Chapter 2.1a: Golden Grain Inn (Orlane at night)

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Feb 27, 2025 4:27 pm
Opting to cheat, Theran will place a hand on Aanbo's shoulder as he begins shifting form into a spider (just like the form he used to scout the Inn). He will find a spot on Aanbo's gear to nestle in for the trip, staying unseen by those searching and ready to surprise anyone who attacks them.
Feb 28, 2025 8:04 am
From the perspective of any casual observer, Theran vanishes. Aanbo sneaks forward, Chase on his heels, Myrtha trying to stay alert and not draw too much attention.
I'm guessing that Myrtha would prefer to stick with the group rather than rushing ahead, despite the DISADV that will apply to her Stealth check due to scale mail...
They have moved up the street halfway to the bridge when Chase notices the little girl watching them with wide eyes from behind the fence. Nothing to be done about it now. They continue forward and reach the bridge; there is no cry of alarm and no pursuit. Reaching the bridge, Aanbo slows for a moment and scans the opposite bank. They're in luck: no fishermen are plying their trade on the river. Indeed, no one is in sight except for Whiskers, who watches the four heroes and their dead friend hustle across the stone bridge. As soon as they get close, the weasel turns and scampers ahead of them, turning into the path leading into the grove. Once in the trees, the group pauses again.

So far, so good....
Feb 28, 2025 12:07 pm
"Ah, our little guide. good to see a friendly face."As we pause Chase will tell the others"I saw a little girl watching us from behind a fence. I don't know how much time we have."
Feb 28, 2025 2:18 pm
"Despite Reptile being our friend, it probably doesn't look good for us strangers to be carrying a dead body," says Aanbo, "much less apparently taking him directly to Ranme. Let's see if we can avoid the path to Ranme's house and instead take a route through the trees."
Feb 28, 2025 4:58 pm
"I’ll take Reptile further into the woods, you follow whiskers to Ramne. He guided us earlier, in the dark… that way no one can see you with a body. I’ll keep Reptile’s body safe while you talk."
Theran could even enter Ramne’s shack unseen, if we wanted more stealth. Myrtha can hide in the nearby copses while you guys explain.. And if something goes badly, she’ll call out for help…
Mar 2, 2025 5:09 pm
[ +- ] Dungeon Busters in Orlane
From their concealment in the trees, the party overhears some yelled conversation from the closest building. "Belba, I'm headed over to the Rasts to get the latest crop," the party hears the call from out behind the Inn of the Slumbering Serpent.
"Oh, you and your wine!" comes the answering cry, "I swear if Lily wasn't married, I'd be jealous!"
"Her grapes may be sweet, but they're nothing to your sweet smile!"
"Oh, get out of here, you old rogue!"
During this interchange, Chase has shifted his load (Reptile's stiff corpse) to Myrtha. Myrtha makes her way in between the trees, skirting Ramne's glade and moving further west, while Aanbo (carrying spider-Theran) and Chase emerge from the copse onto the trail leading to Ramne's shack. Much as before, Ramne is busy working in his garden, watering a row of shoots climbing up bean poles.

"What do you want?" Ramne croaks irritably. "My vegetables are mine. MINE! I told you already, but I suppose you..." Whiskers chitters, and Ramne stops mid-sentence. Then he resumes in a low voice. "Whiskers says that there's no one within earshot. I'm glad to see that you haven't been re-captured, but I'm a little surprised to see you again so soon. What can I do for you?"
Mar 2, 2025 5:50 pm
Aanbo speaks quietly, lest his words attract unwanted attention. "I am sorry for endangering you," he begins. "We wanted to let someone trustworthy know about our discovery. The root of corruption has dug deep into the earth in Orlane, and I mean that literally. We found tunnels under the Golden Grain Inn that appear to be the main passage for shady individuals and troglodytes."

He goes on to explain how the events at the inn that resulted in the deaths of Bertram and other cultists, and of how the Constable, Lhari, and Hamiff were left alive. "The Constable is particularly dangerous, being a man in a position of authority. We ask that you tread carefully, lest he turn his wrath upon you. We also fear for Alan, who helped us when the Constable tried to kill us."

