Chapter 2.1a: Golden Grain Inn (Orlane at night)

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Feb 22, 2025 3:12 am
I thought a long rest would restore all HP and half of our spent Hit Dice.
Feb 23, 2025 2:17 am
CancerMan says:
I thought a long rest would restore all HP and half of our spent Hit Dice.
That is how it works in default D&D 5e, yes. And because I am running so many different games, I think I misspoke a few long rests ago, instructing the PCs to heal from a long rest. That was forgetting that, from the very beginning, we have been using the "healer’s kit dependency" and "slow natural healing" optional rules in this A&D-reminiscent game.

The result is that, in this Dungeon Busters game, a long rest restores up to half of a PC's hit dice as usual, but does not restore any HP. HP are only restored through healing magic or spending hit dice (via short rests).

This is from the Rules thread:

healer’s kit dependency – DMG 266
In order to use Hit Dice to heal, a healer's kit must first be applied to the wounds.

slow natural healing – DMG 267
You heal naturally only through using hit dice.
Feb 23, 2025 2:19 am
MaJunior says:
Looks right for Theran. Probably should have used a healers kit or something, but oh well.
Just to be clear, I was asking because now is the time that you can say "I AM using a healer's kit application to spend a hit die." Chase is doing it; anyone else can now, too.
Feb 23, 2025 4:36 pm
Aanbo checks on the bandages and ointments used the evening prior, replacing them with fresh applications to stave off infection.
My bad, I keep forgetting about the custom rules. I'll spend two additional uses of my healer's kit on Theran and myself. I've already marked off one use for Chase; let me know if Myrtha wants a top-off.

Aanbo should now be at 19/19.
Last edited February 23, 2025 4:37 pm


Hit Dice - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Feb 24, 2025 4:11 pm
Seeing Aanbo administer poultices and bandages to her companions, Myrtha responded to his proposal in the negative. "It’s only a scratch, Theran’s magic fixed me good."
Not taking away one use of the healer’s kit for 1hp. I’m assuming the fighter’s second wind hasn’t been house-ruled away, correct? I can get the bonus without having to spend HD, right? Or is it considered "natural healing" and therefore subject to the use of HD?
Last edited February 24, 2025 4:43 pm
Feb 24, 2025 5:47 pm
matmaisan says:
I’m assuming the fighter’s second wind hasn’t been house-ruled away, correct? I can get the bonus without having to spend HD, right?
Correct; Second Wind works without using a Hit Die.

Just to be clear: there is only one house rule in the game, Spaceseeker19's Travel Rule with Mounts. Everything else we are using are official default or variant rules from 5e, as listed in the Rules thread.

I will remind everyone (including myself), however, that those of you with enough XP to gain a level - Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha - can gain the HP increase immediately as described in that rules thread.
Feb 24, 2025 7:24 pm
My bad, not house rules, but optional rules. It’s been a while since I’d read the rules thread, that’s on me. Good to know second wind works as advertised.

Regarding gaining levels: my personal accounting suggests Myrtha is 1xp (!) away from levelling. But if your accounting puts her just across the finish line, I’ll be very happy! If she’s levelled up, how do we manage hp on levelling, roll the dice?
Last edited February 24, 2025 7:32 pm
Feb 24, 2025 7:27 pm
matmaisan says:
Regarding gaining levels: my personal accounting suggests Myrtha is 1xp (!) away from levelling. But if your accounting puts her just across the finish line, I’ll be very happy!
Sometimes I'm slow to update the PC Experience Points thread, but it is currently up-to-date. Myrtha currently has 342 XP.
Feb 24, 2025 7:34 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
Sometimes I'm slow to update the PC Experience Points thread, but it is currently up-to-date. Myrtha currently has 342 XP.
Yoohoo !!!
Feb 25, 2025 5:14 pm
Figuring that now - when the voices and footsteps overhead have receded - is the best time to make their move, Myrtha opens the secret door and Theran slips through and hurries across the basement to the wine cellar's door while Aanbo and Chase follow with Reptile's corpse. Holding the lantern, Myrtha steps through into the basement and lets the secret door swing closed again; her last sight of Hamiff and Lhari is their eyes staring wide over their gags, expecting that the door will shut and plunge them into darkness...but Theran left a dead man's boot there, and the door stops just short of closing completely.

