Chapter 2.1b: Search Party (Hochoch)
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Feb 13, 2025 4:14 pm
Cord was in agreement with Rosemary to see/talk with Olpert before starting with family talks/escorting.Arya Arkon
Feb 14, 2025 12:05 am

Arya Arkon
"We understand you are returning home towards the Dim Forest," she continued. "If I may be so bold, perhaps you could use an escort? Tomorrow morning, we plan to explore the surrounding area, as we are newcomers to this region. Your home, I understand, is a day's journey away. If you would be so kind to consider waiting until tomorrow at dawn, we would be honored to ensure your safe return and prevent any unpleasant surprises from befalling your family. "
Last edited February 14, 2025 8:12 am
Feb 14, 2025 12:13 am

He further asks, "I have a few rations. Does anyone need any?"
Last edited February 14, 2025 12:27 am
Feb 14, 2025 1:58 am
When the family finishes its obeisance at the different altars, they are delighted to meet new Dungeon Busters. The father, Abel Jarl, clearly has the rustic trait of using such hyperbolic praise that a cynic might think it sarcastic. But no, he appear genuine. "Glorious Ladies and Magnificent Sir! It is my utmost honor to be graced with your presence! It is to the Dungeon Busters that we owe the life of our son, Devek! Show honor to the Awesome Ones, Devek!" Devek, a human child of perhaps 10 years of age, tugs at his forelock and falls to his hands and knees. "My thanks, Tremendous Worthies!" Abel introduces his wife, Elista ("May honor forever shine upon you, Golden Ones!"), his pre-teen daughter Abella (she gives a crude curtsy with a "My delight overwhelms me!"), Emiless (a girl somewhat younger than Devek, who sinks to her knees and prostrates herself with "You're brighter than the stars!"), young child Torren (who just falls on his face and murmurs something extravagant into the floor), and toddler Wenderly (who tries to bow but trips and just stares at the three of you with big round eyes). Like many rural folk, the Jarls clearly feel awe (and a little bit of fear) at seeing nobility, and anyone with more than a couple of seals to rub together is nobility. They also clearly have narrowly averted tragedy through the efforts of your fellow Dungeon Busters, and they are absurdly, almost embarrassingly grateful...which may make sense if they haven't experienced anything like that kind of support from powerful people before now.
Hearing the offer of an escort back home, Abel and Elista exchange a quick glance and then smile and bow deeply. "We would be honored!" The kids are very excited to get to stay in town for another night, and the younger ones babble happily at the adventurers as the group makes its way back to the Inn of Eternal Rest. Wonderingly, little Torren asks Arya: "Are you a princess?" and Emiless shyly asks Rosemary "Are you a queen?" Meanwhile the other children are agog at the size of Manthis' immense sword. "I bet you've killed hundreds of giants, High Lord!"
Hearing the offer of an escort back home, Abel and Elista exchange a quick glance and then smile and bow deeply. "We would be honored!" The kids are very excited to get to stay in town for another night, and the younger ones babble happily at the adventurers as the group makes its way back to the Inn of Eternal Rest. Wonderingly, little Torren asks Arya: "Are you a princess?" and Emiless shyly asks Rosemary "Are you a queen?" Meanwhile the other children are agog at the size of Manthis' immense sword. "I bet you've killed hundreds of giants, High Lord!"
Feb 14, 2025 2:15 am