Aanbo continues, "Again, I am sorry we have endangered you. We have been beaten and are in no position to combat this threat to Orlane, not in our current condition. We must retreat to gather our strength and find more friends, and we intend to return as soon as we can."
Mar 2, 2025 7:48 pm
Chase will nod to these comments and add"Make sure you the Mayor and Alan keep your eyes open. The lady we keep hearing about might be coming after y'all. You should try to figure out who all is under her influence. It looks like Bertram and Derek were also doing their own thing that most of the cultists don't know about."
Mar 2, 2025 9:00 pm
As soon as Aanbo, Chase and spider-Theran moved towards Ramne's hut, Myrtha found a spot in which to set Reptile's body on the ground, on a blanket of leaves and moss. She looked around her, making sure there were no prying eyes, no sound of approaching movement. Once she was satisfied she was alone, she crouched by her fallen companion and began whispering.

"I'm sorry I failed you, friend," she took a deep breath, and continued. "Two weeks travelling on our own, sharing war stories and laughing at stupid jokes. And as soon as we get a mission, a real mission, I fucked it up." Her voice cracked a bit, as stronger emotions began boiling up. "I've trained for years to be the shield. To put my body in front of the thrusting spears and slashing axes... and what good was that? A fucking bar brawl! A club to the head and that's it. Fucking Hamiff still breathing down there. And when we come back, if we come back, I wager he'll have to be beaten to near death again."

Anger was upstaging grief, so she consciously tried to calm down. "At least that torturer is in the Pits, stuck up the Dark One's smelly arse crack... Derek won't be torturing no more..." she continued, a bitter smile momentarily touching her lips, as the image she evoked settled in her mind. Then sadness again, "Fuck, Reptile! Why'd you have to go?" she pleaded, tears coursing down her cheeks. She'd suffered loss before, even more personal loss. But there was something particularly bruising about the barbarian's demise. Maybe it was the pointlessness of it all. They'd been framed by these cultists, and had done so much effort to 'clear their name' when, as a matter of fact, most villagers would be right to think of them as ruthless foreign killers. This cult was devious and organised, they'd fallen victims to a trap and they'd ought to have known better.

"I hope we'll manage to get Joseph back, friend. I'd hoped that they'd have taken the little guy to that fucking inn, but we found no trace of him, " the warrior-woman continued, concern creasing the corners of her eyes, which she then hid behind her dirty, blood speckled hands. "When... if we return, we'll have to be a lot smarter about it. I hope there's still time for Joseph."

She sniffed once or twice, and touched the barbarian's cheek, on the side not crushed by Hamiff's clubbing. "I'll have vengeance, in your name, friend. And a tale to tell your family, once I track them down. They ought to know what you gave your life for. They ought to know the people who took your life are all back to the mud, and that you ain't died for nothing".

She removed her hand from her companion's face, with a hint of shyness, as if ashamed of a closeness she had not realised was there. She rubbed away the last few tears from her face, and stood up. She took out her hand axe, and began looking for a couple of staves, or long branches she might be able to cut. They'd need to move faster with the body, and an improvised stretcher might be their best choice, given the circumstances. They should have enough rope, and they might find vines that were tough enough. She put her mind to such practical matters, if only to escape the dreary feelings that the previous night' toil had left her with.
Last edited March 2, 2025 9:01 pm
Mar 2, 2025 9:18 pm
Last edited March 2, 2025 9:21 pm
Mar 3, 2025 5:49 pm
While Myrtha processes her grief and constructs a travois, back in Ramne's glade, the old man is taking in everything that the monk and ranger have told him. "Grover used to be fair and reliable; he even helped me with some repairs on my hut. I knew he had changed, but I thought it was perhaps the normal bitterness and resentment that develops in people when faced with disappointment. I didn't realize that it was something more until the Constable attacked you and turned on Alan. You were in his charge! That is not normal darkness; he has been turned to a darker purpose, a foul will, outside of many others. Something is behind this; some darkness is tainting the residents of Orlane. I'm confident that it has something to do with the troglodytes. Now that you've identified that they're coming through tunnels under the Inn, we'll keep our eyes on that and see what else we can find out while you are gone. And I will also try to determine who has been tainted if I can. But if you will come back (as I hope you will), hurry! The darkness is spreading and I do not think I can stop it on my own!"
What do you do now?
Mar 3, 2025 6:14 pm
"I hope to return as quickly as we can," says Aanbo. "I believe the Mayor and his elven companions are not under this dark influence, not yet. I want to warn them and Alan's family of the danger, but I fear if we linger in Orlane longer, we risk our own discovery and will cause more unnecessary death. It is why we chose your secluded grove first. I remember that you said many in Orlane shun you, but I must ask; do you have a means to spread this news to the Mayor and Alan, that they can take word of the threat with seriousness?"
Mar 3, 2025 11:52 pm
Chase will agree with Aanbo "We will move quickly and get some help and come back as soon as we can. Can Whiskers deliver messages to the Mayor and Alan without being noticed?" Chase shake his head"If we only had a few horses."
Mar 4, 2025 1:43 am
"I don't know how much my word will sway them, but I will pass along the warnings," Ramne nods, and the weasel chitters. Ramne smiles: "...and with Whiskers' help, too. I wouldn't leave you out of it, little one!"