Theran has opened the wine cellar door and has made his way up the steep staircase to the broken cellar door that is just propped up in the doorway. Before lifting the door out of the way, he listens carefully. There is nothing to hear. Myrtha squeezes around Chase, Aanbo, and their grisly load so that she can join Theran at the top of the steps. She extinguishes the lantern, and the group is plunged into dim light, blackness broken only by a gap between the doorjamb and where the door leans against it. Myrtha and Theran look at each other, nod, and together they shift the door open. Aanbo and Chase huff up the stairs with the stiff body of their dead companion and look out. All this has taken maybe 20 seconds.

It is morning and there are the sounds of the village can be heard: the swish-chop of a sickle, a dog barking, the wheel of the mill groaning as it turns in the splashing current, a horse nickering and a man calling to soothe it, a distant group of people murmuring in conversation, and a rhythmic clacking suggesting that the weaver is at his loom.

Each of you, please roll a Perception check and decide which route you're going to take away from the Inn.
[ +- ] The immediate vicinity as the party escapes the Golden Grain Inn


Theran's perception check DC10 - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Feb 25, 2025 11:34 pm
Chase is good with which ever way looks the most clear. Reptile isn't the lightest guy in the world.
Do we have to cross the bridge?


Perception - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Feb 26, 2025 1:09 am
I believe I did mention that Theran would drop something (a broom handle, an old boot, whatever) in the hidden door to prevent it from closing fully, ensuring the two cultists would be found.
Not hearing anything that would alarm him, Theran is quick to open the doors to the street and spill out, ready to make their escape.
Using your roll, and Theran would plan to take the most direct route out of town.
Feb 26, 2025 4:55 am
MaJunior says:
I believe I did mention that Theran would drop something (a broom handle, an old boot, whatever) in the hidden door to prevent it from closing fully, ensuring the two cultists would be found.
Yes, you did; I've amended the description accordingly.
mathias0077 says:
Do we have to cross the bridge?
No, it's up to you all what route you take. The closest woods is Ramne's grove, which IS across the bridge, but that's still close enough to be considered part of the village. Heading west past the farms will return you to Cecily's Road (the way you all came in to Orlane) and out of the village, but there's little cover that way: a long, gradual slope before the Dim Forest crosses the Realstream and provides visual cover. You could also jump in the river and float away, if you had something to use as a raft. Of course, the whole village is a collection of buildings that could be used to hide.
MaJunior says:
Using your roll, and Theran would plan to take the most direct route out of town.
Just FYI: the check I rolled was specific to Theran listening at the door (as that might've changed my description); the Perception check I asked you all to make was a separate one, for when the party is moving out of the cellar. If you want to take a 1 for that, it's fine. But you are welcome - and encouraged! - to roll again.
Feb 26, 2025 5:22 am
"We should head by Ramne’s, let him know what they’ll find at the Inn," Myrtha whispered as they considered their options.
So, who’s carrying the enchanted spear?

I’m for crossing the bridge and heading into the copses next to Ramne’s, and then heading into the woods from there.

Also, Myrtha would volunteer to carry reptile if that meant that Chase could use his bow, for instance…

EDIT: Wow! What a string of nasty rolls!
Last edited February 26, 2025 5:23 am


Perception - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Feb 26, 2025 8:57 am
I thought I was going to do a fireman's carry with Reptile to carry by myself and could have carried the spear. But since Aanbo and I are carrying him I would have handed the spear to Mythra. Also I am fine with Myrtha helping carry if you want me to be able to my bow. I am good either way.
Feb 26, 2025 2:04 pm
mathias0077 says:
I thought I was going to do a fireman's carry with Reptile to carry by myself and could have carried the spear.
Navigating the body up the stairs (with a relatively low ceiling) was easier with two people, but you can certainly switch to this now as you move outside past the stairs.
Feb 26, 2025 11:24 pm
As we leave the stairway Chase will take on the responsibility of Reptile's body. Slung across his shoulders to distribute the weight properly. Chase is used to this action. Being a boundary warden he has had to carry injured and dead people he had found on duty. Chase always tried to find the next of kin for the deceased. He will also take the spear from Mrytha."This way we can move faster and I can still fend someone off if I have to."
Feb 27, 2025 4:53 am
Carrying the dead weight of Reptile on his back, Chase nods to the others. They make a break for it, heading north up the street toward the bridge.
Unless you have another plan, there are two obvious choices here to avoid getting noticed: try to sneak (roll Stealth) or try for speed (roll Athletics). Which will you choose?
Feb 27, 2025 5:41 am
Aanbo mutters to himself, "Unseen, even the earth can flow uphill."
Aanbo would opt for stealth.


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Feb 27, 2025 8:51 am
"Low and slow." with the extra weight stealth is probably the way to over speed. To easy to trip.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

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