He does however add on, "But, if you caring parents don't mind, I would gladly you show some of my fancy moves!" Tale spinner Manthis is an entertainer at heart.
Last edited February 14, 2025 2:45 am
Feb 14, 2025 2:55 am
Back at the Inn, Olpert Razorson immediately sees the PR benefit of helping these poor crofters even more. So he calls over Devane Thornhill, the Inn's human proprietor, and bids him to prepare a feast for the Jarl family and the Dungeon Busters in town. His human wife Soraya, the halfling server Tap, and the the doddering ancient elf Cook immediately throw themselves into whipping up a large supper, which arouses the interest of the pretty young human woman that the party briefly saw earlier, Lienne, and her crowd of admirers. Soon more and more people are introducing themselves to the new trio of adventurers:
Thacogygax, a tall dragonborn who speaks only broken Keolish
Xana Beren, a cheerful gnome woman who makes most people uneasy somehow
Sara Stone, a human woman with a massive greatbow
Albertus, a young and somewhat formal human knight, who recognizes and greets the Jarls immediately
Durren Elderblade, a human steeped in Elvish culture who speaks with an affectation of medieval Keolish (think Shakespearean English)
Kragga Moonweaver, a charming and talkative half-orc with an encyclopedic knowledge of many topics
Karliel, a half-elven bard who immediately starts trying to get people drinks and to join him in various choruses of songs
Klak and Morgran, two dwarves who both seem ready to celebrate though they couldn't be more dissimilar otherwise: one is a paladin, the other is a pirate
The celebration continues into the night. The Jarl family is dazed by all the attention, and Abel and Elista are a little embarrassed to be garnering so much attention, though the younger children take it in stride. Manthis performs a sword dance to the delight of the children (and the obvious appraising admiration of Lienne).
Thacogygax, a tall dragonborn who speaks only broken Keolish
Xana Beren, a cheerful gnome woman who makes most people uneasy somehow
Sara Stone, a human woman with a massive greatbow
Albertus, a young and somewhat formal human knight, who recognizes and greets the Jarls immediately
Durren Elderblade, a human steeped in Elvish culture who speaks with an affectation of medieval Keolish (think Shakespearean English)
Kragga Moonweaver, a charming and talkative half-orc with an encyclopedic knowledge of many topics
Karliel, a half-elven bard who immediately starts trying to get people drinks and to join him in various choruses of songs
Klak and Morgran, two dwarves who both seem ready to celebrate though they couldn't be more dissimilar otherwise: one is a paladin, the other is a pirate
The celebration continues into the night. The Jarl family is dazed by all the attention, and Abel and Elista are a little embarrassed to be garnering so much attention, though the younger children take it in stride. Manthis performs a sword dance to the delight of the children (and the obvious appraising admiration of Lienne).
Arya Arkon
Feb 14, 2025 8:19 am

Arya Arkon
Within the hour, Arya's presence was known to everyone. It required little effort; her beauty and grace naturally drew others to her. A skilled conversationalist, Arya listened attentively, asking thoughtful questions and seeking clarification, making each person feel heard. The past few days of travel rations had taken their toll as she lost some weight, so she relished the hot meal and drink, savoring every bite.
Feb 14, 2025 4:08 pm
Rosemary assured Emiless. "Oh no, no. I'm not a queen. Just an adventurer and a baker. Come!" She looked left and right. "I'll teach you one of my secret recipes", she whispered. Rosemary picked up Wenderly and carried her as they walked to the inn.
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Rosemary and Emiless came out from the kitchen and gave out poppyseed muffins. When everyone was satisfied, she sat down and played with Wenderly. It was a bittersweet moment, as it reminded her of her son at home.
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Rosemary and Emiless came out from the kitchen and gave out poppyseed muffins. When everyone was satisfied, she sat down and played with Wenderly. It was a bittersweet moment, as it reminded her of her son at home.
Last edited February 14, 2025 4:11 pm
Feb 14, 2025 6:12 pm

