Chapter Two: Dragon Hatchery

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Apr 11, 2017 4:16 pm
Bughu comments dryly, "You do have a way with words, don't you?"
Apr 12, 2017 4:55 am
"He was lost to this oath, probably to a false promise of riches beyond his wildest dream if he never broke them and a spot by this 'Dragon Queens' side when he dies if he was loyal to her." Mryio solemnly says "My words were just that to him, words, he saw no meaning in any of them; if they didn't have anything to do with his 'Queen', they were poison and blasphemes." he kneels down, closes the man's eyelids, unties and puts the rope away.
Apr 12, 2017 4:52 pm
"Fanaticism runs strong with this Cult," Bughu states. "Inspired by their champions, no doubt. What have you discovered thus far in your attempts at diplomacy?"
Apr 13, 2017 2:46 am
"More than you've gotten hiding in your bush." Mryio states back "Avoid the lady in purple or seek her out if you're looking for the head honcho of this cave."
Apr 13, 2017 3:19 am
"The plan is to find the egg," says Bughu, giving a nod to Jon for direction. He turns back to Myrio. "Given that we will likely find more cultists and other mercenaries in these caverns, did you plan to try to talk your way through all of them first?"

This time the question is more sincere. Now in the maw of the beast, Bughu's preference for a workable strategy takes precedence.
Apr 13, 2017 5:28 am
"If we run into anymore, yes. Just because they are lost, doesn't mean they don't at least deserve a chance at redemption." Mryio gives a slight smile "I met a boy once, couldn't of been any older than 15, he pulled a dagger on me and demanded any gold or valuables that I might have or he'd end my life. Instead of giving into his demands, I offered him a job instead; a local job supplied by the tavern for pest elimination. I accompanied him, helped him complete this job, and let him keep the pay that came with it then walked him to his home; wasn't much bigger than a prison cell. Huddled in the corner was his mother holding his little sister, she had a terrified look on her face when I entered with her son; she was afraid I was going to bring him to justice and stammered he was a good kid." his face lights up as he goes on further into the story "The look of surprise from the mother and the smile on the kids face is something I'll never forget when he told her he earned the gold by honest means. I bought them a full meal and told the kid to keep on the steady and come to me if he wanted me to grab a job from the tavern and that's what I did, helped him whenever he asked and he was able to feed his family."

Mryio's face saddens "I failed him later that year. I took pilgrimage to strengthen the bond to my god during which the kid fell back to his old ways out of the need to feed his family. He was killed; his body was never found, never got properly laid to rest all because someone felt the need to attack instead of talk to him. Everyone has their own stories and their own reasons for the things they do, I just try to do them right."
Apr 13, 2017 7:15 am
"A good story," says Bughu, emotionless. "I also have one of failure, and it, too, involves a lad, younger than 15 by a season. He was a greenhorn, good eyes, but barely capable of pulling the string back on his bow.

"One day on winter patrol, he discovered a thief no older than himself, trying to break into the Duke's granary. He confronted this boy and was told that the thief was desperate for food, anything to stave off starvation for himself and his family in the cold season. The soldier took pity on this thief and averted his eyes to allow the lad to take as much as he needed; surely the Duke could spare a few sacks of barley and wheat.

"The failure came later. This 'thief' turned out to be an assassin. He poisoned the grains and spoiled the stores, weakening the military and those who relied on the food for winter. A rival attacked that dukedom the following spring, burning farmland and villages, and laying siege to the castle."

Bughu's face is stony. "Should the soldier have killed the thief? No. The thief should have been arrested and justice would determine his fate. Perhaps this thief really did have a starving family, or was forced to perform this act in order to save himself or a loved one. Perhaps the thief would have been executed for his crimes, justified or not; it is not the soldier's choice to decide. The soldier should have acted in accordance with his sworn duty, and in the context of his assigned task.

"In this regard, you are correct that each person has their own reasons for their actions. And perhaps everyone deserves a chance at redemption. But what determines righteousness? Who decides whether it is the soldier's story that deserves to be told, or the assassin's? Does the assassin deserve redemption after indirectly causing the death of hundreds? Does the soldier deserve redemption for the same? What about those that died, and the survivors that suffered?"