The old man addresses the two (well, three, really, considering that Theran is there on Aanbo's shoulder) heroes again: "I would ask that you write them a note - wonders of wonders, both of them can read! - except that I think the Mayor may trust you even less than he trusts me." He clasps the dwarf and human's shoulders with his frail, knobby hands (Theran scuttles out of the way to avoid getting crushed). "I will spread the word, one way or another. But you should have some food for your journey!"

Ramne goes back into his hut and emerges a moment later with a small sack of fresh vegetables, which he hands to the duo.
There is enough food there to count as four rations.
"May Merikka provide bounty, Fharlanghn guide your steps, and Delleb grant you wisdom!" Ramne smiles once more, then turns back to his garden, waving a hand dismissively. "Now go, before someone comes looking for you here."
Mar 4, 2025 2:43 am
"Thank you, kind farmer," says Aanbo, securing the vegetables for later. "And you're right about the note. I also fear that my handwriting might be terrible enough to label my words as evil!"

He takes his leave of the old man and weasel, and waits for Chase before rejoining Myrtha to escape from Orlane.
Mar 4, 2025 8:50 am
Chase will quickly write a note each for the Mayor and Alan relating hitting all the bullet points of what they found so they can do their own investigating. He will also add an extra thank you to Alan for his help getting himself and Aanbo free."Here you go Ramne a note for each and they are labeled. Thank you for all your help sir. We will return." With that Chase will turn and head after Aanbo.
Mar 4, 2025 4:10 pm
Aanbo leaves one last warning, "I suggest they each burn the note afterward. Of course, those who have been corrupted may still accuse them of aiding those 'murdering strangers,' but at least there won't be physical evidence linking them to us." The monk thinks back to the deposit of the tortured body at the barn, a clear attempt at framing the Dungeon Busters for the deed.
Mar 4, 2025 5:08 pm
The two heroes Chase and Aanbo (with Theran riding along unseen) then leave the old hermit and reenter the woods behind Ramne's shack. At the edges of the forest here, there is still plenty of light, and they are quickly able to find Myrtha where she awaits with Reptile's body on a travois.

The four of you are in a fringe of the Dim Forest, in a long finger that has not been cleared for farming. To the west is the Dim Forest. To the east of you lies Orlane and, beyond that, more of the Dim Forest. To the north are the farms where many of Orlane's residents work and, beyond them, more of the Dim Forest. To the south is the Realstream River. South of the River is Cecily's Road, and south of that is more forest that slowly gives way to the Rushmoors. Cecily's Road leads west by southwest to Hochoch, and east by northeast (leaving Orlane) to Hookhill.
Mar 4, 2025 5:23 pm
"Let's stick to the Dim Forest until we are west of Orlane, then we can detour back to Cecily's Road and continue to Hochoch," says Aanbo. "What do you think?"
Mar 4, 2025 7:25 pm
''l agree; Aanbo,' Myrtha responded, ready to begin carrying the body over the rough terrain.
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