As any good entertainer, he maintains a track of his crowd that he wishes to gleefully please. His watchful eye does fully take note of the earlier Lienne from the previous bar encounter when he and the other fellow Dungeon Busters first enter there. Although she is with crowd of fellow admirers, nevertheless entertaining Manthis takes special notice of charming her as it obviously seems many close others have taken notice too.
Last edited February 14, 2025 6:16 pm
Feb 15, 2025 5:40 pm
The next morning, the many members of Dungeon Busters in Hochoch rise and gather in the Inn of Eternal Rest's courtyard for a briefing with Olpert Razorson. With young children, the Jarl family is already up and dining as the group gathers, but they are eating at a table near the fireplace and Abel and Elista tactfully keep the younger children from getting too close to the gathered heroes. Olpert begins to talk to the thirteen people, but then stops himself. "Durren," he says, addressing the overly formal young man in the archaic armor, "Would you please treat Miss Vereel to a breakfast meal? She's looking a little peaked from lack of sustenance." Durren rises, performs an elaborate bow, and offers Lienne his arm. She takes it, and with many a backward glance, she is escorted back into the Inn's interior.
Olpert shakes his head. "That woman...she seems determined to spy on everything we do." He rubs a hand over his face, and then addresses Arya, Manthis, and Rosemary. "As you just arrived last night, you may not have realized it yet, but Lienne is...a handful." The dwarf Morgran interjects: "Aye, she is that, and a gossip to boot!" There are nods and murmurs of assent from all the others except for the dragonborn Thacogygax, who seems confused. "The woman is a boot...?" Little gnome Xana pats him on his massive, scaled elbow. "I'll explain later." The shaggy half-orc Kragga addresses the three new Dungeon Busters. "One would think that being young, pretty, and charming would be enough for her, but Lienne has realized that she gets even more attention if she can share news. If you want information spread through the whole town, tell Lienne that information in confidence. But if you want to keep a secret, you must never let Lienne know."
Olpert nods. "Thank you for putting it so clearly, Kragga. Now that that - and prying ears - is out of the way, let's get to the day's business. Before I assign tasks, does anyone have any leads for more work?" The collected Dungeon Busters murmur and shake their heads. Sara speaks up: "There's always hunting monsters in the Dim, but no one has asked us to do that, as far as I know." She looks around, and the others all shake their heads. Olpert sighs. "I know you want to form a group to hunt that owlbear, Sara. Right now I want us to focus on jobs where we are seen to be helping people who request our help. I want to start making the transition from heroes for hire. It's the only way that we're going to drive business in the long term. I've told you before that I am confident that merchants will hire the Dungeon Busters to kill that beast once regular trade resumes between Hochoch and Orlane. But to get there, we have to help restore trade on Cecily's Road.
"Right now there are two issues we know of that are interfering with trade on the Road: bandit activity, and whatever is going on in Orlane. It's true that no one has hired us to do either of those things, but if we can eliminate those problems, there will be a lot more travel and more business for us. Most of you here have been working on the bandit problem for the past four days, while Reptile, Myrtha, Chase, Theran, and Aanbo went to find out if there's any truth to the rumors about Orlane. Albertus, you've been talking to the prisoners, and you told me something that you discovered last night. Would you tell them what you told me?"
Olpert shakes his head. "That woman...she seems determined to spy on everything we do." He rubs a hand over his face, and then addresses Arya, Manthis, and Rosemary. "As you just arrived last night, you may not have realized it yet, but Lienne is...a handful." The dwarf Morgran interjects: "Aye, she is that, and a gossip to boot!" There are nods and murmurs of assent from all the others except for the dragonborn Thacogygax, who seems confused. "The woman is a boot...?" Little gnome Xana pats him on his massive, scaled elbow. "I'll explain later." The shaggy half-orc Kragga addresses the three new Dungeon Busters. "One would think that being young, pretty, and charming would be enough for her, but Lienne has realized that she gets even more attention if she can share news. If you want information spread through the whole town, tell Lienne that information in confidence. But if you want to keep a secret, you must never let Lienne know."
Olpert nods. "Thank you for putting it so clearly, Kragga. Now that that - and prying ears - is out of the way, let's get to the day's business. Before I assign tasks, does anyone have any leads for more work?" The collected Dungeon Busters murmur and shake their heads. Sara speaks up: "There's always hunting monsters in the Dim, but no one has asked us to do that, as far as I know." She looks around, and the others all shake their heads. Olpert sighs. "I know you want to form a group to hunt that owlbear, Sara. Right now I want us to focus on jobs where we are seen to be helping people who request our help. I want to start making the transition from heroes for hire. It's the only way that we're going to drive business in the long term. I've told you before that I am confident that merchants will hire the Dungeon Busters to kill that beast once regular trade resumes between Hochoch and Orlane. But to get there, we have to help restore trade on Cecily's Road.
"Right now there are two issues we know of that are interfering with trade on the Road: bandit activity, and whatever is going on in Orlane. It's true that no one has hired us to do either of those things, but if we can eliminate those problems, there will be a lot more travel and more business for us. Most of you here have been working on the bandit problem for the past four days, while Reptile, Myrtha, Chase, Theran, and Aanbo went to find out if there's any truth to the rumors about Orlane. Albertus, you've been talking to the prisoners, and you told me something that you discovered last night. Would you tell them what you told me?"
Feb 15, 2025 6:13 pm