Bughu double-checks the security of his light crossbow before turning his attention to the tunnels beyond. "We can wax poetic until the Hells freeze, but for now we have a job to do. We must act in the context of our assignment, which is to secure the dragon's egg, and if we should happen to recover intelligence about the Cult's plans it would only be a bonus.

"You may talk to these cultists if you choose. I now see value in learning what we can from these cultists despite their ravings, so I will not stop you from speaking to whomever we come across. By that same token, you will not stay our hands from fulfilling our duty just so you can feel smug about righteousness and redemption. Are we clear?"
Apr 13, 2017 8:09 am
"Thank you for sharing your story. I believe everyone's should be told, omit knowledge and no one learns, if no one learns the world becomes blind. I would not deny either of the boys from redemption but those who gave the order; without knowing what this 'assassin' was told, we cannot fault him for what he did if he seeks redemption for it. Was it a terrible thing that he did? Yes but that is the definition of war and it will be as long as evil taints the innocent."

It is easy to tell he wants to continue on with his "lesson" but spares Bughu and the rest to get on with the mission at hand "I am not opposed to fighting. If they prove to be lost, as those two before, they are better off being silenced; lest they spread their poison to the future generation." Mryio will take point with his hands free from weaponry.
Apr 13, 2017 12:59 pm
You enter into the cave. The first chamber is a wide open area where several stalagmites poke up from the ground. Off to your east is a ledge overlooking a chamber. To the right of the ledge, broad steps are roughly hewn into a natural stone ramp. The cavern below is carpeted with a profusion of fungi ranging from a few inches high to nearly as tall as a human adult. Two paths lead through the fungi: one on the right and one on the left.

There is an alcove on the southern wall, deeply shadowed but apparently empty from what you can see.
Apr 13, 2017 3:40 pm
Bughu looks at Erich, pointing two fingers at his own eyes then indicating the alcove. What does the half-elf see with his darkvision?

As for the paths through the fungi, Bughu looks to see if there is any difference between the right and left.
Are there lit torches in this cave?


Perception - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Apr 13, 2017 4:06 pm
Bughu doesn't see any difference between the two paths.

Erich doesn't see anything in the alcove from where he stands about 40 feet away.

There are no torches in here, just the daylight from outside.
Apr 13, 2017 7:16 pm
Jon takes out a copper piece. "Heads we go right, tails we go left, hmm?" He flips it, catches it, and slaps it on the back of his hand.

The coin comes up tails. "Well, my friends. The copper has spoken."
Last edited April 13, 2017 7:17 pm


Coin toss (1 heads, 2 tails) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Apr 13, 2017 7:18 pm
Bughu nods, and begins to light a torch, which he will hand to Jon.
Apr 13, 2017 7:23 pm
What's your marching order gonna be?
Apr 13, 2017 7:26 pm
Myrio is on point. Bughu will follow second.
Apr 14, 2017 2:15 pm
Erich pulls his arcane focus free of its home, and mutters softly. A gentle light flares from the object, shining like a torch. With his other hand, he covers the light, experimenting with blocking the light and using it as a pinpoint source of illumination.
Casting light on my focus. Erich will remain in the middle of the group, eyes on the lookout for threats.
Apr 14, 2017 2:30 pm
Marching order: Mryio, Bughu, Erich, Jon ok with everyone?
As Mryio reaches the bottom of the steps, the final few collapse and he is sent tumbling forward into the right-hand path. As he lands, a couple of large violet mushrooms reach out and hit him with disgusting little feelers. As the feelers touch him, he feels his strength being drained away (21 and 19 vs AC. 2 and 3 necrotic damage). He stumbles back from the fungus, which withdraws its feelers back into itself.

Looking down the paths, it doesn't look like the left path has any of the violet fungi, while the right path is overgrown with it. Everyone else can avoid the trick stairs easily now that they are aware of them.
Apr 14, 2017 4:44 pm
Bughu hops over the last steps, reaching out to pull Myrio back while keeping his hand crossbow trained for any more threats.
Apr 14, 2017 10:49 pm
"I like my mushrooms brown and well-cooked, thank you," Jon mutters as he hops over the missing step.
Apr 15, 2017 5:36 am
Mryio reaches up and accepts Bughu's help with a nod of thanks. "If your mission is to find an egg, the right path could be either a prime location or the exact opposite. Were you told where this egg would be kept?"
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