP for acquiring this treasure.

Not long after this, once the group has counted the money (there are 889 cubs, 496 seals, and 136 eagles), the party hears someone running around on the floor above them, and the muffled cries of the person (probably the cook) trying to figure out what happened. Lhari and Hamiff begin to look hopeful again...
Feb 21, 2025 2:33 pm
Looking at the captives Chase will walk over and make sure they are gaged well. "Boy Bertram and Derek were doing pretty well for themselves it seems. I wonder if the lady knew about this?"
Feb 21, 2025 2:39 pm
"You will both stay quiet for the moment. Say what you want, but we've taken care of you even though you're captives who tried to kill us. We intend to leave you when we leave... but if you bring attention, you won't survive long enough to be rescued. Clear?"

Theran quietly makes the threat. He isn't sure if he can just slay them while they're defenseless like this... but the cultists don't need to know that. Adding the coin from the assassin's own lockbox, Theran repacks his belongings and shoulders his pack, tightening it and getting ready to move.

"Someone grab Reptile, and let's get out of here. We can go through the basement ans out directly onto the street, then put distance between us and the town. Are we ready?"

As he clutches his trusty staff, Theran focuses for a moment and channels the forces of nature to harden it... just in case.
Casting Shillelagh.
Last edited February 21, 2025 2:41 pm
Feb 21, 2025 2:45 pm
"I say we tie them up and gag them. I don't trust them. We can leave the way open after we leave so they can be found." Chase will secure his pack and shoulder Retile to carry him out.
Thinking like a fireman's carry for equal weight distribution.
Last edited February 21, 2025 2:48 pm
Feb 21, 2025 2:47 pm
[ +- ] OOC
Feb 21, 2025 2:51 pm
MaJunior says:
[ +- ] OOC
Feb 21, 2025 4:04 pm
Aanbo nods to the plan. He helps Chase secure Reptile's body, then whispers, "What should we do about the person upstairs? We might be able to sneak past them, but if they discover us, I will try to knock them out."
Feb 21, 2025 4:40 pm
Theran gives a stern warning to the captives and Chase begins to gag them.

@MaJunior - roll a CHR (Intimidation) check with ADV.

Chase hefts Reptile's body with a grunt. Aanbo helps Chase with Reptile's body, then whispers, "What should we do about the person upstairs? We might be able to sneak past them, but if they discover us, I will try to knock them out."
Just to clarify: there are FOUR exits from the basement:
1) back up the ladder into Bertram's room (where Myrtha came from)
2) Into the tunnels through the barred door (where all the other dead bodies are)
3) Up the basement stairs into the kitchen (where Theran has been most recently)
4) Up the cellar stairs through the broken door to the outside (how Myrtha, Reptile, and Theran originally entered the basement)

It reads to me like some of you are thinking of taking the cellar stairs, and some are talking about taking the basement stairs...?
Feb 21, 2025 5:12 pm
"Oh, I wasn't planning to go upstairs. There are stairs that open directly onto the street, I figured we'd use those. It's a main road, but we'll be in the open and free to move wherever from there. Less chance of being boxed in," Theran elaborates. He will also find something to leave in the door, in order to prop it open so their captives are found.
Option 4.
Last edited February 21, 2025 5:13 pm


Intimidation (CHA) - (2d20H1+1)

(2016) + 1 = 21

Feb 21, 2025 5:25 pm
Aanbo nods at the explanation. "Unseen, even the earth can flow uphill," he says. Then, after some consideration, he adds, "I actually don't know what that means, but my brother used to say it before sneaking out of the monastery, and he never got caught."
Feb 21, 2025 5:35 pm
A beleagured Theran looks back at Aanbo and offers a smile. A tired, worn smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Hopefully we follow his example then."
Feb 21, 2025 5:49 pm
Chase looks at the others"I am with you whichever way we go. Out into the street sounds good to me."
Feb 21, 2025 6:06 pm
"Out the cellar door is best, I believe," the warrior said. "Do we head straight into the woods, the way we came? If we could leave a message to someone," she thought of Ramne, but did not speak the eccentric hermit's name in front of the prisoners, "we could let these two locked up until the mayor and the villagers came to retrieve them, rather than let them be found by the cook."
Feb 21, 2025 6:24 pm
"I'm sure the Constable will find them, as I suspect he knows of these hidden rooms," says Aanbo. "Let's leave them here."

He glances at Lhari and Hamiff, and returns his attention to Myrtha. "Change of plans, we're going somewhere else," he says, giving a wink out of sight from the bound-but-not-deaf prisoners. "We will head to the temple itself and find another place to hide. They'll never think to look for us under their own noses."

Any that look at Aanbo after his suggestion will see his eyes dart in the cultists' direction, implying that the group ought to mislead immediate pursuit.
My intention is that once we're out of sight and sound from Lhari and Hamiff, Aanbo would reset to the original idea of heading into the woods and trying to leave a message with Ramne and/or the Mayor.
Feb 22, 2025 2:29 am
Theran easily cows the two brutes into silence. They stare with wide eyes as the calling voice recedes with the footfalls upstairs (ie, on the ground floor). Then the voice and footsteps are gone, either out of the building or out of earshot.
Before we move out of the Inn's basement, did Theran or Aanbo use a healer's kit or cast spells to regain HP? Right now, I believe this is the HP status:

Aanbo (12/19)
Chase (8/11)
Myrtha (11/12)
Theran (5/13)

Feb 22, 2025 3:08 am
Looks right for Theran. Probably should have used a healers kit or something, but oh well.
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