Xana the gnome stiffens and speaks in a voice completely unlike her own, a voice that hints at bottomless reserves of despair and madness: "THEY ARE RELATED." Then her body relaxes and she looks around, blinking. In her normal voice, she asks "What are you all looking at? It makes sense to me."
Albertus agrees: "Yes, I thought so, too. Both Black and Jonbon engaged in secrecy to hide their real identities and motivations. So yesterday I started asking questions as if they were part of the same puzzle. At first I thought Jonbon might be Black himself, but that doesn't make sense: he was all by himself, and he wasn't trying to take over property here, he was trying to abduct people back to Orlane. But what if they knew each other, or were somehow connected to each other?
"I asked the bandits if they knew Jonbon, and a couple of them had seen him around a few weeks ago. That was a start. I asked Jonbon if he knew Black, and he eventually let slip that Black was one of the faithful. I don't know what that means, but I brought it to you, Olpert, as soon as I could."
Feb 15, 2025 6:27 pm
"Now you're all heard it. This is serious news, if the criminal can be believed," Olpert muses. "And it may mean that the Dungeon Busters I sent to Orlane are in more serious trouble if they run into Bandit Black on the way." Olpert addresses the trio of new hires: Rosemary, Manthis, and Arya. "You three have just arrived, but at the same time, you've already offered to escort the Jarls back to their home in the Dim Forest. From what I understand, that's about a third of the way to Orlane. So my assignment for you is to take the family home today as you arranged, but instead of coming straight back here, you continue on to Orlane. Hopefully you'll find the other Dungeon Busters hale and whole in the village, and you can warn them about the additional threat of Black's possible involvement. Then you can join the team and help them figure out what's happening in Orlane. If not - if you find Aanbo, Chase, Myrtha, Reptile, and Theran hurt, captured, or killed - I want you to come right back to Hochoch and let me know."
Arya Arkon
Feb 16, 2025 10:12 am

Arya Arkon
Last edited February 16, 2025 10:12 am
Feb 17, 2025 3:26 pm
Rosemary smiles wide, hardly able to contain her excitement of her first real assignment. "Yes, sir. You've got it, boss." She grips her baker's paddle and smirks at Olpert. "Looks like some bad guys are in need of a paddlin'."
Last edited February 18, 2025 6:16 pm
Feb 19, 2025 2:47 am
The meeting continues with Olpert receiving reports from the various other Dungeon Busters about the progress on the work to get a dedicated building constructed. It's a lot of talk of contracts and expenses, mostly from Albertus, Karliel, and Klak. Afterwards, as the others get up to start their work for the day, Olpert asks the newest members to hang back for a few minutes longer.
"There's a few things that I wanted to make sure you know before you leave on your first assignment." He smiles. "First of all, know that we're very glad that you're here. It's just a very busy time, between the investigations and the work on getting our guild hall built and furnished, so we haven't taken the time to show you around town, and I'm sorry for that. You are welcome.
"Next is the matter of lodging. Normally when we come into town, we rent a building, and Cecily and I budgeted for that. But there aren't any buildings for sale or rent that will accommodate our needs here in Hochoch. So in addition to the guild hall, I'm hoping to get enough space in town to build a residence hall for our members, but that's going to take more money than I have here. Of course it's going to take a while to build it, too. Until that happens, I've been using our lodging funds to pay for our lodging when our members need help. I paid for you all last night, and tonight you will probably be hosted at the Jarl farm. But for when you return, there are several Inns here in town (though they are hurting for business without the usual caravan traffic from Orlane). The Thornhills here" Olpert gestures at the courtyard and the Inn of Eternal Rest, "Are giving us a group discount on lodging so that it's only 5 seals a night, which is a good deal for us and for them."
He looks up and to the side as he recalls what else he wanted to tell you. "Oh, yes. You may want to know who are the experts and mentors in your fields here in Hochoch."
"You've already met Diana; if any of you should need clerical training in the future, she'll be the one to train you." He looks at his notes. "Cormac is the fightmaster here in Hochoch; he should be useful in providing techniques for your combat specialty," Olpert nods at Manthis. "For your fighting style, I'd recommend that you check in with a retired adventurer named, uh, 'Gorbar the Sword.'"
Olpert's eyes widen, and he reels back. "Ah, I see that Lienne has evaded Durren and is headed this way. May the gods bless you and speed you on your way." Olpert Razorson stands up and approaches Lienne Vereel with open arms. "Good morning, Lienne! Aren't you a picture this morning? Would you do me the honor of a promenade on the town green?" He takes her arm and begins to escort her out, surreptitiously waving farewell to the three of you.
The Jarls have finished their meal and managed to get their children relatively tidy again. Abel and Elista look at you expectantly from their table in the shade.
"There's a few things that I wanted to make sure you know before you leave on your first assignment." He smiles. "First of all, know that we're very glad that you're here. It's just a very busy time, between the investigations and the work on getting our guild hall built and furnished, so we haven't taken the time to show you around town, and I'm sorry for that. You are welcome.
"Next is the matter of lodging. Normally when we come into town, we rent a building, and Cecily and I budgeted for that. But there aren't any buildings for sale or rent that will accommodate our needs here in Hochoch. So in addition to the guild hall, I'm hoping to get enough space in town to build a residence hall for our members, but that's going to take more money than I have here. Of course it's going to take a while to build it, too. Until that happens, I've been using our lodging funds to pay for our lodging when our members need help. I paid for you all last night, and tonight you will probably be hosted at the Jarl farm. But for when you return, there are several Inns here in town (though they are hurting for business without the usual caravan traffic from Orlane). The Thornhills here" Olpert gestures at the courtyard and the Inn of Eternal Rest, "Are giving us a group discount on lodging so that it's only 5 seals a night, which is a good deal for us and for them."
He looks up and to the side as he recalls what else he wanted to tell you. "Oh, yes. You may want to know who are the experts and mentors in your fields here in Hochoch."
This is to say: these are your class trainers."You've already met Diana; if any of you should need clerical training in the future, she'll be the one to train you." He looks at his notes. "Cormac is the fightmaster here in Hochoch; he should be useful in providing techniques for your combat specialty," Olpert nods at Manthis. "For your fighting style, I'd recommend that you check in with a retired adventurer named, uh, 'Gorbar the Sword.'"
Olpert's eyes widen, and he reels back. "Ah, I see that Lienne has evaded Durren and is headed this way. May the gods bless you and speed you on your way." Olpert Razorson stands up and approaches Lienne Vereel with open arms. "Good morning, Lienne! Aren't you a picture this morning? Would you do me the honor of a promenade on the town green?" He takes her arm and begins to escort her out, surreptitiously waving farewell to the three of you.
The Jarls have finished their meal and managed to get their children relatively tidy again. Abel and Elista look at you expectantly from their table in the shade.
Arya Arkon
Feb 19, 2025 11:14 am

Arya Arkon
Last edited February 19, 2025 11:15 am
Feb 19, 2025 1:42 pm

Looking over to shorter baker Rosemary, "Should be a fun adventure. Perhaps you can quickly bake us some goodies for the traveling." Traveling Manthis often likes quick snacks and tasty treats while traversing the wild lands. You can never have enough traveling beef jerky.
Last edited February 19, 2025 2:10 pm
Feb 19, 2025 3:25 pm
Smiling at Mantis, Rosemary nods. "I still have some leftover muffins, but I'm sure I can whip a few little travel snacks."
Feb 19, 2025 5:53 pm
You all are doing marvelous role-play, giving your characters distinct voices and motivations!Nebula says:
"Five seals for the entire group, I presume?"OOC:
A wonderful example! 50 CP per person is a huge discount on lodging prices, but I love the idea that Arya has little concept of money while simultaneously feeling condescending towards anything inexpensive/rustic.WanderOne says:
"I'm quite ready for this mission." and "Should be a fun adventure." Manthis often likes quick snacks and tasty treats while traversing the wild lands.OOC:
Manthis enthusiasm for adventure is catchy!DireHalfling says:
"I'm sure I can whip a few little travel snacks."OOC:
If you'd like to impose on the decrepit old elf, Cook*, to bake in his kitchen, you can roll a DC10 CHR (Persuasion) check...or, if you'd rather take that route, you could browbeat your hosts into yielding the facilities with a DC13 CHR (Intimidation) check. Either way, a success will yield tasty pastries for all.* - Presumably Cook has an actual elven name, but he's so old and has worked at the Inn for so many generations that no one still alive knows him by anything other than "Cook." Cecily might know his original name, but no one still in Hochoch does.
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